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Male | 25

Why do I have headache, fever, and body pain?

I am a 25 year old male and I have headache, sore throat, body pain and fever since yesterday. I have taken azinthromyacin antibiotics. But nothing yet. What could be the problem?

Answered on 11th July '24

Based on what you have told me like a headache, a sore throat, muscle aches, and a fever it sounds like you might have flu, a viral infection. Antibiotics such as azithromycin won’t help because antibiotics kill bacteria not viruses; therefore they will do nothing for you if this is influenza. The only things to do for now are rest in bed all day with clear liquids (water) to drink while taking painkillers such as aspirin so that one can sleep comfortably through these unpleasant symptoms but should any of them become severe or last more than a week then please seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I’m feeling weak and I don’t know what to use

Female | 24

Vulnerability can be the outcome of a variety of reasons, including the fact that you are dehydrated, lack of nutrition, and the fact that you are too stressed or haven’t had enough rest. Classic symptoms might be dizziness, fatigue, or generally just being weak. To solve this, be sure to drink water, eat a proper meal, and sleep well. Additionally, adding low-impact exercise like walking is beneficial. Even so, if you still feel too exhausted or get even worse, the first necessary thing will be to ask the health care provider for an examination. Specialists can provide unique treatment and will exclude any hidden genetic illnesses. 

Answered on 14th Dec '24

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I’m feeling not concentrated and focused, I’m forgetting things, I wake at midnight and will not sleep then, my saliva and my whole body taste salty and my mood changes a lot

Male | 29

This could be a hormonal problem or a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in your body. I would advise you to see a diabetes specialist or a dietician to discuss this topic. Furthermore, developing a healthy bedtime routine as well as avoiding screens before bed is one of the points to take into account.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Light headaches, dyspnea, light headaches, fatigue and weakness, low sense of touch

Male | 16

Many medical conditions, including minor headaches, dyspnea, and low levels of sensitivity can be attributed to them. It is vital to get in touch with a qualified health professional to find out the reason behind the symptoms you have and to be diagnosed properly.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why am I losing so much weight so fast

Female | 35

Rapid weight loss can be as a trigger of a certain medical condition and this has to be attended to immediately. It can be caused by diabetes, Hashimoto's disease, or some other problems. You can have a consultaation with endocrinologist to detect the cause and manage the condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 19 years old female. I am slim I don't have a good diet I have achne on my face I think alought I am unable to sleep at night I try to sleep early but always when I sleep its 5 or 6 in the morning. Most of the time I have headache. Before this I have taken hemopathic medicine of headaches for 6 months but the course was of 1 year I wasn't able to complete it so for some time my headache was ok but now again it has started. It so hard for me to concentrate on my studies I live afar from my parents because of my studies. Whenever I eat something I feel like using washroom every single time my stomach ache. I feel very weak. I am an introvert every time when I try to connect with people I always feel nervous or down in front of others. I only feel good talking to my family and they have high hopes on me I cannot take them down I have be successful in my life but with these problems I don't think so I will be. Please tell me what is wrong with me.

Female | 19

Your face­ acne could relate to an unhe­althy diet. Trouble slee­ping may result from stress or anxiety. He­adaches might stem from not finishing your previous me­dication course. Stomach discomfort after eating could signal dige­stive issues. Fee­ling nervous and inability to concentrate may also link to anxie­ty. To improve, try eating healthie­r foods, managing stress levels, and re­suming headache treatme­nt. However, it's important to consult a doctor for personalize­d guidance and support.

Answered on 8th July '24

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I am suffering from fever with chills along with bodypain and mild headache

Female | 23

The flu which is caused by a virus may be the case. Fever with chills, body pain, and a mild headache are the usual flu indicators. It is advisable to rest, drink a lot of fluids, and take non-prescription fever and pain medication if needed. When your symptoms aggravate or you find it difficult to breathe, it is time to see a doctor. 

Answered on 30th July '24

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why is my appendix sent to lab after appendectomy? Is it done for every patient as standard? Or did they find anything unusual during surgery?

Male | 23

The purpose of sending the appendix to the lab after an appendectomy is to perform histopathological examination. This examination allows pathologists to analyze the tissue for any signs of inflammation, infection, or other abnormalities. It is a basic step to make sure that patient's overall health is fine and nothing else that requires further treatment. Patients should talk to their surgeon or doctor for any doubts or questions regarding their medical procedure.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Roj raat ko Sone se pahle mere pair ke talve Mein Dard rahti hai Jiske Karan main so Nahin paati hun mujhe kya Karni chahie

Female | 45

We advise you to consult a general doctor or a rheumatologist in case of a proper diagnosis of the condition which is the reason for your foot pain. Several possible sources of such pain can include plantar fasciitis, arthritis, or neuropathy. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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need tablets for fever and body psins

Male | 41

You see­m to have caught a viral illness - the common cold or flu. Fe­ver, body pains - these symptoms point to that. But don't worry, it'll pass. Ove­r-the-counter meds like­ acetaminophen, ibuprofen can he­lp. They reduce fe­ver and ease body pains. Follow dosage­ instructions carefully. Also, rest up and drink lots of fluids. 

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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My whole body aches, including my eyes my joints and my internals, I took muscle relaxers because I was told it should help (methocarbamol) and I'm also on birth control (Norethindrone)

Female | 20

Muscle relaxers like methocarbamol may help with muscle spasms but won't address the underlying issue. Birth control pills like Norethindrone typically don't cause widespread body aches. You must consult with your doctor to find out the causes of the pain, they may advice some tests or examination to check.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I diagnosed with subacute appendix, doctor advised me to wait for 6 to 8 weeks for removal of appendix should I wait or go for surgery.

Male | 33

If you have been diagnosed with subacute appendicitis, be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions. As a rule, surgical removal of the appendix is prescribed. With longer time waiting it may get worsen. If you want you can take a second opinion

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Head ache, body ache, stucked nose

Female | 70

Headache, body aches, and stuffy nose­ indicate a common cold or influe­nza virus. These illnesse­s can make you feel draine­d, achy, and unlike yourself. Rest, hydrate­, and consider over-the-counte­r medication for relief. 

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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Can I drink 2 month expire enron energy drink

Male | 17

No, do not consume expired energy drinks or anything that has expired. They can cause food poisoning.... The sugar in expired drinks can increase blood sugar levels.. The caffeine in expired drinks can cause high blood pressure,, arrhythmia and other cardiac problems. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 27th Jan '25

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Feeling one mild pain in thort

Male | 35

If you are feeling pain in your throat, it is wise you see an ENT professional. They will be able to assess your condition and then provide qualitative treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Please doctor I am having serious anal pain.

Male | 37

I recommend that you to pay a visit a gastroentrologist specializes gastrointestinal conditions. Anal pain has several causes that include hemorrhoids, fissures, abscesses, and infections. It is necessary to seek medical treatment quickly to avoid further complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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10 days ago I started having diarrhea and cramps, I couldn’t explain why because I was careful with what I ate. During the first days it was bad I had to wake up early in the morning to go to the toilet. On 7th day I started doing the following: - drinking a lot of mint tea - taking 5 drops of liquid propolis every day - took a teaspoon of cocoa raw once - ate toast and bananas and soup and rice only - no sugar for 2 days - taking one Imodium once a day Now it is the 10th day since I have this problem. Compared to the beginning, I no longer have diarrhea that wakes me up. I only feel the need to go once a day but the stool is still a little too soft. The main issue is the stomach ache and cramps which seem to be stronger than in the beginning. Nauseous in the morning after eating breakfast but didn’t throw up. Otherwise I feel fine - full energy, no weakness, no dehydration. If it’s worth mentioning I have an irregular sleep schedule where I sleep at 4-5 AM and wake up around noon every day (still 7+ hours of sleep) I noticed that before this issue started, I did the following things the day before: - started eating sunflower seeds - started taking vitamin D - ate persimmons for the first time this year - ate Cadbury chocolate for the first time I stopped all of them on my 7th day

Male | 24

Considering your symptoms, you may have a gastrointestinal infection or food poison. you consultyour doctor to evaluate your symptoms and prescribe an appropriate treatment. In the interim, remain hydrated and stick to a bland diet.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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