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Male | 19

Why did my LFT levels increase rapidly?

I am fall ill with jaudince before 15 days when the doctor give the lft test it was 6.56 before 15 days now it's been 16.46

1 Answer
Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Surgical Gastroenterology

Answered on 27th May '24

When someone has jaundice, their skin and eyes may turn yellow. Liver function tests revealed high results of 6.56 and 16.46 which means that there could be a problem with it not working properly at all; this might be caused by infections or damage from things like alcoholism. Drinking lots of water, eating well regularly, and steering clear of alcohol can all help your liver heal itself again. See a hepatologist so that they can give you the right treatment and look after you properly.

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Questions & Answers on "Hepatology" (150)

Hepatitis b positive High level viral load

Male | 31

Hepatitis B is a viral disease of the liver. High viral loads indicate active infection. Chronic cases elevate the risk of liver damage! Blood tests keep checking the infection and liver function. Vaccination is essential for preventing this! Stay away from alcohol. Remember to consult your doctor for checkups and treatments!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir can fibrosis at F3 can never reversed to F0 Liver

Male | 23

Fibrosis stage F3 refers to some serious scarring in your liver which is not good. The same thing can come from illnesses such as hepatitis or drinking too much. The good news is with the right treatment the fibrosis can improve and even revert to a healthier stage like F0. Eating a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol, and taking prescribed medications can all help in this process.

Answered on 25th Feb '25

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Kya 50% liver kharab hone ke bad liver theek ho sakta hai

Male | 35

The liver can partially recover even if it's 50% damaged, depending on the cause and overall health. Reversible conditions like viral infections or certain medication-related damage may allow for better recovery. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 49 years old, male, I have grade II Fatty liver

Male | 49

follow these herbal combination for complete cure :- sootshekhar ras 125 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water , send your reports initially

Answered on 11th July '24

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When you have liver cirrhosis does your belly get hard and tight and uncomfortable can't eat everything taste nasty got a bad knee that looks a bad infection like someone ate his knee off bad...

Male | 56

In advanced stages of liver cirrhosis, the abdomen can become distended and feel firm or tight due to fluid accumulation (ascites). This can cause discomfort and difficulty eating. Whereas changes in taste perception and a knee infection are not directly related to liver cirrhosis and would require separate evaluation 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I did my LFT last Thursday. The albumin, protein GGT and CRP were slightly elevated. I'm a diabetic. Should I be worried?

Female | 61

follow these herbal combination for complete cure - Sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day, pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water , send your reports

Answered on 29th Jan '25

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My brother has liver cirrhosis. Can ge be cured if he undergo stem cell therapy?

Male | 54

There's no definitive cure for liver cirrhosis. It is a condition where healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, and this damage is irreversible. Stem cell therapy is still under research and clinical trials, but it is not yet considered a standard treatment for liver cirrhosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have noticed I can see my pulse in my stomach, and it’s worrying me. I have recently researched stuff about abdominal aortic aneurysms (because I have health anxiety) and I noticed people state that is one of the symptoms. I don’t have any other symptoms, and I know it’s normal to see your pulse in your stomach sometimes, but a lot of people say it’s visible if you’re skinny and have less abdominal fat. I’m not skinny and I’m wondering if it’s still normal? I’m really worried if it’s not.

Female | 18

an abdominal aortic aneurysm needs medical intervention, the condition itself should be carefully evaluated. If your symptoms worry you, please make an appointment with a vascular professional as soon as possible.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Assalam o alailum doctor i m 2 years old girl i found my hepatitis positive there is no body for help me what should i do

Female | 21

follow these herbal combination for complete cure :- sootshekhar ras 35 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 2 gms twice a day, send her report initially

Answered on 10th July '24

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Hai i am male 49 years, from few months my platelets count reduced up to 27000. Gastro dr. do sonography and endoscopy, and find compensated cirrhosis of liver. i want to Know what is the long term effect and what kind of diet should i take. Thanks

Male | 48

If your doctor has suggested that you are suffering from compensated cirrhosis, this means the patient is in the early stage of cirrhosis. such patients need to be evaluated thoroughly for the cause of cirrhosis. Also these patients need to be under regular follow up with liver specialists to diagnose and treat complications when and where these complications arise. Also these patients need to be under strict liver-related diet control. Diet is generally modified and custom made for each and every patient. Hope this clears your doubt and reach out if you do have unresolved queries!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My brother in-law is suffering from jaundice from last two weeks and now it has been found that he also had a water in his lever. Not able to walk out, feeling so weak. His age is 36.

Male | 36

Consult a hepatologist or gastroenterologist, specialists from the best hospitals in India in liver disorders, for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. They will recommend a tailored treatment plan, which may include medications, dietary changes, or procedures, depending on the underlying cause. Encourage rest, proper nutrition, and adherence to medical advice for his recovery. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father has jaundice for 1 month. Bilirubin level 14. Few days ago father was given 5 blood.. But now hemoglobin levels is 6. Why the hemoglobin decreasing? What is the risk?

Male | 73

The decrease in hemoglobin could be due to continued blood loss, reduced red blood cell production, or hemolysis. Low hemoglobin levels can lead to fatigue, weakness, and other health risks. So consult his doctor soon for proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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