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Male | 18

Do I need to see a doctor for testicular pain?

I am in 18 year old boy. I had fever one week ago and now I had cough. Tomorrow when I touch my right testical from up and down it pained. It only pains when I touch it or put pressure on it. I have touch it and checked there is no water inside it or any type of inflammation. Do I need to go to a doctor or need to wait for its natural healing.

1 Answer

Answered on 26th Sept '24

You could have a condition called epididymitis, which is when the coiled tube behind the testicle gets swollen. This can be a result of a recent infection. It's nice that you have ruled out any swelling or fluid, but it is crucial to see a urologist. They might give you antibiotics that would help with the infection as well as relieve the pain. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1173)

Underactive bladder detrusor muscle weak is it possible to cure by stem cells therapy

Male | 42

For people with an underactive bladder caused by the weak detrusor muscle, I urge them to see a urologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment. While stem cell therapy has demonstrated a lot of potential in treating different medical conditions, there is yet no definite proof of its role in treating urine bladder problems. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Facing erectile disfunction

Male | 23

Having erectile dysfunction turns into a distressing situation for men. It is essential that a urologist, an expert in male reproductive disorders, be consulted in order to determine the exact cause and appropriate medications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I'm 19 year old female for the past 14 yrs of my life I was always weting on my bed I Don't know how to say that medically whenever I fell sleep with ou any medication I wake up on my bed fully wet i have started to the doctors when I was 13 the doctors said I have infection everytime and told stop drinking water past 4:30 Am at Some point of my life I never told it anyone of my friends and I hated it whenever my parents told to my relatives and now as today I have extremely back pain and i feel hungry also I have stomache for the past months I'm on medications but they are pricey and my parents hate it when I told that my medicine has ended I don't know what to do I'm 3rd year on my nurse bachelors so how the heck I'm supposed to work on shifts while not taking anything pls help me

Female | 19

Enuresis, a condition where one can't control their bladder during sleep could be the reason. It can occur due to infections or stress. The back pain and stomach issues could be connected. Your nursing studies make it all the more important to get help from a doctor to determine the exact cause and the best treatment, especially if you are in doubt. Be sure to tell your doctor everything and explain to your parents why it is important for you to keep taking your medicine.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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Ma'am mere ko cyst hai testicle mei

Male | 19

send your reports initially

Answered on 11th Aug '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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