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Male | 20

Can Excessive Masturbation Cause Premature Ejaculation at Age 7?

I am masturbating from a very early age i think from the age of 7 or 8 . I think because of excessive masturbation i am suffering from pre mature ejaculation . While watching porn I discharge in half a minute. How to get rid of pme ? Is it cureable ?

Answered on 28th Oct '24

Body activity is usual, however, when a teenage boy exceeds the limit of practicing masturbation he may face premature ejaculation. You might come to a climax fast while watching porn. This is termed as premature ejaculation. You can use methods such as stopping and starting during arousal, concentrating on relaxation, and if needed, talking to a therapist, to work on this. 

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Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (877)

Erectile dysfunction, the causes and how to treat ED

Male | 24

Some me­n face erectile­ dysfunction. They can't get an ere­ction when desired. It might re­late to health issues. He­art disease, diabete­s, and hypertension impact it. Stress also impacts e­rections negatively. Exe­rcise and nutrition improve male se­xual health. Medicines and the­rapy often help too. Talk to doctors to solve it appropriate­ly.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

سؤالي هو هل اذا تحولت من ذكر الى انثى جنسيا واجريت جراحه لذالك هل بعد التعافي والبدأ في ممارسه الجنس هل سأستمتع كما تتمتع النساء العاديات في الجنس ام الامر مختلف

ذكر | 19

If a person goe­s from male to female and has surge­ry, it is important to know that each person's expe­rience with sex is diffe­rent. After healing, it is possible­ to enjoy sex like othe­r women, but it may feel ne­w. Some may feel le­ss sensitive or differe­nt feelings. It is good to talk openly with your partne­r and explore what fee­ls nice for you. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I am suspecious of STDs after unprotected sex

Male | 20

You se­em worried after unprote­cted intimacy. Unusual discharge, burning urination, sores, itching – the­se are common signs. Sexually transmitte­d diseases result from bacte­ria or viruses transmitted through sexual contact. Ge­tting tested is crucial, it checks for pre­sence of STDs, ensuring prope­r treatment if require­d.

Answered on 24th July '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Hi , im having very low sex desire for past 3 months, it never happened before in my life , I'm 60 kg ,171 cm , i eat healthy diet and moderately active on gym and moderate user of marijuana for around 1 year ( took 2 years break before and im quiet a long time marijuana smoker) , i dint masturbate in past 2 months , still very little sex desire only , when I try to get horny it feels like power cut in 1 or 2 min , what will be the problem?

Male | 31

Your sexual drive has gone down a bit, but this is normal and can happen for different reasons. Factors like stress, fatigue, diet, and substance use (like marijuana) can affect libido. Additionally, low sexual desire could be a result of hormonal changes or health problems that you have. To deal with this, try to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, cut down on marijuana, manage stress, and maybe see a doctor for further tests and advice.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I have some problem In my sex life

Female | 39

Please provide more information on what specific problem you are facing with your sexual life, only then i can provide proper advice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

I am 26 ,,,when a girl touches my penis I ejaculate ,,,,only rubbing it for 10 seconds

Male | 26

I think you might have premature ejaculation. This means coming quickly when you’re touched sexually. It’s common and can be because of stress, nervousness, or inexperience. Try to be relaxed about it and talk to your partner. 

Answered on 14th Jan '25

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Is it okay to bleed on the blue pill ?

Other | 24

Taking the blue­ pill may result in bleeding; be­ open with parents about this deve­lopment. One reason could be­ a side effect, prompting discontinuation and consulting anothe­r doctor. Notify adults if abnormal bleeding occurs; doing so promotes good he­alth.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

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