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Male | 31

Pinworms persisting despite Albendazole treatment - Why?

i am suffering from pin worms problem till 1 years.i used albendazole but it did not works. problem is when i take albendazole worms comes out on my buttocks and i feel there movements on buttocks

Answered on 23rd May '24

Albendazole is a me­dicine that usually helps get rid of the­m. But sometimes you nee­d extra doses to fully banish pinworms. Wash hands freque­ntly, trim nails short, and change bedding often to stop the­ir spread. 

58 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

I am 33 yrs old female, i hv sleep disturbance from last 2 yrs , frequently dreaming through the night and feel asleep, only dreaming issue once going to bed ..pls guid me

Female | 33

Your probably facing this issue due to stress, anxiety, lifestyle habits, or other sleep disorders. Consult a doctor who can evaluate and give treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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One side head pain I give alliaot of pain cellar that's tramal sanflex etc

Female | 58

One-sided head pain could be migraines. Consult medical professional for diagnosis. Over-the-counter painkillers can help. Avoid triggers such as stress, lack of sleep, dehydration. Keep a headache diary to track patterns.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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So I had sepsis back in August of 2023 I have fully recovered since then and was wondering is it safe to get a piercing

Female | 19

It is recommended to wait at least a year after recovering from sepsis before getting a piercing. This is to ensure that your immune system has fully recovered and can handle any potential infections. It is also advised to consult with an immunologist or infectious disease specialist before getting a piercing to ensure that it is safe for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is it possible to catch genital herpes from someone with no symptoms of oral herpes. But has had previous outbreaks in the past ? I have been diagnosed with HPV but not sure which one yet. Ivd never had a coldsore or STD,/STI. I slept with someone 11 days ago and now have the symptoms of herpes

Female | 47

Yes, one can contract genital herpes. Even without symptoms. Get yourself checked for any unusual symptoms

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Dog has bite me 15 days ago intake tetnus nd anti rabies vaccine now today he again bites should i take vaccine again

Female | 26

If you have already got a tetanus and anti-rabies vaccine after the main bite, you should be fine. A second vaccine may not be necessary, but it's important to watch for symptoms like redness, swelling, pain, or fever. If any of these develop, seek medical attention immediately.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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I have nausea and loss of appetite and bloating and mouth taste ,I took gravinte but I don't get relief

Female | 18

Experiencing nausea, loss of appetite, bloating, and changes in taste can be due to many reasons. While Gravinate may help with nausea, You need to consult a doctor for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

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Patient drowsiness termor swelliing abdomen and leg

Female | 62

This indicates some gastrointestinal conditions. Please connect with a specialist

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I woke up sick and I don't know what it is or what to do about it. My symptoms are sore throat (painful, especially when swallowing), runny nose, and frequent random stomach aches. This began yesterday morning and I think I am getting worse today.

Female | 117

It SOUNDS like you have a common cold. Rest and hydrate.. Over-the-counter medicine can help . CONTACT a doctor if symptoms worsen or don't improve in a few days. Remember to DRINK plenty of fluids and get plenty of REST.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Does height supplements will work for me, I am a 14 year old boy.Iam currently 5.2 feet and my father's height is 5.2 feet and mother's height is 4.8 feet. I have hit puberty early like 11 or 12. Can I grow to 5.7 feet with daily exercises and necessary food

Male | 14

So, I would refer you to a pediatric endocrinologist for a thorough evaluation of your chances of reaching the normal height. But exercise and a good diet are vital for growth, the use of height supplements is not recommended showing that they are not effective. The specialist can suggest a combination of other interventions that best suits you in terms of your needs and potential growth.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I tested positive for syphillis and begative for HIV. I’ve treated syphillis a week ago. i would want to know if I should retest for HIV or take PRePs for HIV.

Male | 27

When you have already been treated for syphilis then take a retest for HIV after six weeks. But PrEP alone is not enough. You still have to be safe while engaging in sexual intercourse.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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breathing difficulty, chest pain and fever

Male | 44

It can be symptoms of common cold or if it persist it may be something serious. See a specialist if persists for long

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have swollen lymph nodes is it because of HIV

Female | 22

Swollen lymph nodes can occur due to many reasons, and while HIV infection can sometimes lead to swollen lymph nodes, it is not the only possible explanation. Many other factors, such as infections (both viral and bacterial), autoimmune conditions, and even common illnesses like the flu, can cause swollen lymph nodes.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I've been experiencing pain and numbness in my left side of my body.

Male | 25

Experiencing pain and numbness on the left side of your body could be indicative of various underlying health issues. Consult a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 31 year male I was feeling dizziness & dry throat then I taken vitamin c chewing tablet then after 1.5. Hours I taken dinner then immediately I taken calcium tablet is it will create any problem the way like I consume the medicine

Male | 31

Dizzine­ss and dry throat can happen due to dehydration or low blood sugar. Taking vitamin C and calcium table­ts together may not cause proble­ms right away, but it could upset your stomach later. Take table­ts with time in betwee­n to avoid stomach issues. Follow dosage and timing instructions on labels. If you still fe­el unwell, see­ your doctor.

Answered on 24th July '24

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Hi doctor please tell me paracetamol 5bal lena se kuch hota to nhi hai

Male | 30

Paracetamol is a safe medication provided it is utilized properly. Excessive dosages might lead to liver toxicity and serious complications. The telltale signs of paracetamol overuse may include tummy pain, feeling bad and even vomiting. Following the packet information is most important and not taking more than the recommended medicine. If there has been overuse of paracetamol, urgent medical help is needed.

Answered on 25th June '24

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What is this hard lump on the side of my nose? looks red and noticeable. It doesn't hurt or move. I tried popping it, but there's nothing to pop. Side of my eye looks swollen too

Female | 35

From your description, it seems you have a nasal polyp that is a non-cancerous growth that most often develops in the nasal or sinus lining. Go see an ENT doctor for further evaluation, because polyps can cause breathing problems and other complications if untreated. Do not try to press or squeeze the lump, as this might irritate your skin and make the condition worse.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Do you smell toast when you have a stroke?

Female | 32

Olfactory hallucinations could also appear where one sneezes or smells something burning; like toast, when nothing is actually cooking near. This can be in the context of a stroke and other neurological events. But this is not a typical or consistent sign of stroke. The commonest presenting symptoms of a stroke include sudden numbness or weakness, on the one hand and confussion, difficulty in speaking , vision problems dizziness loss order to balance. In case you develop any of the mentioned symptoms or are worried that it might be stroke, taking immediate treatment from a neurologist becomes crucial. In such situations, quick treatment is vital.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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