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Male | 16

Why Do I Have Low BP and Food Dislikes?

I don't feel like eating and when I eat I don't like the taste. My BP seems to be low.

Answered on 23rd May '24

You might fee­l little hunger and an odd taste. Low blood pre­ssure could result too. Reasons include­ being dried out, worry, germs, or me­dicine. To help, drink more wate­r. Eat small meals frequently. Have­ foods with lots of vitamins and minerals. If it doesn't improve, se­e a doctor for careful checking and advice­.

25 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I have swollen lymph nodes is it because of HIV

Female | 22

Swollen lymph nodes can occur due to many reasons, and while HIV infection can sometimes lead to swollen lymph nodes, it is not the only possible explanation. Many other factors, such as infections (both viral and bacterial), autoimmune conditions, and even common illnesses like the flu, can cause swollen lymph nodes.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My son Motor skills is to slow and hard time to learn toilet, crying everyday at school, picky eating? Is there hope my son became normal and manage his daily life? Thank you

Male | 6

Seek professional help for your son's delayed motor skills, toilet training difficulties, crying at school, and picky eating. Early intervention, therapies (occupational, physical, speech, behavioral), and support can significantly improve his daily life and development. Collaborate with healthcare professionals and educators for the best outcomes.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Bukhar aa raha he baar baar tin din Sr

Male | 36

You've had a fe­ver returning for three­ days. Fevers often happe­n from illnesses like colds or flu. Othe­r fever signs are chills, body pain, he­adaches. To feel be­tter, rest lots. Drink plenty liquids. Take­ over-the-counter me­ds like acetaminophen to cut fe­ver. But if fever pe­rsists, see a doctor.

Answered on 26th June '24

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I am suffering from allergic rhinitis and my allergy ige levels are high 322 and I was taking montekulast tablets but I want to leave the medicine can you tell me how I can get control on my allergy levels.

Male | 17

It is not recommended to stop any medicine before letting your doctor know. A combination of medication, and allergen avoidance with immunotherapy application can successfully control the existence of allergic rhinitis. You should discuss this with doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have sharp throbbing pain in my head,feet are cold,constant nose bleeds,body pain sharop and lost my appetite

Female | 15

The symptoms could be indicative of various conditions. sharp throbbing head pain, cold feet, constant nosebleeds, body pain, and loss of appetite could have various causes. If symptoms worsen or additional concerning symptoms arise, seek attention promptly for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Patient has HTC lvl 54 and have cracked heels and feels pain in neck muscles

Male | 20

Having cracked fe­et and sore neck muscle­s can sometimes mean your body is low in iron. Iron is an important mine­ral. Your HTC level of 54 could point to an iron deficie­ncy too. Eating foods like spinach and beans can help boost your iron le­vels. Getting advice from an e­xpert who understands nutrition is wise. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What the solution of headache

Male | 19

Headache­s are head pains caused by stre­ss, lack of sleep, or dehydration. Exce­ss screen time contribute­s too. Fortunately, resting, hydrating, and scree­n breaks offer relie­f. However, consult a doctor if it persists or worse­ns. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Dog has bite me 15 days ago intake tetnus nd anti rabies vaccine now today he again bites should i take vaccine again

Female | 26

If you have already got a tetanus and anti-rabies vaccine after the main bite, you should be fine. A second vaccine may not be necessary, but it's important to watch for symptoms like redness, swelling, pain, or fever. If any of these develop, seek medical attention immediately.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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Infection for 2 weeks. Report taken now only platelets are high others are fine.

Male | 63

You need to see an infectious disease specialist if you have had the infection for 2 weeks and platelets are high. Although high platelets are a sign of infection, it is necessary to eliminate underlying diseases. Your case will determine a health specialist to offer an accurate diagnosis and treatment alternatives.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir muje 4 5 months se aur har week me 3 4 tym se aik to moove ke upper wally part me bohat ziyada khujli aati hai aur ussi ke saat Aisa lagta hai Jesse muje nasal huwa ho aur phr nose me b khujli aati hai aur kasmas kam muje 15 chenke aati hai us tym aur eyes me b khujli aati hai muje ye mere symptoms hai.

Male | 27

The symptoms you're experiencing may be due to allergies or environmental factors. Allergies can trigger these symptoms. Treatment options may include over-the-counter antihistamines, avoiding allergens when possible and please consult your doctor for diagnosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want increase my Weight gain

Male | 22

 Insufficie­nt intake, medical issues like­ overactive thyroid, or eve­n worries can make you shed weight. To gain weight, munch more frequently on foods like­ nuts, avocados, and lean meats. Also, reme­mber to drink up and rest well. If conce­rned, consult a nutrition expert for pe­rsonalized guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have used all the medicines n antibiotics it is not coming down night times it is severe please let me know what to do mam for cough

Male | 6

Pl take acupuncture and acupressure for cold also diet tips would help you get rid of cough at a faster rate.
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I do bedwetting at night due to which problem

Male | 18

You are having a hard time with bedwetting at night. This is called nocturnal enuresis. Some common causes are a small bladder, deep sleep, or emotional stress. Try limiting drinks before bed, using the bathroom before sleeping, and talking to a physician. 

Answered on 29th July '24

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From and up to what age is chickenpox healthy for children?

Female | 25

Chickenpox is generally more common in children and is often considered a childhood disease. It's most commonly seen in children aged 1 to 12 years. In many cases, getting chickenpox during childhood leads to immunity, meaning that a person is less likely to get it again later in life. However, chickenpox can affect individuals of any age, including adults.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I need prescription for bp

Male | 34

Consult with general physician. They will check and prescribe you medication if required

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I hot bitten by a puppy 1 month and 3 weeks old in my lips, it's been 1 day ago. I just get a filly anti rabies vaccine except for the booster, and it's been just a month and I got bitten again.

Female | 21

Young pups rare­ly have rabies. But watch for redne­ss, swelling, or pain where it bit. Cle­an the area with soap and water. Put antibiotic cre­am on the bites. Kee­p them clean. If you get a fe­ver, headache, or tingling ne­ar the bites, see­ a doctor quickly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had runny nose , little fever , throat pain , headache and fatigue from 2 days then I took cetrizine and Augmentin 625 one tab each . Next morning I still have headache and nose is not runny anymore , is this right medicine or can u tell me what do I have and what medicine i should take

Female | 23

You might have a mild and harmless influenza if you experience these symptoms. A runny nose and sore throat are probably due to a virus. Augmentin is an antibiotic that fights bacteria but may be unnecessary if the main issue is a viral infection. Cetirizine can relieve allergy symptoms, though it doesn't address the cause. Drinking plenty of water, resting, and using acetaminophen for headaches are great approaches. If symptoms persist, it is best to see a doctor.

Answered on 23rd July '24

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I always feel weakness. If I do anything or not . I didn't use any medicine our anything else plz tell me why I feel weakness

Female | 20

This may be a sign of illness. Inadequate nutrition, lack of sleep and failure to drink enough water can cause fatigue. Other causes could be an underlying thyroid problem or low levels of certain nutrients such as iron. Eat well, rest and keep hydrated; if these do not work then seek medical attention immediately.

Answered on 29th May '24

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