Female | 22
Is Bleeding After Taking iPill Normal or a Sign of Pregnancy?
I had my period on 27th October and had sex on 2nd Nov(7th day of my period and I was clear on that day) and took ipill on the same day .after 4 days today I had my bleeding again 7th Nov. So am I pregnant or is this normal period?

Answered on 13th June '24
Considering that you had sex on the 7^{th} day of your menstrual cycle and took an oral emergency contraceptive, it is highly unlikely for one to be pregnant. Bleeding after taking an emergency contraceptive pill is normal; it occurs because your body reacts to the increased dosage of hormones in the tablet. Nevertheless, if you have any apprehensions or develop any weird symptoms seek a gynecologist for accurate diagnosis.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4735)
Hy , unwanted 72 pills lene ke kitne din baad periods aate hai, unwanted 72 pills ke saath 2 painkiller lene se koi side effects toh nhi hota h
Female | 20
Unwanted 72 pills make periods start within one week. Taking two painkillers with it might be fine. But, some people could feel a little sick or get a small headache. If you have bad symptoms like tummy pain, feeling dizzy, or bleeding weirdly, get medical help.
Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
i am a 20yr old female, i had sex a week and a half ago and he thinks he got my pregnant. we used condoms. i had my period two weeks ago. i am experiencing cramping, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue
Female | 20
Cramps, dizziness, feeling sick and tired are signs of many things, not just being pregnant. So you are less likely to be pregnant if it was only two weeks ago when your last period started and you used condoms. These symptoms could also be brought on by stress, changes in what you eat, or any illness. Anyway ensure that you drink lots of water, eat properly and rest enough. If these symptoms persist consult a gynecologist.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
i have been experiencing discomfort, itching and yellow/white discharge in my vagina
Female | 18
A vaginal yeast infection may be causing your discomfort. Itching and yellow or white discharge are common symptoms. Over-the-counter antifungal creams or suppositories can help relieve symptoms. Loose clothes and cotton underwear allow better airflow to the area. If symptoms persist, see a gynecologist for further guidance.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Sir, I had physical relations on 17th September but my normal period came on 7th October and now it should have come on 7th November but it did not come. Earlier also it used to get delayed by 10-15 days. Can I get pregnant?
Female | 24
The reality of the situation is that a natural conception can occur if you have been having sexual intercourse. On some occasions, the duration of the menstrual cycle might change a little and periods will show up at various times, or if the cycle is delayed and you start to experience different sensations, such as tiredness, nausea, or breast tenderness, you could take a pregnancy test and also visit a gynecologist.
Answered on 25th Nov '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Hi this is a 20 year old girl who seeks for claroty.I started bleeding heavily non stop during February this year, had sore breasts too when I squeezed done of them watery discharge came out. all of this happened while on contraceptives (nur-injection). I went to a clinic and a nurse told me to not worry since it's normal and gave me ovral 28 to stop the bleeding and it did stop. Now what I'm concerned about is the increased discharge that started having before my August periods and even now after the periods it's still there and the one on the breadt when squeezed. I stopped taking the birth controls at that time I didn't go for my second jab on March this year.
Female | 20
Heavy bleeding and discharge from the breasts can be due to hormonal imbalances. After birth control, the hormone balance may have been disrupted thus these changes occurred. Consult a gynecologist to undergo a thorough examination and address your concerns for the optimal treatment approach.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Sir doctor, My mother is suffering from severe abdominal pain. Menstrual bleeding occurring. Irregular menstrual cycle. Result of sonography is bulky uterus. Sir plzzz inform me about the possible cause of these symptoms and what may be the treatment. Did my mother needs any surgery or it can cure by the use of certain medication ?
Female | 47
Irregular menstrual cycles are common during the perimenopausal age group. She needs a check-up. Initially, we need to give her a medical line of treatment for decreasing the pain and regularisation of menses. Endometrial thickening needs to be evaluated and treatment planned accordingly. You can visit The Best Gynecologist for more information.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Meghana Bhagwat
My mother had bypass last year. Now she's again having acute pain in her chest. With the pain her skin colour gets really dull & pain lasts for mins.
Female | 58
Considering your mother's background of having had Bypass Surgery and Acute Chest Pain, such acute pain can signal a possible heart problem. I highly recommend you make an appointment with a cardiologist for an in-depth examination without hesitation.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I had an intercourse yesterday but the condom broke and we came to know but i suspect some sperm went inside my body i ate unwanted 72 pill 8 to 10 hours after all this but i still fear pregnancy what should i do
Female | 18
Taking an unwanted 72 within 8 to 10 hours after unprotected intercourse can reduce the risk of pregnancy, but it is not 100% effective. Talk to a doctor for professional advice and discuss other contraceptive options for the future.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I missed my period recently bt I didn’t had any sexual activities. Am I gonna be fine? When Can I possibly get my period again? Is there any way to get it again?
Female | 18
Not having your period can be a little scary even if you haven’t been engaging in sex. when this happens, the main causes can be stress, weight change, hormonal imbalance, or starting a new medication. Your period should come within a few weeks. But until then try to relax more often than not, eat balanced meals every day, exercise regularly, and manage stress. If it doesn’t show up when expected then it might be a good idea for you to see a gynecologist for a check-up.
Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Me and my girlfriend has sex 2 time before period but she got periods after 1 week can she stil get pregnant
Female | 24
If a girl has sex before her expected period and then it comes on, she is likely not pregnant. However, some women may have light bleeding or spotting in the early weeks of pregnancy which can be mistaken for a period. If your girlfriend’s cycle was normal with the usual flow for 3-5 days then she is probably okay. Periods are sometimes irregular due to stress among other things so I wouldn’t worry too much about it unless there are other signs as well.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I had a pre period symptoms since April 14, and April 18 is my expected period day, but I did sex on April 17, today is April 22, but still not start my period even I don’t have any period symptoms now, Will I be pregnant?
Female | 25
Delayed menstruation doesn't necessarily signify pregnancy. Stress and hormonal fluctuations could also cause this. If you're eager to know, consider taking an at-home pregnancy test – it's straightforward.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I did intercourse, but condom get ripped and when he about to came, he pulled it out. Am not sure if he pulled at right time, may be a little drop might went in. And 2 days after that I got first but very small period blood. And for the safe side i took unwanted72 after 60hrs of that incident and got headache.Is this a sign of pregnancy? Last period - 21 Date of intercourse - 12 Date of pills - 14 Date of bleeding - 14
Female | 19
You did the right thing and took the emergency contraception pill. The little period blood you had may be due to your body getting used to the pill. Blame it on the pill, or do you think it’s a sign of pregnancy? Moreover, you should know that yet another headache is the most common side effect of the emergency contraceptive pill. If in doubt, take a pregnancy test after a couple of weeks.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I’m 42 and I haven’t had a period in 3 months and the 3 before were lighter shorter but very crampy . 12 months ago I was having heavier, longer and more painful periods. I had an ultrasound, an internal ultrasound and a Pap test which all showed everything is normal. Recently I saw an OB GYN. I asked if I could be perimenopausal. She asked if I get hot flashes and when I said no she basically brushed off the question. I don’t get hot flashes and know that not always a symptom. I do have more facial hair, mood swings, sleep problems, night sweats and obviously irregular periods. She did a biopsy of my uterine lining. She did not ask if there was any possibility that I could be pregnant first. I am most likely not as my boyfriend has retrograde ejaculation and does not ejaculate when he orgasm. Her solution was to put in an IUD which I have not had done as of yet the appointment to do so is coming up. I understand that IUDs can lessen painful heavy periods that can occur before menopause. But as I am not having periods or any signs of a period would there be any benefit to this? I have heard many horror stories of IUDs and I’m just trying to make a good decision.
Female | 42
According to your symptoms, you are most likely having perimenopause. Women are told that menopause is only certain and official after 12 consecutive months without menstruating. It is suggested that you have a discussion with a gynecologist in regard to your symptoms and worries. They can make the decision for you whether an IUD will be suitable for you
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I have been getting my period for 16 days, and it is extremely heavy. What should i do?
Female | 14
This may be an indication of a medical condition like uterine fibroids or endometriosis. I suggest you to go to a gynecologist immediately. They will diagnose and treat any conditions that are causing you to have long and heavy periods.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Can I give birth to babies if my appendix is gone
Female | 28
In case you have a vaginal birth, your chance won't be lessened by anything, not even the absence of your appendix. The appendix is a small organ in the belly that can get infected in some cases, and pain will be one of the most common symptoms that you will feel while the inflammation is going on. When the appendix is removed, there are no severe problems that can prevent your body from functioning normally. So don't worry, after the removal of your appendix, you can still go through a normal birth.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I m 21year old female I have the problem in vegaina bleeding and burning sensation in toilet for the last evening please you suggest me what is the problem please
Female | 21
There are a number of things that can cause bleeding or a burning feeling in your vagina. Yeast infections are one such cause and they often lead to these symptoms. Another cause is wearing tight clothing or using products with scents around the area which may also irritate it. Therefore, it is best if you avoid such items and put on loose cotton panties instead. Additionally, try using over the counter yeast infection creams for relief from itching & burning sensations. However if no improvement is seen after doing so then it would be wise to go see a gynecologist who will further examine you.
Answered on 3rd June '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I have boils around labia majora and gradually on mons pubis... Whitish in color like fluid filled... Seeing since 1 month.... Does this seems STDs... How to know and solution
Female | 20
If you have boils around the labia majora and mons pubis, you can preferably a gynecologist. It could be due to various reasons, including infections or skin conditions, which may or may not be related to STDs.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I'm 18 years old girl , I had last proper period on 20th April. then I found cramping and spotting 1 or 2 days on 15th MAY (expected period due) . then I take urine test (at 5pm) after 5 days of spotting but it showed negative urine test! then I wait for next month and thought the period will come normal but in the 2nd month i didn't feel any blood but felt cramp and spotting again (not sure it was spotting again or discharge) on 17th june. then I test again on 20th and 21th and 25th june but still showing negative. ( summary: No proper periods from 2 months and still negative urine test). Please tell Me I'm pregnant or some other issues has happend? I dont have any nausea or vomiting. My husband went out of country last week so no one is here to take me to doctor. but I have pregnancy strips! one more thing we did protected sex but 2 time my husband cum outside vagina!
Female | 18
Based on your description of the situation, it is conceivable that these irregular periods and negative pregnancy test results might be attributed to hormonal differences or emotional strains. It is possible that your cycle can be disrupted due to various reasons. Since you are free of any nausea or vomiting, the chances of pregnancy are minimal. However, to confirm, it is wise to consult a gynecologist who will carry out a full diagnosis to be certain of the problem.
Answered on 28th June '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I had unprotected sex during my ovulation circle but I am seeing heavy flow of blood close to my menstrual period what could cause
Female | 32
Experiencing heavy bleeding close to your menstrual period after unprotected sex during ovulation could be due to several reasons, including hormonal changes, implantation bleeding, or the start of your regular period. It's important to monitor your symptoms. If the heavy bleeding continues or you experience any other unusual symptoms, please consult a gynecologist to rule out any underlying issues and to get appropriate care.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Periods over bleeding.marriage is only 15; days'
Female | 25
Long periods more than 15 days long may be a sign of a health issue like fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, or adenomyosis. Therefore, a visit to a gynecologist is necessary in order to get an exact diagnosis and the appropriate treatment. Going to a specialist for medical interventions will enable the disease to be managed successfully.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
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