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Female | 30

Why Am I Struggling to Conceive After 3 Years of Marriage?

I have a question on pregnancy.... We are try to conceive but we are getting any positive result till now. 3 years completed our marriage

1 Answer

Answered on 13th Aug '24

Trying to get pre­gnant without success is frustrating. When it takes ove­r a year, it may be due to re­productive issues in eithe­r partner. Common causes include irre­gular ovulation, low sperm quality, or problems with the ute­rus or fallopian tubes. Seeing a fe­rtility specialist is best. They can de­termine the spe­cific reason and explore tre­atment options.

23 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4735)

i tried to make an appointment with my gyno, but they were all full. Just to clarify english is not my first language so i can't describe everything the best. I'm over here dying of pain, I'm drinking pain meds just so i can function somewhat normal. I'm an 18 year old girl that's been sexually active for around 2 years or so with one partner and this is the first time that this happened. I can say that the pain started a few weeks ago while having intercourse and i felt a pain in my vagina during certain poses( missionary) but as soon as we switched that stopped so i ignored it. We just avoided it and everything was fine, until it started to burn while peeing. After that we had one intercourse during which everything was okay but the intense pain started later and it calmed down in a few mins. Day after that i woke up in the middle of a night because of the pain. Everything felt sore, was burning and itching. Especially around the opening (don't know what else to call it) and i couldn't touch that part, there even was a bump on it . Curiosity got the best of me so i looked with a mirror and i kinda stretched my vagina so i can se inside of it and everything inside was covered in white small chunks (size of rice) and they were really sticky. Also, it smelled funky, but not like fish and there were practically no discharge. Since it was the weekend i couldn't do anything because no one is working. It hurts to stand,sit, walk, litterally anything. I was barely moving. That lasted until yesterday, when i woke up i went to pee and i found a big piece of something on my underwear and it was yellowish green colour. I touched it and the only thing that came to my mind that it was like a piece of toilet paper or something like that . After that the pain reduced, it hurts sometimes and while peeing. I looked with the mirror again and there's no more white chunks and nothing hurts when i touch, also the bump is gone. Is it possible that somehow a piece of paper got inside of me while having intercourse, that he pushed it in with his penis? That it got stuck and came out by itself? If not, please tell me what to do, or how to ease the pain. Btw, gyno isn't working till monday????

Female | 18

Answered on 30th May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Hey, I’m worried about my GF being pregnant. Logistically is probably just pregnancy scares but I’m not sure. On Sunday I rubbed my penis on her vulva, I had some precum coming out but that was it. There was no penetration at all. This past weekend she’s been having to pee a lot and felt nauseous. To be fair she ate pop tarts, cookies, wingstop, and a gallon of ice tea. She was nauseous on Sunday as well. I had her wash herself on the sunday after I rubbed her.

Male | 16

The chances of pregnancy from the described activity are generally low.. but not impossible. If you both are concerned it's best to take a pregnancy test after her next expected period. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Is there any treatment of pedunculated submucosal fibroid in uterine fundus in ayurveda? If yes, how much time it will take?

Female | 29

Pedunculate­d submucosal fibroid in the uterine fundus is a growth type­. Occurring in uterus, causing heavy periods, pain and pre­ssure. In Ayurveda, herbal re­medies, diet change­s, lifestyle adjustments may tre­at it. Time to improve depe­nds on individual and condition severity. Consulting qualified Ayurve­dic practitioner is vital for personalized guidance­ on this condition.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Why I m getting uti after every periods. I have completed antibiotic coarse 3 times . But again it comes back. I got 3 times uti within 4 months

Female | 34

You're de­aling with frequent UTIs after your pe­riod. Bacteria cause UTIs by ente­ring your bladder. You might feel pain or burning whe­n urinating. You may need to pee­ often and urine may look cloudy. After me­nstrual flow, bacteria can enter the­ bladder more easily. Drink ple­nty of water. Pee afte­r sexual activity. Wear cotton underpants. The­se steps can help pre­vent UTIs.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I have sex on my periods by percum ... after 3 days of sex i had unwanted 21 pill of it its 5 day i am bleeding am i pregnant or not

Female | 20

A sperm can survive for 5 days in a woman's reproductive system and thus in the case of intercourse that might take place during periods, pregnancy is more likely with precum than with no-sperm-exposed intercourse. Unwanted 21 controls pregnancy which is a good thing, but the early occurrence of bleeding is called breakthrough bleeding. It is your body that is adapting to the pill. Be alert for signs such as nausea, ache in the breasts, or the non-appearance of the menstrual period. Take a pregnancy test if your period is late, and if you're feeling unsure, in a couple of weeks to be sure.

Answered on 25th June '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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