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Is it possible to replace unaligned teeth when suffering from Periodontal Disease?

I have been suffering from Periodontal Disease and I have completed my Laser Surgery Treatment recently. But due to Periodontal Disease, my teeth got unaligned and front two teeth got unaligned badly. Therefore, I want to replace these two teeth. Is it possible?

Pankaj Kamble

Pankaj Kamble

Answered on 23rd May '24

It's advised that you don't or the infection can go deeper, but we will say that you approach your dentist and confirm things, or take second opinions from other periodontists, our page might help - Periodontists in India.

85 people found this helpful

Answered on 23rd May '24

ideally you should wait for the gums to heal completely & after that realignment is possible

38 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dental Treatment" (330)

 Hii Doctor,  My teeth are constantly yellow. My gums occasionally bleed when I brush more than once a day, despite the fact that I've switched toothpastes.

Male | 34

you require to visit a local dentist & get a deep subgingival scaling done. if the issue of bleeding gums is not resolved with it then further procedure needs to be carried out.
for yellow teeth , teeth whitening can be performed.

avoid soda or carbonated drinks, 
avoid coffee tea
quit smoking 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Should I get braces treatment from a prosthodontist?can anyone suggest me the best place for fixing braces in Kolkata?

Male | 27

orthodontist are trained to render braces treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I want to get teeth whitening done. Can you tell me the cost for it ?

Male | 30

Cost of Teeth Whitening starts from Rs 7000 (Teeth Bleaching) and Rs 2000 for Scaling.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How many times can we put a abutment screw in the implant body

Abutment screw can be placed in implant body as per requirement and can be removed if needed any number of times but without damaging threadings of implant body.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is a "full" dental implant. Is it a serious operation? What's the cost? Is it unfit for diabetics? what are the  Success rate and duration of the procedure.

Male | 55

i didn't understand what do you mean by full. one implant procedure or full mouth case.

it's not at all a serious operation, it's a minor surgery.

cost is around 40-50k per implant.

success rate depends on a lot of factors like bone, hygiene maintended by the patient after surgery.

duration is around 3-6 months.

not unfit but the success ratio drops a little for diabetics as dealing is delayed & bone might not react so well, but 8/10 cases do well

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is cost of RCT for milk teeth? Child age 9 years Call me 9763315046 Pune

Female | 9


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello Doctor, I am 46 yrs, the gums in my mouth are receding, the teeth seems like they are becoming larger, and the space between the teeth are also widening. doctor please tell me what is it, i'm worried.

Male | 46

You need to get a dental opg done & a lateral cephalogram.xray done
after that orthodontist opinion willl need to be taken into account.

please visit Casa Dentique Navi Mumbai for this particular treatment option 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is the cost for root canal treatment with capping

Female | 56

The cost of a root canal treatment with capping can vary depending on factors like tooth's complexity, existing infection, location of tooth, wide range of materials for the cap/crown. On average, it can range from a few thousands to over 15 thousand rupees . It's best to consult with us at for an accurate estimate based on your specific situation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi can braces help me to align my teeth? Or are there other options too? See I am a college girl. My teeth are not properly set. I wanted to fix it. But also I have seen one of my cousins had to wear the braces for quite a long time and it is very difficult sometimes to eat. So is there any other way to align the teeth? To whom should I consult? I am from Silivri.

Female | 23

yes braces can align your teeth. You have to consult an orthodontist. other ways of alignment of teeth are Invisalign or aligners and ceramic braces. if your teeth correction are moderate then aligners can help but if too much complex then only option is braces. You can go for self ligation braces which is much more comfortable

Answered on 23rd May '24

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It was yesterday that my daughter's tooth pain was relieved, and she was prescribed a rx for Augmentin and Metrogel, which she took this morning, but she started vomiting less than a minute after we gave her the medicine at 2:47. Is there anything more we should be doing for her at this point? Please, doctor, tell me what I should be doing to get her well.

Male | 43

please get in touch with the dr who has prescribed this medicine at the earliest & tell him about this
ideally he should have prescribed an antacid along with it too.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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