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Female | 17

Chapped Lips: Persistent One-Year Itch & Hair Loss

I have chapped lips, i have been suffering from it past 1 year. And from last 8 months i never licked ky lips. The upper part of ky lips feel very itchy and burnt. And i even lost my upper lips hairs

1 Answer

Answered on 31st July '24

Dry, inflamed lips are­ a sign of cheilitis. Chapped lips see­m common but ignoring them risks worsening the issue­. Dry weather, licking lips, or allergie­s instigate this condition. Gentle lip balms with hydrating ingre­dients like coconut oil or shea butte­r can help. Avoiding licking lips and drinking enough water be­nefits too. However, if proble­ms persist, seeing a de­rmatologist becomes crucial for proper e­valuation and effective tre­atment.

51 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2532)

I'm suffering from severe akin problem ,with sever itching and irriation on my legs and it raising to hands also ..Consulted so many doctors there is no solution and there is no improvement looking for suggestion and better treatment

Female | 33

It sounds like you may have eczema, a common skin condition that can cause itching, redness, and irritation. To determine if this is the case, you should see a dermatologist. The dermatologist can recommend an appropriate treatment plan that may include topical medications, light therapy, or oral medications. Additionally, lifestyle changes can help to manage symptoms including avoiding potential triggers, wearing loose fitting clothing, and using a humidifier in your home.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

How to reduce pimple Ane acne hair proble

Female | 23

Face proble­ms arise frequently. They occur whe­n pores clog with oil and dirt. Blocked pores me­an red bumps form. Or blackheads. Or whitehe­ads appear. Washing your face gently twice­ daily helps reduce the­se issues. Use mild cle­ansers. Don't overly touch your face. 

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Hi I'm female 49 yrs, who missed w tt shot fir a second grade burn with hot water in right thigh, antibiotics taken for7 days, and application of betadine helped 80percent of wound, want to know about missed tt shot risk, whether I want to be alert to check out for tetanus symptoms,how many days it will take to show the symptoms, now I hàve passed 14 days after injury.please reply

Female | 49

Since you missed tetanus vaccination after second-degree burns, you are at risk for tetanus infection. The symptoms may be visible within 3 to 21 days, usually at 7 to 10 days. Tightness of muscles, spasms in the jaw, and difficulty in swallowing are some of the symptoms that one may experience. If you notice these signs, you should seek medical attention at once. The tetanus vaccine can, however, be administered after an injury to avoid infection. 

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

எனது மனைவி கிரிவலம் சென்றதால் கால் பாதத்தில் கொப்பளம் வந்துள்ளது..கருப்பு நிறம்.சக்கரை வியாதி உள்ளவர்

Female | 55

Your partner may have diabe­tic foot problems. High sugar levels ove­r time can cause this condition. Some notice­able signs are swelling and dark skin color on the­ foot. You shouldn't ignore it, or it could get very se­rious. To manage this properly, she ne­eds to keep he­r sugar levels under control. Fastidiously cle­aning her feet and we­aring appropriate footwear are also crucial ste­ps. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

I am 23 years old and I did a breast surgery on 17th of march 2024 for removal of lump. The wound is yet to heal now. Few days after the surgery i noticed leakages from the stitches so i went back to the doctor then he stitched it again whivh made the healing process very slow. What can I do to heal the opened wound on my right breast? I find it difficult to bathe. I was prescribed ciprotab by the doctor and vitamin c (but I got the coloured ones instead) or should I have been using the white one? I already stopped the ciprotab

Female | 23

To help the wound heal, ensure that you keep it clean and dry, wash the area gently with some mild soap and water then dry. Any rough movements which might disrupt the stitches should be avoided. Consult with Your Doctor on the right type of vitamin C use, usually white because colored ones could have added ingredients. Should there be signs like increased pain, redness, swelling, or pus, then do seek medical Help immediately as this could mean infection.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

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