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Male | 42

Are my blood test results normal for fatigue?

I have done health checkup for blood test ..need to know if everything is normal ..I feel fatigue sometimes

1 Answer

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Looking tired sometimes can have so many different explanations. The results of your blood screening can show some hints. In case your iron level turns out to be low, your body will be susceptible to fatigue. Having a diet rich in spinach and beans can help increase your iron level. Deficiency of sleep can be a reason for tiredness, too. Regularize the habit of going to bed early and having quality sleep. If the blood test results show any problems, your doctor can find you the appropriate remedy.

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Questions & Answers on "Hematology" (236)

I had T cell lymphoblastic lymphoma in 2018 and all follow ups are now orderd. I' ve got side effects. I need to know what treatments and medical consultations I should get in future. PET scan(2019) *In PET scan(2019) of Cancer hospital they have suggested I have maxillary mucosal disease. No examinations. Ultra Sounds scan (2022) *Pseudo pancreatic cyst(2018 to 2022 examination) 4.4×2.1×3.2 cm *Possible right ovarian cyst (Not treated nor examines after 2022) 2021 Biopsy report and treating terminated *Cutaneous small vessel vasculitis.(No issues aftrr treatments are over) MRI brain(2018 and 2019) *Suggestive of celebral atrophy(Nor examinations or treatment and what to know in detail with relevancy to life expectancy) Manic Episode(2019) Bipolar affective disorder since 2019 *Under treatment of olanzapine 2.5 mg No depressive/manic episodes since 2020 *Keratoconus eye disorder in both eyes since 2019 I am 20 years old by now. To make my life analyzed in the upcoming years I want to know treatments I should get to recover, my life expectancy, seriousness I need to consider, how to response to work I do. I have high academic qualifications by niw no issues in learning but I get so tired with work, muscle pains, lasting headaches, heart beart rate irregulaties with stress in daily basis. What should I do to overcome by now. Please do concern.

Female | 20

It's important to address each of your conditions with a specialist to manage your health effectively. Please consult an ENT specialist and a gastroenterologist for the maxillary mucosal disease and pseudo pancreatic cyst. For your bipolar affective disorder and associated symptoms like fatigue and heart rate irregularities, continue following up with your psychiatrist.

Answered on 4th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Accuracy of 4th generation hiv test after how many days of exposure,

Male | 21

A 4th generation test is often correct after 4 weeks of exposure to HIV. These include flu-like symptoms like fever and fatigue, whereas some people may have no symptoms. If you're concerned about your HIV status, you should get a test. The test can calm your mind. It is a good idea always to stay safe and get checked.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Dear Doctor, today my son under went routine blood and urine test. Most of the parameters are normal except RDW-CV which shows 14.3 %. Normal range as shown i the report is 11.6 - 14.0. Is it serious ? What precautions can be take ?

Male | 30

RDW-CV is a measure of the variation in the size of red blood cells. An increase in RDW-CV can be a sign of anemia or nutritional deficiencies. Fatigue, weakness, and paleness may be among the symptoms. To tackle this, ensure a balanced diet that is rich in iron and nutrients. Further assessment by a doctor may be helpful. 

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Today I had done my cbc test and this is my result COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT (CBC) Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Test Name (Method , Specimen) Result Units Biological Reference Interval Haemoglobin (Photometric , EDTA) 14.7 g/dL 13 - 17 g/dl PCV (Calculated, EDTA) 43.1 % 42 - 52 % R.B.C Count (Electrical Impedence , EDTA] 4.70 M/cumm 4.50 - 6.50 M/cumm MCV (Derived from RBC, EDTA) 91.8 fL 82 - 98 fL MCH (Calculated, EDTA) 31.3 pg/cell 26 - 34 pg/cell MCHC (Calculated, EDTA) 34.0 g/dL 32 - 36 g/dL RDW (Derived from RBC, EDTA) 13.9 % 11.5 - 14.5 % TLC (Electrical Impedence , EDTA) 3,100 /cumm 4000 - 11000 /cumm Platelet Count (Electrical Impedence , EDTA] 0.97 lakh/cmm 1.40 - 4.00 lakh/cmm Mean Platelet Volume -MPV (Electrical Impedence, EDTA) 16.7 fL 7.4 - 11.4 fL Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA whole blood) Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA wh ole blood) Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA wh ole blood) Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA wh ole blood) Neutrophils 50 % 50 - 62 % Lymphocytes 40 % 25 - 40 % Monocytes 08 % 3 - 7 % Eosinophils 02 % 0 - 3 % Basophils 00 % 0 - 1 % Absolute Leucocytes Count ** Absolute Neutrophils Count . 1,550 /mm3 3000 - 7000 /mm3 Absolute Lymphocyte Count . 1,240 /mm3 1500 - 4000 /mm3 Absolute Monocytes Count 248 /mm3 100 - 500 /mm3 Absolute Eosinophils Count . 62 /mm3 0 - 700 /mm3 Absolute Basophils Count 00 /mm3 15 - 50 /mm3 N-RBC 00 /100Wbc's .. RESULT RECHECKED Kindly correlate with clinical find ings. RESULT RECHECKED Kindly correlate with clinical find ings. RESULT RECHECKED Kindly correlate with clinical find ings. End of Report Plz tell me my my levels high and low in this is this cancer and platelet size also increased

Male | 23

The results of your blood test are nearly within the normal limits. You have a low platelet count, which can be caused by different factors including infections or drugs. Equivalent mean platelet volume does not suggest cancer. It could perhaps be indicative of disorders like platelet destruction. If you do feel difficulties such as abnormal bleeding or bruises, do consult a hematologist.

Answered on 23rd Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

one of my friend is facing lymphocytes swelling and is suffering from a lot of pain . I have mri of that person you cheak the MRI and give me details about it

Male | 30

Swollen lymphocytes can indicate an infection or inflammation, leading to discomfort. Common causes include viral diseases, bacterial infections, or autoimmune disorders. It’s essential to address the pain and swelling properly. While MRI findings can provide insights, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for a thorough interpretation and appropriate treatment plan. They may recommend further tests, medications for pain relief, or other therapies based on diagnosis. Encourage your friend to seek medical advice promptly to ensure proper care and support. 

Answered on 28th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

posterior cervical lymphadenopathy is written on my file , i have lump on my neck , felt when pressed , i am on antibiotics from 5 days , still its there and not going away . what are chances that its cancerous ?

Female | 22

You lump your neck, and the term "posterior cervical lymphadenopathy" is in your file. It signifies the presence of a swollen lymph node. There can be many causes for this, and infections are the most common ones. But for our safety, we should explore every option including cancer. The doctor should do a thorough check-up because the lump doesn't go away even after antibiotics. They may recommend additional tests like a biopsy to identify the cause. Yet, remember, often it can still be because of non-cancerous reasons.

Answered on 30th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I had an I pill last month and my blood tests today are High platelet counts Wbc count -7.95 Gran %-76.5 Platelets -141 PDW-SD-19.7 What does this mean

Female | 19

Your blood test shows some changes. A high platelet level might indicate swelling or infection. With a WBC count of 7.95, your body's defense system is active. The Gran% tells about certain white blood cells, which increase when there's an infection. Your platelet count of 141 is normal, but it’s good to keep an eye on it. It seems your body might be fighting off an illness, so it's wise to discuss these results with your doctor for further advice.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have had 5 bosebleeds the last 24 hours, which is not like me at all. What should i do? I was at the doctors a month ago and everything other than my vitamin d and folate levels were good. I have been dizzy and very tired lately

Female | 16

Many factors can cause nose­bleeds. Dry air and allergie­s may play a role. High blood pressure too. Ye­t, dizziness, and fatigue raise conce­rns. Underlying issues like ane­mia or blood clotting problems could exist. With repe­ated noseblee­ds over 24 hours, seeking me­dical advice soon becomes crucial. Your doctor can evaluate­ properly. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have 16 pea sized lymph nodes I am 57kg my height is 5ft 10 I’ve had them for almost 2 years and they haven’t got bigger or changed I’ve had blood tests previously and they all came back fine. I do have 2 under my jaw that’s a bit bigger than a pea though. Is it a concern? I have no symptoms except bad anxiety. I am highly afraid of cancers

Male | 17

Your lymph nodes not changing size or growing for two years is good. When it comes to cancer we tend to worry a lot due to anxiety. They might remain slightly enlarged sometimes. It’s usually benign but it would be prudent to get the larger ones checked by your doctor. Additionally, work on calming down your nerves because that can also be of help.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

is there any harm in using adfill injection instead of peg religrast injection?

Female | 45

Adfill injection diffe­rs from Peg Religrast. After cance­r therapy, doctors prescribe Pe­g Religrast to boost white blood cells. Howe­ver, Adfill has a distinct purpose unrelate­d to increasing blood cell count. Taking medicine­s incorrectly risks harming your health. Your doctor knows best which me­dications serve your nee­ds. Listen carefully to medical advice­ about proper usage.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My nephew is 4 months old. 2 months ago he went I'll . we had to take him blood transfusion immediately because the HB was dropped to 4 only . now the things happen again at the age of 4 months . we had to take him again blood transfusion. we did his Electrophoresis Report. here are the results HbA 55% HbA2 2.0% HbF 43% we want to know if there's any thelesmia or not or if HbA can be increase with age

Male | 4 months

An elevated level of HbF was what was observed and this is a common thing found in babies. Such results would indicate that a defect might be present in the body like beta-thalassemia at the beginning. However, these could also be seen in healthy infants. Increasing HbA levels naturally may follow his growing up. The main symptoms of anemia can cause fatigue or weakness, but it’s very important to take your child to a doctor and test for other reasons. 

Answered on 10th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Mere husband ka neutrophils 67 aya h to ye koi bdi problm h kya pls tell me

Male | 33

A high neutrophil count of 67 indicate­s inflammation or infection. Your husband may experie­nce fever, body ache­s. Tests are nee­ded to identify the cause­. Treatment depe­nds on the underlying reason. Ensure­ he drinks fluids and rests properly.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Few subcentimetric lymph nodes are noted in left axillary region

Female | 45

When the small lymph nodes which are like little bumps show up in the armpit, they could be caused by infections such as a common cold or a cut on your arm. The nodes are part of your body's immune system and help to defend against viruses and bacteria. If the nodes are swelling or you have any discomfort, it would be a wise decision to see a doctor. They can provide suggestions for strengthening your body's resistance. 

Answered on 27th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Tested HIV after 94 day , negative results bt am having the symptoms

Male | 29

You fee­l worried about having HIV even with a ne­gative test. Our bodies some­times show symptoms like HIV without actually having it. Stress, infe­ctions, or other health issues can cause­ these symptoms. If you're conce­rned, talking to a doctor is wise to understand what's happening in your body be­tter.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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