Male | 16
Why Do I Have Lumps on My Penis?
I have lumps and bumps kn my penis

Answered on 9th July '24
It is crucial to watch out for little hard spots and soft bulges on your penis. There may be different reasons for this; such as infected follicles from the growth of hair, cysts, or sexually transmitted infections. If the size, color, or pain of the lump has altered, you should quickly go ahead and seek a urologist. Follow good hygiene and avoid using protection during intercourse so that other causative factors which can be less common can be prevented as well.
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Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1173)
I can face before 4 days urain pain problem also urain side coming white water
Male | 27
It sounds like you may be experiencing urinary discomfort and unusual discharge. Symptoms like pain during urination, accompanied by white fluid, could be due to conditions such as a urinary tract infection or another underlying issue. Staying hydrated is crucial, as it can help alleviate symptoms. Avoid irritants like caffeine and spicy foods. For accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, please consider consulting an urologist. They can provide personalized care based on your specific situation.
Answered on 14th Feb '25
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Correct daily dose of tadalafil to treat erectile dysfunction
Male | 32
Tadalafil is generally prescribed to help with erectile dysfunction, caused by stress, anxiety, or some health conditions. The range of the typical daily dose is from 2.5 mg to 10 mg and depends on the needs and health of the individual. It's essential to consult a urologist about any symptoms you may have and your medical history, to design the best strategy for you. They will design a plan of treatment that will suit your exact problem.
Answered on 16th Dec '24
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I am 22 years old man, and I have been having some fecal and urinal accidents frequently during the day and the nights, what should I do? I have no previous desease detected.
Male | 22
Accidental bowel and urinary leakage can develop from various factors, including stress, dietary changes, or even muscle weakness. It is essential to monitor your symptoms and any patterns you notice. In the meantime, consider adjusting your diet to include more fiber and hydration, which can help manage bowel habits. Strong pelvic floor exercises might also provide some control. However, it's crucial to consult an urologist for a comprehensive evaluation. They can identify underlying causes and develop an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Answered on 29th Jan '25
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I have bals like character surrounded around my scrotum. They are very itchy & sometimes pains. Blue veins are visible around my glands penis. What are these. Please help me.
Male | 22
Answered on 11th Aug '24
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Good evening, male, 47 y/o. For about 30 years I have been suffering from pelvic pain that arises ONLY a few hours after ejaculation. The pain originates precisely at the base of the scrotum and extends over hours to the entire scrotum and sometimes to the shaft of the penis. It arises as an itch, then a pinch, then grows in intensity until it becomes aching with a strong sense of heat accompanied by pronounced relaxation of the scrotum. Ice and (sometimes) supine position are the only things that provide temporary relief. I should add that prolonged abstinence has always given me discomfort and sensation of urinary urgency, which disappears with orgasm. Until two years ago the pain disappeared with sleep at night, so I only had regular sexual activity before going to sleep, and in this way I had a normal sex life and children. Then it began to occur EVEN THE NEXT DAY starting around noon and escalating into the evening, then (usually) disappearing the next morning. Over the years I have consulted several urologists. In 2001 the first transrectal ultrasound (all negative). Recent worsening of symptoms (i.e., their persistence even the next day) prompted me to confront other urologists, who were unable to help me. Prescribed spermioculture and Stamey test (all negative), prostate echo normal (some calcification). For the past two years I have been taking prostate supplements, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, PEA etc without success. I tried acupuncture, ozone therapy, craniosacral osteopathy, TENS, pelvic floor physiotherapy (identified and treated contracted "triggers"), without success. A neurologist hypothesized muscular causes possibly related to a tempomandibular dislocation (hypothesis ruled out by maxillofacial surgeon) and prescribed Mutabon Mite 2 cpp/day which I took for three months, without success. A psychologist specializing in chronic pain has suggested nociplastic (psychogenic) pain and is helping me to manage the distress this problem causes me, but unfortunately not to reduce it as I had hoped. Thanks to her, however, I was able to accurately track the point of origin and course of the pain (so-called "somatic tracking"). On the advice of the GP I went in February to the Niguarda Hospital Pain Therapy where, with hypothesis pudendal neuropathy, I was prescribed pelvic MRI (resulted adductor enthesopathies), lumbosacral MRI (resulted disc dehydration, asymptomatic), pelvic EMG (no abnormalities), physiatric examination (no abnormalities). I have follow-up visit in September to evaluate nerve block, but in light of the negative EMG I don't know what they will say. In the meantime I have been prescribed Pregabalin 25+25 and then 50+50, which makes me sleep very well but has no effect on the disorder, so I will insist a little longer and then I think I will discontinue. I am very frustrated, I am asking if anyone reading me has any idea, if not of a treatment, at least of a diagnosis that I've never been given. Thank you.
Male | 47
The pain you experience in your penis and scrotum after ejaculation is understandably uncomfortable. You've consulted many doctors and tried various treatments, but the cause of your pain remains elusive. Your proactive approach to seeking help and trying different therapies is commendable. While doctors are considering possibilities such as pudendal neuropathy, a clear diagnosis has yet to be made. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a definite diagnosis or solution at this moment, but you must continue to follow up with your urologists.
Answered on 16th July '24
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Continuous urination for 2 days and then heavy burning sensation and also stomach pain,spinal cord pain. Intimate area is itching problem.
Female | Priyadharshini
You might have got a UTI. A UTI is behind such symptoms as repeated urination, urination that is painful, stomach pain, and a feeling of itching in the intimate area. Some of the pain in your back might be due to this. One should treat UTIs with antibiotics which a urologist can prescribe.
Answered on 19th June '24
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Can I use AVANAIR 100 TABLET to improve my erection?
Male | 30
AVANAIR 100 TABLET doesn't help with erection problems. But don't worry, many people face this issue. There can be physical reasons like blood flow problems. Or it could be psychological, like stress. Talk to an urologist They can help find the right treatment for you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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The length of my penis is 15.5 cm and its circumference is 12 cm is it Big or small ?
Male | 27
Penis size differs, like height and weight. A penis length of 15.5 cm and circumference 12 cm is normal. Don't stress about whether it's big or small. If there is no pain or urination issues, then medically, you have nothing to worry about.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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accidentally received a mild blow to my testicular area, causing immediate pain. However, afterward, I noticed that my erections became slow, weak, and less enduring. Could the blow be the cause, considering it wasn't severe
Male | 35
For sure, the testicular area, which is delicate, is affected by the mild blow that breaks blood vessels and the nerves that supply the penis with blood. It would cause erectile failure. A visit to a urologist should be a consideration for evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Penis upper side skin not move so what to do?
Male | 31
It seems like you could be suffering from a disorder called phimosis that causes the foreskin to be too tight, thus unable to retract. It is necessary to consult a urologist who can correctly diagnose, and treat this problem.
Answered on 24th Nov '24
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I have been experiencing some vibration on my inner penis seams like is vibrating through the vains what can I do
Male | 23
It may be concerning to feel vibrations in your penis, but let’s learn more about it. Anxiety, nerve issues, or muscle tension could cause this feeling. At times, increased blood flow can also bring it on. To lower stress levels try to stay active and do some relaxation exercises. If it doesn’t stop or if you are worried talk to a urologist who can give advice based on your situation.
Answered on 19th Feb '25
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Please I need help doctors I was normal in erection and libido till I failed in my first sexual experience in 3-11-2013 then I went to have penile doppler it was normal but I was have ed the doctor told me its a physiological issue and advice me to get married and I get married in 2015 but the ed do not gone away I went to have another penile doppler and it showing that I have fibrosis and microcalcifications in penile but erection was satisfied to me and sensation in penile was normal with weak morning erections and I did not take any treatment for fibrosis because I think that is to small fibrosis to make a problem and its a physiological issue but I noticed that my penile was shortening by time and I was not know what is peyronie disease and I was daily 27 january 2021 I was masturbating hardly and suddenly the penile make an hourglass shape in semi erect and my penile have a dark area in the shaft. But the erection do not effect or sensation and the penile have this hourglass shape in flaccid 1-6-2021 I was checking my penile with fingers but hardly to discover any lumps I suddenly lost of sensation in penile and testes and ass and the erection affected I went to urologist he described a p shot prp plasma injection in penile. I tooked 6 injections after that I shocked that the all sensation in penile and testes and ass gone away and erection too but daily some erection happening but weak because there is no sensation and this issue from june 2021 till now. If I have nerves damaged in penile can it regenerated and work again even I have fibrosis or peyronie? Will I get back normal? Dose rough and daily masturbating and prp injection causes damage to nerves? Was I have peyronie for years and was not know that and it damaged nerves? What can I do please help me I am in horror. please I want to know will I be ok. Will the body fix this problem. Please I want to reassuring. I do not have any sensation at all and no normal erection and the penile always have weird shapes its fat from the shaft under the head and thinner from middle and a waist band like always visible in middle of it and its shortening. Is it a late peyronie stage.
Male | 33
There can be many possibilities for the problem according to your query... Get yourself evaluated for best advice.. Yes rough handling while masturbation and excessive masturbation do have many harmful effects.. Avoid masturbation for some time.. I am explaining briefly about erectile dysfunction so that it takes fear out of you.
In erectile dysfunction, men are not able to get or keep an erection that is sufficient to have penetrative sex. This may be due to so many factors like High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Diabetes, excessive masturbation, excessive Porn watching, nerves weakness, Obesity, thyroid, heart problem, alcohol, Tobacco use, Sleep disorders. Low testosterone, tension, stress etc.,
This problem of erectile dysfunction is very much treatable.
I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines,
Take Aswagandhadi churan half teaspoon in the morning & in the night.
Take Capsule SHILAJIT One in the morning and one in the night.
Take tablet Brihat Bangeshwar ras one in the morning one and one in the night after food.
All three preferably with hot milk or with water
Also apply and message Shri Gopal tail on your penis three times a week for 2 to 4 minutes.
Avoid junk food, oily and more spicy food, alcohol, tobacco, tension and anxiety.
Start doing brisk walk or running or cardio exercises for at least 1 hour a day.
Start taking hot milk twice a day also two to three dates in the morning and in the night with milk.
Do all the above suggested treatment for 3 months and see the results.
If you don't get satisfactory results then please go to your family doctor or a good sexologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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2 lumps on each side of scrotum above testicles. Sore to the touch and achy. Is this normal week and a half after a vasectomy
Male | 42
Two lumps appearing over your testicles post vasectomy are normal. They may initially cause soreness and achiness—usually sperm build-up, swelling, or fluid cause these lumps. Wear supportive underwear and use ice packs to ease discomfort. Seek advice from a urologist if the pain intensifies, redness or fever develops. Rest and allow your body adequate time for healing.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
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How can we increase our testosterone
Male | 16
With regular workouts, healthy food intake, and good sleep patterns, the level of testosterone can grow. However, if you appear to have a testosterone deficiency, you should see a urologist or endocrinologist as they are well versed in the diagnosis and personalized treatment of the problem.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My age is 20 , I have done my ESR test and esr count was 42 , and afterwards in urine test there was 8-10 pus cells , can this UTI be treated with Medrol 16mg , cefuroxime 500mg ? though i have taken this for 7 days but still i am getting fever and headache . What should I do ?
Female | 20
Answered on 11th Aug '24
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I treat a gonorrhea with herbal medicine and the symptoms subsided greatly; the pain is nearly gone(1 out of 10 remain) but the discharge still remain even though little. Please, prescription to clear it all.
Male | 40
If you suspect you have a sexually transmitted infection like gonorrhea, it's important to seek medical advice from a healthcare professional. Herbal remedies might provide relief for some symptoms, but they may not fully eliminate the infection.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Penis m deelapan bna h kya kre
Male | 40
Focus on overall sexual health and communication with PARTNER. Consult a doctor if experiencing pain or discomfort....
Answered on 23rd May '24
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In 2007 I met with an accident due to which I had pelvic airline fracture. After which i observed I got erectile disfunction. Is there cute for this ?
Male | 32
Answered on 11th Aug '24
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pulled testicle down while washing Now it’s hanging wont go up
Male | 23
You might have encountered testicular torsion, a condition of the testicle that twists and cuts off blood supply. This is an acute medical case and you should immediately see a urologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 21 male, i recently started going to the gym around 3 months ago to gain some weight as i am a skinny guy. but since i have increased my diet i have noticed that i have to urinate frequently around 9-10 times a day even in middle of the night sometimes. Is it normal or what should i do?
Male | 21
Frequent urination could be a sign of various conditions, including a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or simply changes in your diet and fluid intake. It's important to consult a urologist to rule out any underlying issues and get appropriate advice. Please visit a urologist to discuss your symptoms in detail and get the right treatment.
Answered on 8th July '24
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