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Female | 32

Recurring Low-Grade Fever: Possible Causes and Solutions

I m getting fever after 2 month with low grade temperatures

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Your body temperature rise­s a bit. Infections, sometimes, linge­r causing fever to come and go. Tire­dness or weakness might accompany this. Re­st well and drink plenty of liquids. But, if feve­r persists or intensifies, se­e a doctor. They can identify the issue­ and provide proper treatme­nt.

84 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

I would like to Register my Hospital in this Medical Tourism for serving people to save their organs with our Advanced Wound care treatment. For more info visit Can reach out directly on call at 001-5169746662

Male | 35

If your wound is not healing or getting infected then you must visit with the specialist in wound care. Wound care specialists, often known as wound management or wound healing specialists, have the experience to treat different types of wounds. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suffering from fever from 3 days and can't able to withstand the cold weather

Male | 21

Experiencing fever for three days suggests that your body is fighting off an infection. Symptoms might include chills and fatigue, often intensified by cold environments. Potential causes could range from viral illnesses to bacterial infections. To manage this, ensure you're staying hydrated and resting adequately. Dress warmly and consider using a warm compress to enhance comfort. It’s crucial to monitor your symptoms closely. If your fever persists or worsens, I recommend consulting a healthcare professional promptly. 

Answered on 11th Jan '25

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Hello sir, My mother is suffering from numbness in hands and back of the neck and head sometimes.when we consulted hospitals they did many mri and concluded they can see small ovoid lession. But when they tested for CSF ocb test...all were negative. They had given predisilone 60 mg for 14days and they had given vitamin D , vitamin b12 tablets and some muscle relaxants tablets...numbness and pain get started when she get angry or start to think about please help me sir

Female | 54

pl try acupuncture you will really feel the difference.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Patient drowsiness termor swelliing abdomen and leg

Female | 62

This indicates some gastrointestinal conditions. Please connect with a specialist

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Whenever nightfall happens I feel weak,my skin looks dull,dark circle,body pain, joint pain and vision is getting worse it getting worse with every night.I haven't went to any doctor.What should I do?

Male | 22

It appears that you are encountering several symptoms like lack of energy, lifeless skin, dark circles, body pain, joint pain, and vision losses that are worsened by the night. These symptoms might arise from medical conditions like inadequate rest, an improper diet, or hidden health problems. One must adopt new habits including getting enough sleep, eating balanced meals, and exercising frequently. In case of the continuation of symptoms, you should meet your doctor to make an evaluation and treatment plan.

Answered on 3rd July '24

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How much cost of Kidney transplant surgery Doctor

Male | 33

I would advise anyone interested in kidney transplantation to seek a qualified nephrologist consultation. Kidney transplant surgery is an intricate and critical medical procedure that is only allowed to be done by a professional in a hospital operating room. The surgery also involves the cost that is affected by many things such as hospital and location.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have constipation and sound comes from my intestine

Male | 34

The sounds you hear could be due to gas movement in the intestines.But if you are worried, you can consult with a gastroentrologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can I take feroglobin and wellman capsules together

Male | 79

You're wise­ to consider supplements like­ Feroglobin and Wellman capsules. Fe­roglobin contains iron, which combats fatigue. Wellman provides vitamins for ge­neral wellness. You can take­ these togethe­r safely. Follow dosage instructions carefully. Should any discomfort arise­, discontinue use immediate­ly. Consult an expert regarding any conce­rns.

Answered on 23rd Mar '25

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Hi sir My mother age is 54 brain surgery completed in 3 months nothing to any development please tell me the recovery time sir. Please help me sir ??

Female | 54

A 54 yr old woman undergoing brain surgery may experience a recovery timeline similar to many other adults, but again, each case is unique.
The complete recovery process, which includes returning to normal daily activities and regaining cognitive and physical function, can take several weeks to several months or even longer.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What should i do if i drink water and still feel dehydrated

Female | 27

Feeling thirsty even after drinking water? This might be due to lingering dehydration. Your body needs enough fluids to function well. Signs include dry mouth, tiredness, and dark urine. If you're still thirsty, try drinking electrolyte beverages or eating juicy fruits and veggies to stay hydrated. Also, cut back on caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate you.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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My brother aged 50 years has suddently got down from bed while sleeping, has no voice and unconscious and now admitted in hospital at Aligarh. Please advise

Male | 50

Get NCCT Head done. There may be trauma to head.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was bitten by a dog an year ago. I visited the doctor and he said it isn't dangerous and I should get 5 injections. But I only got the 4 of them, well I wasn't very worried about it because I thought It is okay but a few days ago when I shared this story with my fellows. They started to give me weird thoughts like you should've gotten all the injections. Its going to kill you etc and now I am starting to get really worries. Well, should I consult the doctor again and get the last injection or what should I do can you please give me any advive

Female | 17

Dog bites can introduce­ harmful bacteria. All recommende­d injections after a bite are­ crucial. They prevent pote­ntial infections. Missing the last dose raise­s risk for later infection deve­lopment. Your consultation and final injection ensure­ health. Consult your doctor and complete the­ process.

Answered on 9th Aug '24

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meri ma hai usko suger km ho gya hai or use kbhi bhut adhik thnd or kbhi bhut adhik grmi lgne lgta hai iska koi upae btae

Female | 50

Your mother must consult an endocrinologist so that her diabetes can be controlled. Body temperature changes may indicate diabetes or other associated diseases. A specialist can help identify the most appropriate treatment options for her condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i have headache from 4 hours give me treatment i have flu fever symptoms

Male | 24

Headache with FLU fever symptoms can indicate a viral infection.. Take a pain reliever to ease the headache... Get rest and keep yourself hydrated... Avoid alcohol and caffeine... Consult a doctor if symptoms PERSIST.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can I take Moringa tea and still take my hiv drugs at night

Female | 21

Moringa may some­times interfere­ with how the body absorbs HIV drugs, potentially reducing the­ir effectivene­ss. If you experience­ new symptoms like nausea or dizzine­ss, it could result from the interaction be­tween Moringa and your HIV medications. Consulting your doctor is advisable­ to ensure safety and prope­r synergy betwee­n Moringa and your prescribed HIV treatme­nt.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I am a Bangladeshi and need to have a proper physical checkup at your hospital. Would you please let me know the procedure and what packages you do have.

Female | 37

We offer different services that are included in the blood test package, imaging studies, and physical examinations that are personalized to your requirements. The medical professionals will analyze your results and provide you with the recommended treatment after the checkup. Being regular health assessment enthusiasts can safeguard people from illness and ensure their health, I would, therefore, advise you to make an appointment without any delay. Your wellness is at the very top of our list of things we care the most about, and we are here to support you all the way.

Answered on 10th Dec '24

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My dog bite me 2 days ago on my wirst , he is vaccinated against rabies what should i do

Female | 14

First, gently wash the wound with soap and water to lower the chance of infection. Look for redness, swelling, or severe pain, which are all symptoms of an infection. Even if your dog has had vaccinations done recently, it is always crucial to have an examination done by the doctor to assess the severity of the wound and to talk about adequate treatments, such as antibiotics or a tetanus shot.

Answered on 24th Dec '24

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I m suffering from cold abscess right side neck recurring. I have already taken 6 months ATT medicine from 4 Agust 23 to 2 Feb 24 during medical treatment second episode on December 23 and 3rd episode mar 24 post stopping medicine of Att . At present now 4 rth episode on 15 Aug 24 . Every time operated and drained. My question ❓ 1 it is happening due to TB . 2 I take medicine that is right for me . 3 if it is right than why recurring. 4 every time all tests regarding tb negative 5 . Only first time at jun 23 AFB seen in test on basis my doctor recommends Att medicine to avoid further happening in life but I m not found that thing. 6 I start again Att course for treatment. Or any other things. Plz tell me

Female | 34

It sounds like you're dealing with frequent cold abscesses on your neck.

1. A recurring TB infection could be the cause, even if your tests are negative.
2. While ATT medicine is the correct treatment for TB, the infection may return if it isn't completely cleared.
3. Following the full ATT course as prescribed by your doctor gives you the best chance to eliminate TB bacteria and prevent further episodes.

It's important to stick to your medication and stay in close contact with your doctor for better management of the condition.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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One ear blocked last 6 hours

Male | 48

In case you have had one ear blocked for the last 6 hours, it could be a sign of the earwax accumulation, sinusitis or some water in the inner ear. You should consult an ENT specialist for a detailed examination of your ear, determining the root of the obstruction. Please avoid any attempt of cleaning the ear yourself as this may possibly result in further damage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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