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Male | 31

Possible Causes of Itchy Ear After Earwax Removal

I went to a ENT specialist last week who removed some earwax plug from my right ear. Since last week my ear feels itchy inside sometimes, whenever I start being active with it (moving it or touching it with my finger). What can be the cause ? Probably not earwax as I went to the doctor last week.

1 Answer

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

The e­ar getting treated for wax buildup is fantastic ne­ws! However, itchiness in the­ ear canal post-procedure may occur. This re­sults from skin irritation caused by disturbance during cleaning. Don't inse­rt objects or scratch inside your ear. This discomfort should subside­ naturally. But if symptoms worsen, consult your ENT specialist immediate­ly.

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Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)

I am a 24-year-old bachelor student. I have been experiencing a persistent runny nose, frequent sneezing, nasal blockage, and difficulty breathing through both nostrils as one is always blocked alternately. These symptoms worsen when I consume cold drinks or fruits. Additionally, physical exercise and changes in the environment exacerbate my condition. This has been ongoing for the past year, and despite seeking treatment from 2-3 doctors, including homeopathy, I have not found relief. Now, I am exhausted from the ongoing symptoms and would like to identify the root cause and pursue appropriate treatment.

Male | 24

You might have allergic rhinitis, triggered by things like pollen, dust mites, or certain foods. Seeing an allergist can help identify your triggers and recommend treatments such as avoiding allergens, taking medications, or getting allergy shots. Proper treatment is important for feeling better and enjoying life without discomfort.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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What is pansinusitis? Normal or not?

Male | 55

Pansinusitis pertains to a condition that involves all the paranasal sinuses, according to inflamed sinuses, which is most often a result of an infection, an allergy, or nasal polyps. Common symptoms include face pressure or pain, congestion, a decreased sense of smell, and a thick nasal discharge. Although the presence of these symptoms is a quite natural thing, one should ask a doctor if they remain as such or become worse. The treatment generally consists of decongestants, nasal sprays, and eventual antibiotics. Additionally, keeping oneself well hydrated and using a humidifier can be supportive of the recovery process. If still you have any issues, talk to a healthcare provider. 

Answered on 26th Dec '24

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About three weeks ago I went to the doctor with a soar throat, I struggled to swallol, my lymp nodes were swollen. She said that I had an infection and that there were ehite spots in my throat and it was swollen. She gave me antibiotics to drink for 5 days. I felt better. After a week I started tk have a sore throat again. Now my right side of my mount is droopy. What vould be wrong ?

Female | 21

Sounds like the previous infection has not cleared completely or there is a second viral infection that has come on. We also need to see why the frequency is so high despite medications. Kindly visit an ENT surgeon.

Answered on 13th June '24

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My baby is 4 years old . Till not able to talk clearly . COmmunicate through signs . Can anyone guide please

Male | 4

Please get the hearing evaluation and speech evaluation done by an ENT and development evaluation by a paediatrician to proceed assessment of the child. This must be managed as early as possible as all forms of rehabilitation work best when the child is younger ideally under 4 years of age. Please do not delay management.

Answered on 19th July '24

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Measles, swollen hands&feet plus dizziness

Female | 20

Measle­s might be the cause of your swolle­n hands, feet, and dizziness. This highly contagious virus spre­ads through coughing or sneezing. It has no specific tre­atment. Rest, drink fluids, and care for yourse­lf until it passes. If infected, avoid othe­rs to prevent spreading me­asles.

Answered on 24th June '24

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It always feels like that there is something suck in my throat and sometime i can feel it goes down

Female | 25

This sounds like what is called bolus sensation in the throat which usually is due to what's called acid reflux/ GERD. There can be many other cases too. Please visit ENT doctor for further evaluation and treatment.

Answered on 11th June '24

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Fever and cold nose water drop

Female | 20

If you have a fever and you have a cold nose, these are signs of a viral infection. Fever, a runny nose, cough, or fatigue are commonly experienced symptoms. They are also the usual way your body reacts to fighting off an illness. To allow you to relax there is enough support at home. The rest is taking care of yourself, keeping you hydrated and you might need fever and congestion relief over-the-counter medications. Many cases are resolved on their own; however, if your symptoms are not gone in several days or they are getting worse, then the best thing to do is to consult a doctor who will be able to give you proper advice. Your health is of primary importance, thus you should be quick to obtain help.

Answered on 12th Dec '24

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I am 16 year old boy with neck swellling it has been going on for 3 days now

Male | 16

The puffed neck can take place for several reasons. Considering it is there for 3 days, notice will be required. Some common ones are, for example, being infected (like swollen glands) or even reacting to something. Besides, it may be about a thyroid issue. See a healthcare professional as fast as possible, so they can find the exact reason why you are ill and prescribe the proper medicine.

Answered on 25th July '24

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Kon sa hospital ent children ke liye best hai

Male | 12

You can visit us if you are in the Bangalore location.

Answered on 11th June '24

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Got a genuine question, been having frequent nosebleeds ( around 12 times in 14 days) and was wondering on what could be the cause or what it could mean

Male | 21

Very often the bloody nose is caused by some things i.e. dry air, allergies, infections, and high blood pressure. In different scenarios, anemia may bear a more long-term consequence including blood disorders or even tumors. You are advised to see an otolaryngologist for a thorough examination as well as opt for the recommended treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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