Male | 26
Why is my ear draining dark brown and smelly?
My ear has had weird pressure changes over the last year and has random drainage. When I clean it out, it’s always dark brown/goopy and smells really bad. Today I just pulled out a big glob of something blueish/gray and thought it was a bug. What should I do?

General Physician
Answered on 11th July '24
You might have an infection in your ear, which is causing the weird variations in pressure, dark brown/goopy drainage, bad smell, and the blueish/grey glob you found. It's called otitis externa. It's important to see an Ent specialist doctor on time to get the right medications. Refrain from inserting anything inside your ear or getting it wet.
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Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)
I have a sore throat and headache and drainage down my throat my nose is dry. I have had a cough for almost two weeks. COVID test is negative
Female | 46
You could have a common cold. Sore throat, headache, cough, and nasal drainage - these symptoms fit for a common cold. Dry nose too, is a common sign. Colds are viral. They usually resolve within a week or two on their own. To ease symptoms, get rest, stay hydrated, and try over-the-counter remedies for relief.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have a strange lump on my neck, dizziness, constant sweats, a cough, sore throat and headaches
Male | 14
Swell in your neck, dizziness, sweat, cough, sore throat, and headache are conditions that an infection can lead to. Infections might have caused these symptoms in such situations. It's paramount to go and see an ENT specialist so they can tell what's happening and what treatment suits you. These signs should not be ignored, they might be the first symptoms of a more severe condition whose treatment should be done quickly.
Answered on 22nd July '24
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I am 23 years old. I frequently suffer from cold and feel itching in my ear and throat a lot from 4-5 years
Female | 23
Your symptoms seem to suggest that you have allergies. Different symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, and an itchy ear can characterize allergies. Dust, pollen, or keeping pets are the causes of these symptoms. It is important to keep your surroundings clean, use air filters, and take over-the-counter medication for allergies. Stay away from strong scents and consult your doctor for other treatment alternatives.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
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I am 38 years old women.I am having soar throat initially.So I took Azithromyxin tab 500mg.That only 2 days I took.Now I am having cough and cold,fever also early morning from 2days.I am taking Augmentin 625tab,Sinerast tab,Rantac from 2days.Today I have taken Cefodixime 200mg tab along with these medicines.Whenever I had early morning fever I used to take sinarest tab.I had started periods also.I not feeling well.
Female | 38
Answered on 23rd May '24
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It's been a month for me Sore throat and yellow and white bump's on the inner wall of the throat like pharyngitis What causes it It only hurts a little while swallowing and it feels like there is something on the inner wall of the throat I'll smoke little bit and I'm worrying about this is cancer can you please explain
Female | 25
You might have pharyngitis, which is inflammation and swelling in the back of your throat. The yellow and white bumps could be pus pockets, often caused by viral or bacterial infections. Smoking can irritate your throat and make things worse, so it's a good idea to stop for a while. To soothe your throat, drink plenty of fluids, gargle with warm salt water, and avoid smoking. If the problem doesn’t improve, it’s best to see an ENT specialist for further advice and treatment.
Answered on 22nd Oct '24
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I have had an infection in my ear and have had pain around it for the last couple of days. Its due to water in my ear. I just realized this afernoon that I have a hard pea sized lump right below my ear thats painful and now I am concerned. What should I do Doc.
Female | 19
In your case, you may want to call an ENT specialist who can make a diagnosis and treatment for your ear infection and the lump near your ear correctly. They will diagnose your health problems and give you an effective recommendation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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i am facing pain in my ear by using headphones from last 1 day when i feel very little pqin i take it off and for 1 day i was not using it but now i again use it and i feel more pain than yesterday and it is 2 hour now i am send this chat i am feel pain not too much but not little it is noticeable pain in inner side of ear which is near to my jaw and ear intersection point
Male | 24
You may have developed an ear infection from wearing headphones too often. The pain near your jaw and ear could signal this issue. Prolonged headphone use can sometimes trap bacteria, leading to infections. Take a break from using headphones, and try applying a warm cloth to the affected ear area. However, if the discomfort persists, it would be wise to consult an ENT specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I’m having Frequent nose bleeds. I’ve had them since a child. Even a slight touch inside the nose will cause a nose bleed or even if soemthing hits my nose gently it bleeds. The nose bleeds lasts for about 10/15 minutes per time and it’s a heavy nose bleed. I have my septum pierced and it only bleeds from the left nostril but even before I had the piercing it kept bleeding. I coughed the other day and it started bleeding and I even woke up and it started bleeding
Female | 22
Your nose issue is a nasal septum deviation. That means your nose's middle part is off-center. One nostril's blood vessels are more exposed, causing bleeding. The piercing might worsen it. To reduce nosebleeds, keep your nose moist with saline solution. Don't pick or rub your nose. Consider visiting an ENT expert for evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 26th July '24
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Hello, I've had recurring ear problems since January 2024, the first time was so painful that I was prescribed amoxicillin, since then the pain comes and goes, what do I do? I can't afford a doctor's visit. Thank you.
Female | 21
You've experienced ear troubles since January. Pain that comes and goes could mean a recurring infection. It's crucial to address the root cause. Keep ears dry, avoid inserting objects, try OTC pain relief. If no improvement, you should see an ENT doctor.
Answered on 30th July '24
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Uvula inflammation problem uvula hang on tongue
Male | 17
Irritation of the uvula occurs when the tiny fleshy thing dangling at your throat's rear gets inflamed and reddened. It causes a sensation like something's stuck, tickling your throat. Infections, allergies, or excessive snoring could trigger this. To soothe it, consume chilled beverages and refrain from spicy fare. If discomfort persists, consulting an ENT specialist is advisable.
Answered on 31st July '24
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Sore throat, severe pain when swallowing, the pain is constant, started 4 days ago with a headache, a fever and sore throat, the fever and headache went away but the throat pain got progressively worse i would describe it as sharp pain, i am on 5 types of medicine including ibuprofen but nothing works, i also tried gargles and all sorts of remedies and the do not work as well
Male | 18
You may have an acute tonsillitis infection. When the tonsils become infected with viruses or bacteria this frequently occurs. The fever and headache you experienced are common symptoms of this condition. Since taking medication has not helped, it is necessary to get a proper diagnosis from an ENT specialist. This will enable them to prescribe stronger antibiotics which should make you feel well. Do not forget to drink plenty of water and have enough bed rest.
Answered on 7th June '24
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Hello doctor, so in 2022 I was diagnosed with typhoid in March. It was a 15-day treatment course. I made a full recovery in 1 month. Then, in July, I found 2 lymph nodes in my neck (level Il & IV), each less than 1cm. They were movable. The FNAC result was left cervical small swelling, reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. The lower one shrank a bit with meds, but today I noticed both nodes are still there and movable, just like 2 years ago. Do l need to get it checked again or is it normal?
Female | 24
Lymph nodes are small defenders in your body that help fight infections. Sometimes, they stay a little swollen even after the infection is gone. In your case, the nodes are small and movable, which is a positive sign. Since they haven’t changed in size over the past two years and aren’t causing any issues, it’s likely just your body’s way of managing past infections. However, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on them. If they grow, become painful, or new symptoms appear, it's best to get them checked again for peace of mind.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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Heavy Tonsillitis and headache and cold cough and fever
Male | 27
Tonsillitis is caused by both viruses and bacteria. To feel better, you need to get adequate sleep, drink lots of fluids, and use over-the-counter painkillers. It is good to try gargling with warm salt water as well to relieve the sore throat. Severe or unbearable symptoms then visit a healthcare professional.
Answered on 26th Nov '24
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Myself Ravi 34 yrs age ,I am deaf from one ear from last 5 years & hearing from only one ear but recently i feel lots of pressure in left ear also when I taik much so I want your feedback. I want to know can I live normal with one ear & will their be any impact on my one ear if I taik more in my daily life
Male | 35
Pressure in your left ear can be due to various reasons, like ear infections or changes in air pressure. Talking more usually doesn’t cause ear problems. However, it's important to protect your hearing by avoiding loud noises. If you have concerns or experience discomfort, it's okay to live with one ear, but do consult an ENT specialist if needed.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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I have a pain in my right side ear from last 3 days I had used ostoprim drops thrice a day and Froben Tab 0+0+1 two days but no relief last night I take 2 Tab Panadol plain but result is same please advise medicines. Regards
Male | 61
You are suffering from pain in the right ear. According to your explanation, it is clear that the medications you have used so far have been ineffective. Ear pain can be classified by several causes such as ear infection or inflammation. Since the pain doesn't go away with the use of your medications, you must seek the advice of an ENT specialist for the right diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 19th July '24
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I’m a 22 female. One day, probably 3 days ago i started feeling my voice cracking. It felt funny, didn’t have any other symptoms, have happened to me before. In the evening i went to concert and tried that “wooh“ and couldn’t. Sounded awful. I didn’t thought anything serious, later after talking a while, it got better. Had some lozenges. Next morning i had almost no voice. Well, I thought whatever, and went to work (as a barista). Almost all of the time my colleague talked. But i had to a bit as well. As day went on it got worse n worse. Hard to swallow. Sore throat. Nothing else. Had Decatylen (pills and spray), herbal lozenges, GeloRevoice, teas, NAC, vitamin c with honey. One time it was acid, then antacid worked. But not this time. I don’t know what to do anymore
Female | 22
It sounds like you’re experiencing laryngitis, likely due to vocal strain or a mild infection. The symptoms you describe—voice changes, soreness, and difficulty swallowing—are common in these cases. To help, ensure you stay well-hydrated, rest your voice as much as possible, and consider warm saltwater gargles for the throat. If symptoms persist or worsen, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment. Prioritizing your vocal health is important, and seeking guidance can provide you with the best path forward.
Answered on 19th Jan '25
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Right ear voice not responding
Male | Utkarsh singh
You might be having some issues with your ear if the sound coming from your right ear is not working as it should. This could be the result of a foreign object blocking the ear canal or a malfunction of the nerves in the ear. To solve this, you should consult an audiologist who is a specialist in hearing disorders. The audiologist will be able to diagnose the problem and also help you improve your hearing.
Answered on 3rd Nov '24
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From last few months sometimes my ears feel dry with transparent sticky thing and now from few days im noticing dry blood very lil quantity
Female | 19
These could be signs of swimmer's ear. This ear issue happens when water gets stuck inside the ear canal. The trapped water can make the ear feel dry, itchy, and irritated. You may even notice a liquid or bloody discharge coming from your ear. Don't worry, dealing with a swimmer's ear is simple. Keep your ears dry by using ear plugs or a swim cap when swimming. Avoid putting things like cotton swabs or fingers inside your ear canal. Use an ear cleaning solution made for sensitive ears. Gently rinse out the ear canal with the solution as directed. If problems continue after a few days, visit a doctor. An ENT specialist can examine your ear and prescribe treatment.
Answered on 16th July '24
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Hey I am 35 years old I been getting throat pain in my left ear and throat
Male | 35
An aching throat that extends toward your left ear may indicate that you have infected ears or a sore throat. You might have the feeling that your throat is scratchy and it could be painful to swallow. At times, even when chewing or talking the pain may worsen. To relieve your throat, take warm liquids such as tea and water. If this condition persists or becomes severe, visit an ENT specialist.
Answered on 25th May '24
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I am a 22 year old female. I have had this for 4 days now. Saturday morning I woke up feeling feverish and a sore throat, it was red and looked very inflamed. I went to the pharmacy and bought immune booster and Ibupain Forte for the pain. I have had body aches, chills, headaches and feelings of fever for 2 days after Monday morning I throat was painful and had difficulty swallowing and I could feel it was my tonsils, they looked red, inflamed and had white patches on them. Tuesday morning, I went to the clinic at pharmacy and they gave me amoxicillin and pain meds for the pain. I feel much better now however my voice is gone.
Female | 22
The symptoms you have mentioned suggest a throat infection which is most probably of bacterial origin. The white patches seen on your tonsils are another hallmark of this condition. Amoxicillin is a good step as it is the medication prescribed by the clinic that helps deal with the infection. It is vital to finish the entire course of antibiotics, which you are taking even if you feel better. Your lost voice will probably go back to normal as you continue to heal. Ensure that you get enough rest, drink plenty of water, and stick to the medication directions. If your symptoms stay or get worse, it's a good idea to have a follow-up with an ENT specialist.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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