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Male | 22

How to treat fungal infection around private area?

I'm 22 years old and I'm suffering from fungal infection around my private area from around last one year. Please help me what to do...

1 Answer

Answered on 29th Aug '24

You have a fungal infection in your private area. Sometimes it can be due to sweat, tight clothing, or not drying properly after a shower. The main symptom is the itch and the redness. This can be treated with antifungal cream. Keep the area clean and dry. Loose-fitting cotton underwear and not scratching the area will make it better.

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2607)

I have a rash around my private part area,itchy and sometimes painful.

Female | 20

You should see a dermatologist. This may indicate a skin problem or an infection. Since a dermatologist will be able to diagnose the problem correctly and offer appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can you please diagnose what this skin condition is. My brother has this skin disease for the past 2 months and he refuses to meet dermatologist I would like to upload the image

Male | 60

Please consult online by sending images via whatsapp and calling on 943316666

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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How to reduce pimple Ane acne hair proble

Female | 23

Face proble­ms arise frequently. They occur whe­n pores clog with oil and dirt. Blocked pores me­an red bumps form. Or blackheads. Or whitehe­ads appear. Washing your face gently twice­ daily helps reduce the­se issues. Use mild cle­ansers. Don't overly touch your face. 

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

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My doctor prescribed some medication and prescribed eumosone m cream to treat my penile fungal infection. There is steroid content cream, however, claims to be safe to use on the penis for three weeks. Please notify me if this changes.

Male | 26

You can use it.. 

either you can consult an ayurveda expert for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello sir/ma'am please suggest me any skin cream. I used elosone ht cream over my skin for 3 month, that have affected my skin. And one of my friend told me that i have a skin atrophy. My skin where i use to apply the cream is completely covered with a dark layer. Can you please suggest me any cream so that the affected area can be fade out by time. Please ma'am its a humble request to you. It feels very bad and i cant even go outside due to this.

Female | 18

Using the cream may have caused your skin to become thin and fragile, a condition known as atrophy. The dark layer you see could be a result of this. Try using a gentle moisturizing cream with ingredients like aloe vera or oatmeal to help fade it over time. Avoid strong products and give your skin time to recover. Always do a patch test on new products before applying them to larger areas. 

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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Hi, I am a girl of 19 years old. My boyfriend has given me a love bite on my breast and on back. I wanted to ask if this is normal? As I am feeling a bit sick and feverish. I want to know if this is okay to feel such way? For more information, earlier when i got a love bite, it was on neck and i faced neck infection. I had neck swelling. It got okay after medications though. But I want to know if there are chances for swelling this time too? Something like this? Or will it be okay with time and nothing will happen? Please clear. Thanks

Female | 19

A love bite­ can cause fever and sickne­ss, it's normal. Your boyfriend's bite on the breast and back may have­ let bacteria ente­r broken skin. This causes infection - swe­lling and tenderness. Cle­an the area, use warm compre­ss, take pain meds if nee­ded. But if pus appears or symptoms worsen, ge­t medical help right away. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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