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Male | 82

Can Retinitis Pigmentosa be treated and stabilized effectively?

I'm Mithun Kumar Basak .I am extremely feel helpless for the disease of "Retinitis Pigmentosa".How can I get relief from this vital disease?will be possible to control or turn back on the stable stage?? Please provide me your valuable advice.

1 Answer
Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon

Answered on 24th Sept '24

The condition affects the eyes thereby causing visual problems which include difficulties in seeing at night, tunnel vision, and loss of peripheral vision. Instead, there are several treatments that can assist in the management of the symptoms and the slowdown of the disease's progression, such as vision aids, genetic counseling, and lifestyle changes. Eye specialists should be involved for treatment tailored for individual patients.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Eye" (195)

I have so called Amplyopia in my left eye, and I am 54 years old , is possible to treat that

Male | 54

Amplyopia, known as lazy eye­, can happen because childhood vision didn't de­velop right. Or it can be caused by othe­r eye issues. Signs may be­ blurry sight, or eyes not working togethe­r well. At 54, treating lazy eye­ is harder, but vision therapy or glasses might he­lp improve eyesight some­. Getting eyes che­cked regularly is very important.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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My eyes no in right eye -1.75 and left-0.75 I am wear the glasses ?

Male | 21

It sounds like you have a refractive error, which means your eyes may not focus light correctly. The numbers you mentioned indicate mild nearsightedness and farsightedness, respectively. Wearing glasses can help correct your vision, allowing you to see clearly at various distances. It's essential to wear them consistently for the best results. If you experience any discomfort or changes in your vision, I encourage you to consult with an eye care professional. They can provide a thorough examination and ensure your prescription is accurate, giving you the best possible vision correction. 

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

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When I work out at the gym, my eye starts to swell after the workout. I consulted an eye specialist, who said it’s an allergy. However, when I jog or walk outside, nothing happens. In the gym, if I lift weights, even light ones, my eye starts to swell later. When I do floor exercises like push-ups, I feel like there's a foreign object in my eye, causing a twitching sensation. This only happens with exercises that involve pressure.looking like muscle weakness.It also happens after swimming. This issue never occurred before, and I’ve been doing these activities for the past four years without any problems. I have consulted various doctors and spent a lot of money, but I have not found a solution.

Male | 24

You might be having allergic reactions triggered by your exercise. When you do certain workouts at the gym, like lifting weights or floor exercises, your eye swells up. This could be due to allergens at the gym or materials from the equipment. It's good that outdoor activities don't cause this problem. To prevent the symptoms, try wearing protective eyewear (goggles) at the gym or using antihistamine eye drops before you work out. It's a good idea to consult with an allergist for a complete evaluation and management plan.

Answered on 10th July '24

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She has a eye pressure rate 26-27

Female | 15

An eye pressure between 26-27 is a bit higher than the normal. This can be the first indicator of a disorder named glaucoma. Nevertheless, these signs may be related to decreased vision, eye pain, or no symptoms. Excessive eye pressure is the cause of visual impairment; therefore, an eye examination is essential. The course of action generally includes using eye drops or surgery to reduce pressure levels and keep your sight safe.

Answered on 12th July '24

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Patient: Mrs. Kavita Dilip Dubal Date: 10 Aug 2024 Age: 42 Complaints: Diminished vision in the left eye for 15 days. Findings: Right Eye: Vision: 6/12P Diagnosis: Myopia, macular degeneration, tesselated fundus Treatment: Eyedrops for constant use Left Eye: Vision: CF1Mtr. Diagnosis: Degenerative myopia with choroidal neovascularization Recommended: Anti-VEGF injection Question: Should you proceed with the injection or explore other options? and what is condation of right eye??

Female | 43

In your left eye, there is degenerative myopia with choroidal neovascularization, which has caused your vision to decline. In this condition, new blood vessels are growing in the wrong place. The best treatment option right now is an anti-VEGF injection, which can prevent these vessels from causing further damage to your eye. Meanwhile, your right eye has myopia, macular degeneration, and a tessellated fundus. Although your eyesight is not clear, regular use of eye drops can help control the situation to some extent.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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What can I do if my eyes gets red

Other | 25

Red eyes are common and can happen for many reasons, like a stuffy nose, dust, tiredness, or chlorine. Sometimes, conditions like arrhythmia or long periods of staring at screens can also cause red eyes. To help, you can use artificial tears to keep your eyes moist. If your eyes still feel irritated, taking a break and resting them is a good idea.

Answered on 20th Aug '24

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Hii Last week one drop of cleaning acid went into my eye when i was using it , i immediately flushed it with water and i was fine the eye had redness and spasms rarely now I'm starting to get eye irritation

Male | 20

In that case please get it checked thoroughly by a good physician to see if there are still any concerns due to acid.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My dad is 75+ and have catract want free operation

Male | 76

Welcome to sanjivani eye hospital , you have visited sanjivani, any query related cataract surgery, Topical phaco surgery No anaesthesia No injection No stitches 5 minutes surgery time 3 rd all activities Ozil technology phaco machine Cashless facility Cghs All corporate TIE UP Still any query call me

Answered on 8th Sept '24

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I am a 17 years old female who has had a lazy left eye for the past year and 9 months which I believe is called strambius

Female | 17

You might have a lazy left eye, which is also called strabismus. This is caused by the fact that the eye muscles do not function as they should. Sometimes, they can also lead to symptoms such as double vision or your eyes not looking in the same direction. Don't worry, there are treatments available, like special glasses, eye exercises, or even surgery, to help improve your condition.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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My eye I woke up and and try looking at my light bulbs and I saw something like rainbow color’s around it and also my eye ball is red since morning

Male | 16

You are experiencing an ailment called eye strain. Nowadays, it is common for people to experience problems with their eyesight. When your eyes are overworked they might be showing kaleidoscope colors or red. This is possible when the eyes are staring at light bulbs for too long. To help, rest your eyes by looking away from screens and lights. Eye drops or glasses may also be useful. 

Answered on 7th Sept '24

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