Male | 18
Can Squint in One Eye After Surgery be Corrected?
I am 18 year old and i am male ho sakta hay 13 years ago I had an operation on my eye then you were fine but now you are suffering from squint the squint is increasing slowly I contacted the nearest doctor but he told me that you have had an operation so you Even if we fix it on the squint but it will not be correct because your vision is very low and the other eye can see fine so can you suggest me that this problem can be solved

Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
Answered on 6th Nov '24
A squint, or strabismus, is a condition where the eyes are not properly aligned, often due to weak eye muscles or vision issues. In your case, however, the squint may not improve the low vision in the operated eye. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to enhance the eye's appearance. You can discuss options with your eye doctor, such as wearing glasses, doing eye exercises, or considering additional surgery if suitable.
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Questions & Answers on "Eye" (195)
Wind wafted a small amount of perfume into the side of my eyes. I'm currently experiencing discomfort and strange sensations in my eyes as a result of the perfume. I'm worried about going blind?
Male | 33
The perfume you're applying near your eyes might be causing discomfort, making them hurt. You may experience itchiness, watering, or a sensation of something in your eyes. It's important not to ignore this issue. Rinse your eyes with cold water for immediate relief. If the pain persists or worsens, please consult an eye specialist. They can guide how to manage your condition effectively.
Answered on 16th July '24
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If a person is farsighted and gets eye laser surgery, then does the person has to repeat it again after a certain time period or is it lifetime?
Female | 24
Laser eye surgery, such as LASIK, can effectively address farsightedness by reshaping the cornea to improve vision. While many experience lasting results, some individuals may notice changes in their vision over time due to natural aging or other factors. Regular eye exams are crucial for monitoring your eye health and determining if any further treatment is needed. Always consult an ophthalmologist to discuss your specific situation and ensure you receive tailored advice.
Answered on 20th Mar '25
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Dry eye problem. Watering eyes, blurry vision, burning
Male | 26
Dry eye occurs when your eyes do not produce adequate tears or the tears are poor quality. It can lead to watery eyes, blurred vision, and a burning sensation. Potential causes include aging, certain medications, or extended screen time. To help alleviate symptoms, use artificial tears, avoid smoke exposure, and take breaks from screens. Additionally, frequent blinking can help keep your eyes moisturized.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
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Hello, I'm 16 years old. Since yesterday at 12 PM Spanish time, I've been experiencing small spasms in my lower left eyelid. They feel like muscle contractions, usually sudden and occurring every 20 seconds, with about 10 to 15 contractions per spasm. I don't think there's any underlying issue as I don't have sleep problems, stress, haven't consumed caffeine or alcohol, and I don't feel tired. I would greatly appreciate the help; it's not painful but very annoying.
Male | 16
These spasms might happen because of stress, tiredness, or too much time spent staring at screens. Ensure that you rest your eyes, get enough sleep, and try massaging gently to relieve tension from the muscles around them. If they persist or get worse then it would be wise to talk with an eye specialist for more advice.
Answered on 12th Dec '24
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I have eye problems like retina detached anything to do about it there? Because I want to travel
Male | 56
Are you seeing floaters, flashes, or a curtain across your vision? This may mean retinal detachment, where the retina separates from the eye. Aging and injuries can cause detachment, which harms sight if untreated. Surgery reattaches the retina, preventing permanent blindness. Visit an eye specialist.
Answered on 25th July '24
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I am 17 year old female. I noticed that I have a lump inside my eyelids on both eyes. It is painless, not swollen, it's colour is same as my skin colour. It's been for about 1 month and it is starting to get noticeable when I close my eyes.
Female | 17
You may have a common eye issue called a chalazion. A chalazion is a small lump in the eyelid. It happens when oil glands get blocked. Don't worry, chalazions often go away by themselves. Try warm compresses to help it heal faster. If it doesn't go away or gets bigger, see an eye doctor for treatment. Chalazions are not serious but can be annoying. The key is to be patient and keep doing the warm compresses. If it persists, an eye doctor can help with easy treatments.
Answered on 16th July '24
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My mother has arthritis since 2014 and because of that she has extremely dry eyes. This Aug 2024 she got corneal ulcer which has been treated by dr hijab mehta and now my mother has corneal vascularisation in her left eye. Please is there any treatment for it to remove the scar? My mother has very thin cornea and her vision is still there. She can see things but blur bcoz of that scar. Please help if there is any treatment for it to heal
Female | 54
Your mom's corneal vascularisation can be caused by some issues that have existed for a long time such as arthritis and corneal ulcer. The scar on her cornea may be the reason for her vision being blurry. Treatment options may be included in eye drops, surgery, or using lenses. An eye doctor has to follow up with her to get the best treatment plan.
Answered on 29th Oct '24
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Why my eyes are red and feeling weak and pain in all over body
Male | 21
You probably have the flu, a virus that spreads easily. Flu makes your eyes red and irritated. It causes weakness and body aches too. These comes from your immune system fighting the virus. Get lots of rest, drink fluids, and take pain meds. That can help you feel better soon.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
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I fell more weekness around eye kya reason ho sakti ha
Female | 22
You are experiencing some extra fatigue around the eye area which is no good. This can be caused by several reasons. Not getting enough sleep, staring at a screen for a long time, or not drinking enough water can weaken the eyes. Try taking breaks from the screens, sleeping enough, and drinking lots of water. If this sensation doesn't go away, see an eye doctor for a check-up.
Answered on 25th Aug '24
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what is the transprint thing in my mother eye. This is look like transprint pimple on white part of eye. Please explain in hindi if possible.
Female | 45
The transparent bump on the white part of your mother's eye could be a pinguecula or conjunctival cyst. It's usually harmless but should be checked by an eye doctor, to ensure there’s no serious issue. Please take her to the doctor for a proper examination.
Answered on 1st Oct '24
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Hello! I am 45 years old female and I have a problem with my eyes. The medicine in my country could not help me. Have you somebody who can speak Russian to talk about it?
Female | 45
I understand your concern regarding your eye issues. Symptoms such as vision changes, discomfort, or dryness can be related to various conditions, including allergies, infections, or refractive errors. It’s essential to have a thorough evaluation to identify the underlying cause. While I can’t provide direct medical care, I highly recommend consulting a ophthalmologist who specializes in eye care. They can offer personalized solutions.
Answered on 14th Feb '25
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In last 2 days I noticed a mini dark spot in my left eye sclera area connect red eye rays its like sting or like something in my eye main problem is its feels when I close the eye or blink the eye How can I get out of it, any solution i got to know from Google it's called axenfeld loop its irritating for me please give me advice
Male | 19
Axenfeld loop is when there is a tiny dark spot on the white part of your eye, and it can be like having something in your eye. Besides this, other factors such as eye strain or irritation could also be sources of this. To cope with the discomfort, artificial tears can be applied to your eyes. Don't rub your eyes. If the symptoms are still there or worsen, it's better to go to an eye doctor for further examination and treatment.
Answered on 14th Oct '24
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hi. I have a question if there is any treatment for eye stroke. This happened on 11/12/2023. Now they have regained their vision, but not completely, but especially in the middle of the eye, and I have a report and pictures of the eye. Thank you very much.
Male | 48
Eye strokes occur when blood vessels supplying the eye get blocked. Vision loss is the result. Regaining some sight is positive progress, good news indeed. To potentially improve vision further, an eye specialist appointment seems wise. They can suggest treatments, like eye exercises or medicine, that might help restore more eyesight. Diligent follow-up care with the eye doctor becomes crucial moving forward.
Answered on 30th July '24
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Hello I am a 36yeqr old female .Two days ago I was staring through my house blinds few minutes after my right side vision was gone and all I could see is diamonds my left eye was fine this lasted about eyes have been sensitive amd slightly sore since then,I work Infront of a PC all day What can this be?
Female | 36
This can be the initial sign of either an ocular migraine or a transient ischemic attack (TIA). In relationship to your symptoms, and given your work surroundings, you are advised to see an ophthalmologist or a neurologist who specializes in vision-related matters.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am speaking from Bangladesh. I got glass in my eye in a car accident. After medical treatment, an operation was performed and the eye was stitched. And was using some drops. Such as drepaid drop, mycin drop etc. After doing these the eyes were improving. Suddenly one day after sleeping at night I woke up in the morning. I see blurry eyes. Very blurry. And there are some white spots inside the eyes. What is the problem and treatment?
Male | 26
You may be having a problem called corneal ulcer. This may be the case if there is an infection or an injury of the cornea, which is the outermost layer of the eye and is transparent. Blurry vision and white spots are the typical symptoms. It's important to see your eye doctor for proper treatment, which may include antibiotics or other medications.
Answered on 11th Oct '24
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I m using steroid eye drops since one year… can be at risk of cataract or glaucoma
Female | 32
Long-term usage of steroid eye drops, like a year, can be risky. It may lead to cataracts or glaucoma. Cataracts cause cloudy vision. Glaucoma can result in eye pain and vision loss. To prevent these problems, regular check-ups with your eye doctor are essential.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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I take ashwagandha daily, can I donate my blood? And I had a Lasik eye surgery 3 years ago.
Male | 21
Yes, you can give blood if you take ashwagandha every day and had Lasik surgery 3 years ago. The ashwagandha herb is safe and will not impact your blood donation. The Lasik eye operation you had some time ago also does not stop you from giving blood. Just make sure you feel good on the day you plan to donate blood.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
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I wanna take murine 300 or Vitacover since it has omega 3 and lycopene which are good for heart and eyes. So can I take those capsules ? If yes then how many capsules per week ?
Male | 21
Omega-3 and lycopene are indeed good for them. Apart from that, you can get these benefits by taking Murine 300 or Vitacover. The proper dosage is to take 1 capsule of one of them per day. These capsules have a role in maintaining your heart's health & your eyes' good shape.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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आदरणीय डॉ साहब नमस्कार मुझे आपके बारे में अभिमन्यु अंकल से बाद में मालूम हुआ मुझे पिछले तीस सालों से काला मोतिया है brimocom drop डाल रहा हूं पिछले चार महीने से right आंख में धुंधलापन बढ़ गया था मैने दिखाया तो डॉ ने बताया सफेद मोतिया भी हो गया है लेंस डलेगा उन्होंने 1 oct ko oprete करके लेंस डाल दिया अब परेशानी यह है कि 1* आंख के सामने सफेद कोहरा सा आता है 2* जब पढ़ता हूं तो काले धब्बे पहले के मुकाबले बढ़ गए हैं 3* सड़क पर चलता हूं तो ऊपर नीचे दिखाई देता है 4* रात को लाइट में पहले की तरह चारों तरफ फैली हुई दिखाई देती है। उनको बताया तो कहने चश्मा लगने के बाद ठीक हो जाएगा नंबर दे दिया चश्मा भी लगा लिया परंतु ठीक नहीं हैं वो कहते है लेंस बिल्कुल सही है धीरे धीरे ठीक होगा। सर आपसे ये पूछना है इन परेशानियों का कुछ हल है या ऐसे ही रहेगी । सर मुझे राइट साइड का paralysis है मुश्किल से चल पाता हूं अगर मेरी समस्या का कोई समाधान है तो मुझे बतलाइए। विपिन अग्रवाल अग्रवाल मंडी बागपत 9927851504
Male | 63 years
Hello Mr. Vipin Agarwal. I am really sorry to hear about your problem. It is a common practice to say, "You're getting better, slowly however, a key investigation may be required." Based on your symptoms, it is evident that there might have been some error. Problems like white clouds, black spots, up-down visibility, etc. are not normal. Probable reasons for this include surgical error or corneal deformity. Initially, conduct a blood test and an eye check to get the full picture. Then, suitable treatment can be carried out. See an eye specialist for consultations. Stay healthy.
Answered on 13th Dec '24
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I have redness in my right eye and headache as well .i checked the bp it was 80/132. Kindly guide.what is the reason behind it.and what sort of bp us it,normal,or high
Female | 37
Redness in your right eye, along with a headache, can result from various factors such as eye strain, allergies, or mild infections. Your blood pressure reading of 80/132 indicates slightly elevated diastolic pressure, which is generally considered acceptable, though this can vary depending on individual health. It’s essential to rest your eyes, stay hydrated, and apply a cool compress if needed. For persistent symptoms or discomfort, please consult a healthcare professional for a personalized evaluation. They can provide more detailed insights and treatment options tailored to your situation.
Answered on 17th Jan '25
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