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Female | 18

Why Do I Experience Heavy Head, Eye Strain, and Headaches?

Issues with head- 1. Head Always feels Heavy 2. Eye Strain 3. Headache while trying to concentrate 4. Doesn't feel fresh while waking up in the morning 5. Blankness in front of eyes if puts pressure on brain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

These symptoms may show signs of diseases associated with the eyes. It is important to see an ophthalmologist in order to assess the underlying cause. The specialist will probably suggest imaging tests, eye exams or other diagnostics procedures to detect the problem and establish a treatment strategy. Don’t overlook these symptoms as they could be signs of severe health complications.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I'm suffering from fever since 2 days with body ache, headache and Little cough. I think I've catched cold but it might be some other reason. I've taken 3 paracetamol tablets in last two days. I feel much better today but symptoms still exist. Please help with that. Recommend medicines and other non medical care.

Female | 20

Many people­ have viral infections. They make­ your body feel hot, achy, and bad. Your head hurts. You cough. Taking me­dicine like paracetamol he­lps the fever go away. But the­ other problems stay because­ the virus needs time­ to leave. Resting and drinking lots of wate­r are important. Honey might help your cough. If you don't fe­el better soon, or worsens, se­e a doctor.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Diet plan for weight gain

Female | 20

Regularly e­ating full, nutritious meals will help you gain weight he­althily. Nuts, seeds, avocados, and healthy fats provide­ calorie-rich nutrients. Yogurt and nut butter make­ great snacks. Aim for three me­als daily, plus snacks in between. Incre­asing daily calorie intake this way supports weight gain. Don't forge­t to drink lots of water too.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am not feeling well from the past 2 days but today have got fever and bodyache.What to do futher?

Female | 19

It se­ems you have a hot body and hurting body parts. This could mean a bug like­ the flu is present in your body. Make sure to re­st and drink lots of water. Also, take some me­dicine for the hot body. Staying warm and cozy will help your body be­at the bug. if the problem persists, visit a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am supposed to see my doctor again in 5 months after she diagnosed me with anemia and prescribed iron tablets. I now have acne thqt is so bad, i striggle to poop and my vagina bleeds even though I don't have my period and the bllos is brown

Female | 25

Acne­, difficulty pooping, and vaginal bleeding are se­parate issues nee­ding attention. Hormonal changes or diet ofte­n cause acne. Pooping trouble could re­late to anemia or lack of fiber. Vaginal ble­eding may stem from an infection or hormonal imbalance­. These symptoms require­ discussing with a healthcare provider for prope­r treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have dog Scratch taken 3 rabies vaccine in Arms and last dose of 1 rabies vaccine in buttocks will it be effective, also 4 years ago I have taken my all 4 doses of rabies vaccine from dog bite.

Male | 16

Receiving the vaccine first in your arm and then in your buttocks remains effective at preventing rabies. Best to always ask healthcare professionals for any concerns or symptoms especially when treating it at home. High fever, headache, or painful swallowing are the possible signs that the injection occurred at the site. 

Answered on 8th July '24

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Hello doctor, I did too much masturbation, but from past 15 days I am having lower abdomen pain , and too much gas form in my stomach will you please help me to resolve this issue

Male | 28

Masturbation to the point of excess may trigger lower abdominal muscle stress, causing discomfort and gas production. It is important that you immediately visit a urologist or a gastroenterologist since it is through such professionals that you can be able to know the root of the symptoms and consequently get the best treatment. Please never medicate yourself and be sure to only see a specialist

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I experience hot flashes, dizziness and body weakness too often

Female | 24

Consultation with a healthcare provider is necessary to establish the etiology. A gynecologist can be of assistance with the menopausal symptoms while a general physician can determine other conditions causing those signs.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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hello, this isn’t for me but for my friend instead. he’s been having a bad sore throat recently. he’s been given antihistamine which helped relieve it temporarily. he’s also been taking honey lemon water to hydrate and lubricate his throat. however even after taking apprx 7 litres of liquid intake today his throat feels very very dry. for the past two hours he has been feeling very been feeling and having a very bad headache,feels that either his blood pressure or sugar level is acting up, had an episode of nosebleed for a minute and had been coughing up blood and green mucus.

Male | 24

Your friend must be going through a troubling physiological state. Sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, headache, nosebleed, cough, and even the blood and mucus signs can indicate a particular disease. Make it an obligation to see a healthcare specialist as soon as possible. These symptoms may be due to biological complications or some causatives such as infections and high blood pressure upon which the treatment sits. A doctor should examine what is wrong with him and provide the treatment.

Answered on 10th July '24

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I fell and hit my nose and now it’s tender to the touch aswell as not being able to breathe out of that nostril

Female | 20

It looks like you have a nasal fracture or a deviated septum. I suggest that you see an ENT specialist for a complete evaluation. They can assess the degree of the injury and administer the right treatment. It is vital that we do not ignore any nose injury as it may result in long term complications if left untreated.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My fsh level is 27.27 and Lh hormones level is 22.59 and my age is 45 unmarried and also I have thyroid problems can there is any medicine to decrease fsh level

Female | 45

From your FSH and LH values, it seems that you are going through menopause.I recommend you to see a gynecologist to do a full check-up and decide what is the right treatment for your case. Regarding medication to reduce the levels of FSH, there may be some solutions; however, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist before undertaking such treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I haven't had sex for 6 month 2 months ago my wbc was 11.70 now is 11.30 I want to is it possible that I have hiv? I have to had I suffer from many mental health problem and I just strated taking med for my mental health yesterday

Female | 23

You can't spot HIV by less white blood cells alone. Other symptoms such as fever, weight loss and night sweats may also be present. I suggest that you consult with a specialist in infectious disease for a proper diagnosis and medication plan. Besides that, let your mental health issues and medications know the doctor as a precaution to avoid any drug interactions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I feel hung over even though I've not consumed any alcohol

Female | 18

Fee­ling hungover without drinking? It happens. Could be de­hydration, poor sleep, stress, or unhe­althy meals. Headaches, fatigue­, nausea, mental fog – these­ symptoms arise. Drink lots of water, get re­st, eat nutritious food, relax. Consult a doctor if issues pe­rsist. 

Answered on 31st July '24

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Received few grey brown soft tissue bits together measuring 0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1 cm

Male | 23

The grey-brown soft tissue bits you received are likely biopsy samples. It's important to get them examined by a pathologist to understand the nature of the tissue. I strongly recommend consulting a specialist, such as a general surgeon or a pathologist, who can review the results and guide you on the next steps for treatment.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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Why there was discharge before peing after taking termin injection

Male | 22

Regular pre-pee discharge after terminal injection is common. The shot sometimes aggravates the bladder, which results in this. There is some likelihood that it will also evoke a slight feeling of burning or a soft, dull pain. However, do not panic, as this symptom will normally resolve. Water is necessary to dilute the toxins in your body. If the problem lasts longer or becomes more severe, consult your physician.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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Can drinking from a mildew water bottle make me sick

Male | 36

Drinking from a water bottle with mildew could potentially be harmful to your health. Mildew is a type of mold that grows in moist conditions and can lead to respiratory issues and allergies.
If you see mildew in your bottle, avoid drinking from it and clean it thoroughly with warm soapy water, a bleach solution, or vinegar solution. Make sure the bottle is completely dry before using it again.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My friend age is 32 due to some issues he ate 10 table spoons of salt before 30 mins now he is not responding the calls is there any problem with that

Male | 32

This can lead to a condition known as salt poisoning. Signs may include extreme thirst, vomiting, weakness, and confusion. When your friend does not answer calls, it is a severe symptom. The brain and body could be affected. Please seek immediate medical attention. This is an emergency that may be fatal.

Answered on 6th June '24

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