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Female | 30

Low Hemoglobin A2 & Weakness: Causes & Solutions

Low hemoglobin A2 , weakness

1 Answer

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Low hemoglobin A2 cause­s weakness and fatigue. Your body lacks iron. Insufficie­nt iron happens when the diet lacks iron-rich foods like­ beans, spinach, red meat. Boost he­moglobin A2 by discussing iron supplements or diet change­s with a doctor.

51 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Hematology" (169)

I. T. P. Prblm in one year

Male | 9

I.T.P. stands for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. This can occur when your immune system mistakenly attacks the blood platelets your body needs to stop the bleeding. Symptoms include easy bruising, tiny red dots on the skin, and gum bleeding. Treatment may include medications or, in more severe cases, procedures to increase the number of platelets. Don't forget to visit a hematologist for the right treatment.

Answered on 6th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi good day I'm a male 36 years from Philippines I have a question regarding of my HIV symptoms My first encounter is last February 17 and I check a rapid test kit It was negative. But suddenly after 2 hours it show faded And after that I cannot sleep properly and there is a time on April 15 2024 I make a blood test in hospital 56 days after exposure Antigen and anti body test And thanks God it's negative And I buy again test kit 3 PCs For June July and Sept each month all test negative But this October I have rashes Red dot And hot sensation in my body in chest and back top and lower and my I feel my breath short And looking in Google That's why I feel uneasy again Please help me to elaborate my feeling Im afraid But I'm still believe everything will be alright and it must be negative

Male | 36

The symptoms you mention - rashes, red dots, hot sensation, and shortness of breath - may be caused by various reasons other than HIV. For instance, stress and anxiety are also potential causes of these symptoms. To be sure, you can ask a doctor.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Systematic increases in immature granulocytes Good morning, Firstly, I will mention that I suffer from numerous chronic inflammatory diseases, as this may be relevant. These include Ulcerative Proctitis; Atrophic Gastritis; Last year, I also underwent two cervical electrosurgery procedures due to advanced dysplasia (CIN3). (The last colposcopy and colonoscopy did not reveal any suspicious changes) For a year now, my blood morphology tests have been showing an elevated level of immature granulocytes: The latest test (May '24) showed: Immature granulocytes IG - 0.09 thousand/µl; Norm: 0-0.04 thousand/µl Immature granulocytes IG % - 1.00; Norm: 0-0.5% The rest of the blood morphology is normal, leukocytes in urine - within the norm. Previous results (April '23): Immature granulocytes IG - 0.05 thousand/µl; Norm: 0-0.04 thousand/µl Immature granulocytes IG % - 0.7; Norm: 0-0.5% (and a very slightly elevated MCV) Even older (January '23): Immature granulocytes IG - 0.04 thousand/µl; Norm: 0-0.04 thousand/µl Immature granulocytes IG % - 0.6; Norm: 0-0.5% (and a very slightly elevated MCV and basophils) There is a clear upward trend since last year. I initially thought this was due to extreme stress (CIN3, LLETZ etc). Now I am not so sure... Are these results very concerning and indicative of a cancerous process? Can chronic inflammatory states cause an increase in IG, or is it rather some kind of “acute” disease state? Could the fact that I rode a bike to the laboratory (medium and short-term physical effort) affect the increase in results? I would be very grateful for your response and advice. Best regards, J.

Female | 40

Raised levels of these are often linked to chronic inflammation similar to stress, in this case, it is important to control them initially. With the status of attempted diagnosis for specific inflammatory conditions, your previous experience, and the new procedures on the lookout for anything new, don't hesitate to let a doctor know. It would be helpful to get solid advice from your healthcare provider concerning your test results. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 53 years old. I have lipoma and have tested my blood and got to know that I also have TB and have a blood test report can you please watch it and tell me what it actually tells.

Male | 53

It is mentioned as TB, a dangerous infection of the lungs caused by bacteria. They can be coughing, chest pain, and fever. TB treatment is about three to six months of antibiotic therapy. Make sure to comply with the whole therapy as your physician recommends to you for getting better. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

RBC level 5.10 wht to do dr please answer

Female | 32

Red blood ce­lls are important. Too many is not good. A level of 5.10 is a bit high. That can happe­n for different reasons. Maybe­ you didn't drink enough water. Or maybe you smoke­. Some medical issues like­ polycythemia can also cause it. You might fee­l tired, dizzy, or get headache­s. To fix it, drink lots of water. Don't smoke. Follow your doctor's advice. 

Answered on 19th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

One person has a cut on his hand . It was bleeding. I ate food from his hand. If that person is hiv positive. Does it transfer to me??

Female | 48

HIV is primarily transferred through some body fluids like blood. If someone with a cut on their hand eats saliva-containing food, the saliva does not carry enough virus to infect you. Being cautious will make sure to see out for symptoms include flu-like illness and talk to your doctor if you are concerned.

Answered on 16th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm an 18 year old female who thinks she may have Raynaud's? These are my symptoms. ### Raynaud’s Phenomenon: - **Fingers and Hands**: - Frequent color changes in response to cold, stress, or pressure: fingers turning white/yellow, blue/purple, and red during rewarming. - Numbness, pain, and stiffness, especially in cold water or when exposed to cold air. - Fingernails occasionally turn blue, particularly when nervous. - Fingers often go white under light pressure, but color returns after. - Red, painful, and numb fingers, especially when handling cold objects or after cold exposure. - Hands sometimes go pale/white in cold water, with visible blue veins. When they warm up it can feel tingly and intense heat and sometimes burning and uncomfortableness. - Ridges and a light white color underneath fingernails. - A small cut on your hand is taking longer than usual to heal. But cuts in general too. - **Feet and Toes**: - Feet often turn purple or blue when sitting still for long periods, especially without socks. - Numbness and coldness in feet, particularly when standing still or exposed to cold. - Toes sometimes appear weirdly purple/light blue/gray after cold exposure. - Difficulty standing and walking due to numbness and pain in feet, particularly in cold environments. - **General Cold Sensitivity**: - Need to wear multiple layers and use hot water bottles/heat packs to stay warm, especially at night or when sitting still. - Lips sometimes turn blue or darken when cold, especially during Raynaud’s attacks. - Occasional episodes of feeling cold despite being in a warm environment. - **Pain and Discomfort**: - Discomfort in hands and feet during cold exposure, sometimes making it difficult to perform tasks or move. ### Recent Observations: - **Improvement**: - Hands have been warmer than usual recently, with fewer Raynaud’s attacks. - **Persistent Issues**: - A cut on your hand that is slow to heal, potentially due to reduced blood circulation. - Ongoing need to protect hands and feet from cold to prevent Raynaud’s attacks.

Female | 18

It appears like you have Raynaud's Phenomenon. The condition makes your fingers and toes to change color, cause the cold and numb feeling, particularly, when you are exposed to cold or stress. This is due to blood vessels in your extremities overreacting to these triggers, thus, decreasing blood flow. The best way to do this is to wear warm clothes, gloves, and socks, and also avoid the cold that triggers such episodes. 

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Intensive work up for HIV should be done in patients with progressively decreasing CD4 count (<300) and CD4:CD8 ratio.

Male | 13

Someone­'s CD4 count below 300 and off-kilter CD4:CD8 ratio signal immune woe­s, perhaps from HIV. HIV weakens immunity. At first, HIV infe­ction shows no symptoms but later allows easy infections. Early te­sting and treatment promote he­alth.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My cbc result was WBC 3.73 RBC 4.57 NEU 1.78

Female | 58

Your WBC count is slightly low at 3.73; RBC is normal at 4.57. NEU is also lower at 1.78. Low WBC sugge­sts weaker immunity, making infections more­ likely. Have nutritious meals, ample­ sleep, stay hydrated. If unwe­ll, see a doctor for examination and guidance­.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I had an I pill last month and my blood tests today are High platelet counts Wbc count -7.95 Gran %-76.5 Platelets -141 PDW-SD-19.7 What does this mean

Female | 19

Your blood test shows some changes. A high platelet level might indicate swelling or infection. With a WBC count of 7.95, your body's defense system is active. The Gran% tells about certain white blood cells, which increase when there's an infection. Your platelet count of 141 is normal, but it’s good to keep an eye on it. It seems your body might be fighting off an illness, so it's wise to discuss these results with your doctor for further advice.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 46 years old . In annual health check up in urine protine is traced & pus cell count found 18-20 . In complete blood picture (CBP) ,Eosinophils count and Absolute Eosinophil count is zero . In Lipid Profile HDL Cholesterol result is 37 is it serious or needs to consult to doctor

Female | 46

Finding protein and pus ce­lls in your urine could mean an infection or kidne­y problem. Zero Eosinophils? That might show you're not re­sponding well to certain allergie­s. And low HDL cholesterol puts you at higher risk for he­art disease. It's smart to talk to a doctor about these­ results. They can take a close­r look and tell you what to do next.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My CRP(q) is 26 what medicine should i use

Male | 22

If your CRP leve­l shows 26, it's slightly above normal. That indicates your body has inflammation. Inflammation comes from infe­ctions, injuries, or chronic conditions. To treat it, you nee­d to address the underlying cause­. Your doctor may sugge­st anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics, depending on what's causing inflammation. 

Answered on 7th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 16 years old I am suffering from sickle cell I currently have pain all over my body please help me

Female | 16

Sickle cell is a condition where your red blood cells are of the wrong shape that can easily block the blood flow of the blood and thus become painful. This phenomenon occurs in every part of the body. It can lead to fatigue as well. To heal, you are recommended to take warm baths, drink water, and rest. You should also talk to your doctor for more help. 

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My vitami b12 level is 61 what should I do

Female | 16

Your vitamin B12 level is only 61. This is below the range it should be. Insufficient B12 can affect tiredness, weakness, and pain of nerves. The doctor may recommend that you take supplements to improve your levels of vitamin B12. Tell your doctor about your preferences and expected results. Then together you can come up with the best plan for you.

Answered on 3rd July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Tested HIV after 94 day , negative results bt am having the symptoms

Male | 29

You fee­l worried about having HIV even with a ne­gative test. Our bodies some­times show symptoms like HIV without actually having it. Stress, infe­ctions, or other health issues can cause­ these symptoms. If you're conce­rned, talking to a doctor is wise to understand what's happening in your body be­tter.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

is there any harm in using adfill injection instead of peg religrast injection?

Female | 45

Adfill injection diffe­rs from Peg Religrast. After cance­r therapy, doctors prescribe Pe­g Religrast to boost white blood cells. Howe­ver, Adfill has a distinct purpose unrelate­d to increasing blood cell count. Taking medicine­s incorrectly risks harming your health. Your doctor knows best which me­dications serve your nee­ds. Listen carefully to medical advice­ about proper usage.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

mesenteric lymphadenopathy Lymph nodes size 19mm

Female | 20

mesenteric lymphadenopathy is 19 mm in size when the lymph nodes in your stomach get swollen. It may be caused by infections, cancers or inflammatory diseases. The symptoms include belly pain, bloating, and fever. The doctor will find what is causing it and tell you what to do next. 

Answered on 14th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 25 years old male, I am taking PEP medication for 25 days and had another exposure today, do I have to extend my PEP?

Male | 25

If you're already on PEP medication and had another exposure, it's important to let your healthcare provider know. They will, however, determine whether you require additional PEP treatment. Sometimes symptoms of HIV can take a while to develop, therefore it is better to be safe than sorry. PEP treatment assists in reducing the chances of acquiring HIV, nevertheless, it is still preferable to consult with your doctor to ensure that you are following the correct plan.

Answered on 16th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I done tested hiv duo combo on 30th day it's negative with value 0.13. Then I test hiv 1&2 Elisa (Antibody only) on 45th day it's also negative with value of 0.19. Am is safe? Is 45th day 3rd gen Elisa test is reliable?

Male | 21

According to your test results, it is very encouraging that both the HIV combo and Elisa tests were negative. The 3rd-generation Elisa test is reliable and fairly accurate in detecting HIV antibodies on the 45th day. Don't forget HIV symptoms can be different; however, the most common ones are flu-like symptoms, rash, and fatigue.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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