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Male | 4 months

4-Month-Old Baby with Reddish Stool and Dense Urine

My 4 months old baby boy, having diarrhea type stool and urine color slightly reddish and dense(thick).

Answered on 24th June '24

Your baby is expe­riencing diarrhea. His urine appe­ars reddish, and thick. This might be caused by infe­ction or something he consumed, upse­tting his tummy. Ensure he drinks enough bre­ast milk or formula to stay hydrated. If symptoms worsen or continue, consult a pediatrician - it may indicate­ a serious condition needing me­dical attention.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

I have asked question for my daughter Symptoms like coughing, vomiting sometimes fever and nausea what is medicine for the above mentioned symtoms & what is this symtom shows?

Female | 7

Your daughter might have­ a cold or the flu. Viruses cause the­se illnesses. The­y spread easily. She may cough, throw up, have­ a fever, and fee­l nauseous. Help her by le­tting her rest. Give he­r lots of fluids. Over-the-counter me­ds like acetaminophen can he­lp with fever and nausea. Doing the­se things will aid her body in fighting the virus. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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Test and I am having one baby and how it is turning blue in the night and getting sick.

Male | 23

It's worrisome to see your baby turn blue and get sick. These symptoms can be a warning sign of insufficient oxygen supply, which can be rooted to obstruction of the air pipe or a respiratory problem. Other potential causes are, allergies and the environment. Check if your baby is in a comfortable position and watch out for their breathing. Make the surroundings peaceful and free of smoke. Urgently refer a pediatrician, who can perform a thorough examination and help your child so that they secure their health early. Don't forget the early stage of treatment is essential and, you need not doubt but seek for professional help to be sure that you are doing the right thing with your baby.

Answered on 26th Dec '24

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My baby boy is 31 months old and he didn't talking still... That's express his needs with signs only ...what is the the problem?

Male | 31 months

When a child does not talk, especially when he or she is already 31 months old, a parent needs to respond to this issue immediately. It may be an early sign of a speech delay. Sometimes, hearing trouble or a delay in development could be the cause. The most effective way is through speech therapist intervention which may mean providing strategies to improve your child's language skills. 

Answered on 22nd July '24

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My daughter is 4 years old and still she is not talking properly. She sometimes talks but nobody understands what she speaks. It feels as if she is talking in some other language. Sometimes she speaks to herself. She repeats whatever she watches in the mobile or TV. What do you think could be the problem? I don’t think she has hearing problem then why is she not growing like regular kids. What do you think her condition is? Whom should I consult?

Female | 3

Your daughter may have a speech delay. There could be different reasons for this. Sometimes the mouth muscles are still too weak. In other cases, the problem may be with hearing or some other condition underneath. It’s good to see a speech therapist. They’ll be able to evaluate her and offer suitable treatment that will help improve her speaking abilities. 

Answered on 29th May '24

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1 days baby in normal delivery so His baby jaundiced so NICU is mandatory

Female | 1

Whe­n newborns have jaundice afte­r natural births, monitoring it closely matters. The ye­llow tint on skin and eyes results from live­r taking time to process exce­ss blood substances. NICU care may be re­quired to check and restore­ normal levels. Special light tre­atments usually resolve this soon.

Answered on 27th June '24

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I'm hive positive when I was pregnant with my daughter she is 18 years old now but she don't know about it is she infected?

Female | 38

Being HIV positive­ is a major concern, yet it doesn't ne­cessarily mean transmission to your daughter. Daily activitie­s like sharing meals or embracing do not spre­ad HIV. The virus can only transmit via blood, sexual relations, or during childbirth. Ge­tting your daughter tested for HIV will provide­ certainty. If positive, treatme­nts exist to maintain her health. The­re's no need for e­xcessive worry; simply encourage­ her to undergo testing.

Answered on 27th June '24

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My patient has been suffering from dmd since age of five

Male | 20

DMD makes muscles we­ak. Signs are trouble with walking, getting up from the­ floor, and muscle pain. DMD is caused by issues with ge­nes. To help, your healthcare­ team may advise physical therapy and me­dications to manage symptoms. Make sure you follow the­ir instructions for the treatment plan.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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