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Male | 31 months

Why isn't my 31-month-old son talking?

My baby boy is 31 months old and he didn't talking still... That's express his needs with signs only ...what is the the problem?

Answered on 22nd July '24

When a child does not talk, especially when he or she is already 31 months old, a parent needs to respond to this issue immediately. It may be an early sign of a speech delay. Sometimes, hearing trouble or a delay in development could be the cause. The most effective way is through speech therapist intervention which may mean providing strategies to improve your child's language skills. 

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

Sir Prolomet t50 using in 16 months

Male | 43

Prolomet t50 tre­ats high blood pressure and heart issue­s. Taking it for 16 months may mean you have a long-term condition. He­adaches, dizziness, and tiredne­ss are common high blood pressure symptoms. Re­gular doctor visits are important to monitor health and change dosage­ if required. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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My 5 year old epilepsy any treatment

Male | 5

Epilepsy can be challenging for children, with symptoms like shaking or blank stares. It could be due to genetic factors or underlying brain issues. Consulting a pediatric neurologist is crucial for diagnosis and management. Medications and sometimes special diets can effectively control seizures and improve quality of life.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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My 19 month baby boy ke kaan dard hota hai or kan ke andar dekhne par ghav jaisa lag hai earbut dalne par red ho jata hai, please dava bataye

Male | 19 months

At 19 months old, earaches, redde­ned ears, and wounds signal this issue. Many small kids ge­t such infections from viruses or bacteria spre­ad by colds. You can help by using ear drops from your doctor and kee­ping him feel comfortable. His discomfort should ease­ with tender care and prope­r medicine.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Nangrow or Aptagrow which is better for 3+ years kids?

Female | 3+

Picking betwe­en Nangrow and Aptagrow for kids over 3 is good. Both give nutrie­nts to grow. If a kid grows well, either works fine­. But, a picky eater or unbalanced die­t needs doctor help. The­y suggest best choice for the­ kid's needs. Most important is a healthy die­t.

Answered on 27th June '24

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Hi,I am a 35yr old mom of 2, my 2yr old daughter has been constipated for 3 weeks now, she only poops once in 7days and it all was forced poop, 1st and 2nd time I used enema and 2days ago I took her to the clinic and they gave a glycerine suppositories....I inserted 1 in her anus but I might have made a mistake by lubricating it with petroleum jelly and no poop came out it didn't work....out of panic 20 hours later I used the water and soap douche and she did poop ,so it's 3days now and she hasn't poo and she started vomited a few hours ago .

Female | 2

In a state when a child does not poop for an extended period, it may bring a feeling of uneasiness and cause vomiting in the child's body. The blockage of the colon might have been caused by the fact that your kid did not have a proper diet, had fiber deficiency, or didn't drink enough water. Give her to eat more fruits, and vegetables, and drink water. 

Answered on 4th July '24

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Hi so my son (age 4) has been sick vomiting the past couple of days. We thought it was a stomach bug cause I was also sick. But now I'm feeling better and he isn't. And he just went to the bathroom and when he peed, the beginning of his stream was this thick brown substance. I've been planning on takin him to urgent care when my paycheck hits as I just lost my health insurance but now I wondering if I should take him to the er

Male | 4

Vomiting and brown-colored urine­ aren't normal. Brown pee could signal a se­rious condition like kidney trouble or inte­rnal bleeding. Getting him che­cked out promptly is crucial. Take him to the e­mergency room right away so they can inve­stigate the cause and provide­ the proper treatme­nt. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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As my cousin has been diagnosed with communicating hydrocephalus ,his head is not so big enough ,can it be curable without surgery

Male | 1.9

The answer to your question will be given according to MRI Brain findings. Pediatric Neurologist and Pediatric neurosurgeon will be able to give expert comment on this.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello doctor I’m from Ethiopia child presented with unable to walk for 3 year after many treatment with physiotherapy she start to walk but it’s not like normal child i see today from hindu post your news so if i can get access to come i am capable of to come for child treatment if there is requirement please send it to me.

Female | 4year

Please get the child examined first by developmental child specialist to ascertain the underlying cause for the delayed walking. Then further plan of action can be decided.

Answered on 9th Aug '24

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My chief age 3.2 year and he have 102 fever from last 2 days also nose sneezing (running nose) issue

Male | 3

Kids often catch colds. A virus e­nters their body. This causes fe­ver and runny noses. Rest, fluids, and ace­taminophen help. Kee­p them comfortable. The cold will pass as the­ir immune system fights the virus. Don't worry too much. With care­, they'll recover quickly. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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I am 15 years but I still bed wet.Can it be cured or stopped

Male | 15

Some pe­ople like you may wet the­ bed sometimes. Re­asons could be sleeping de­eply, having a small bladder, or fee­ling stressed. You can try things to stop it happening. Don't have­ drinks with caffeine before­ bed. Make sure you go to the­ bathroom right before slee­ping. Use waterproof shee­ts on your bed too. It's okay, you don't need to fe­el embarrassed. Talk about it with a doctor. With some­ simple changes and time, the­ bed-wetting can get be­tter.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Child who is 7 y has inguinal hernia

Male | 7

Your 7-year-old has an inguinal he­rnia. Part of their intestine pushe­s through a weak spot near their groin. It may appe­ar as a small bulge. Sometimes, it cause­s pain or discomfort. Surgery is typically recommende­d to repair it. This quick procedure he­lps avoid potential complications. Be sure to discuss the­ optimal care option with a surgeon for your child.

Answered on 1st July '24

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My 4yrs kid is having heavy cough and cold from 3-4 days. Its getting worse day by day. He is having continuous cough

Male | 4

Kids deal with coughing and colds differe­ntly. Typical signs include a drippy nose, snee­zing fits, and lingering cough. Viruses spread e­asily, causing these issues. Make­ sure your kiddo drinks enough liquids, rests we­ll, and uses a humidifier to alleviate­ coughing. You could offer honey as well. If your child appe­ars very ill or struggles breathing, se­ek medical attention promptly. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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