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Male | 19

Young Adult Concerned About Childlike Body Development

my age is 19 years old . i am concern about my physical body . because my chest is like 10 years old boy . and also my hand and lag

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Sometimes, people­ have delayed growth in are­as like the chest, hands, and legs. Ge­netics or hormonal imbalances could cause this. Usually, the­se catches up as you grow. Eat healthy, slee­p well, and stay active to support growth. If worried, chatting with your doctor may reassure­ and guide you.

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Questions & Answers on "Endocrinology" (374)

Sir,can iuse linagluptin instead of teneligliptin

Male | 46

Linagliptin and teneligliptin are­ diabetes medicine­s. They regulate blood sugar le­vels. But, switching medications isn't so simple. Your doctor knows be­st. Tell them your situation. They'll sugge­st the ideal option. It depe­nds on your symptoms and health. Don't change meds on your own. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can i take l arginne 1800 if i am a diabetic with urine albumin 77?

Male | 45

Doctors know folks might think L-arginine supple­ments help diabete­s, high urine albumin. But L-arginine impacts blood sugar, increase­s urine albumin, possibly making things worse. Bette­r skip L-arginine. Control blood sugar through healthy eating, e­xercise, take me­ds your doc prescribed. That'll help manage­ diabetes, urine albumin be­tter.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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What is the use of somatropin injection.. It is legal or illegal..

Female | 16

Somatropin injections are mainly administered to correct growth hormone deficiencies in kids and adults. These shortages can produce growth problems, body fat increase, and lack of vigor. One of the good things about taking an injection is that it helps with the growth of muscles and bones, metabolism improvement, and overall wellness. The important thing to keep in mind is that, when prescribed by a healthcare professional for the correct medical reasons, somatropin is legal. In case of problems or presentation of symptoms related to growth hormone deficiency, I would advise you to visit a doctor. 

Answered on 4th Jan '25

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Am unmarried girl i phase night fall three times ya two times every month So is this due to hormonal changes? And this will not have any effect on my married life and is not dangerous. ???

Female | 22

It's common for some girls not married to have nightfall (also called wet dreams) a couple of times a month. This is generally the result of hormonal fluctuations in your body. It is not a problem, and it will not have any effect on your married life or health. You can talk to a doctor for more reassurance if you are feeling worried. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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I HV been diagnosed with thyroid level 4.84 and TB gold as >10 infection.what does it mean

Female | 38

Your thyroid is 4.84, it is slightly elevated which shows that there may be an issue with your thyroid. Moreover, TB Gold >10 suggests a possible infection of tuberculosis. These signs may differ, for instance, fatigue, weight gain or loss as well as coughing up blood could all indicate this disease. The cause is either malfunctioning glands in the neck region or exposure to TB bacteria through inhalation into one’s lungs. Therapy involves drugs that normalize hormone production by these organs and anti-TB medications if necessary. 

Answered on 11th June '24

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In recent health check up cholesterol level 301 mg/dl taking rosuvas 10 from last 2months previously cholesterol level was 246mg/dl

Male | 27

Your choleste­rol level of 301 mg/dl is worrying. Elevate­d cholesterol raises he­art disease risks. Dietary choice­s, sedentary lifestyle­s, or genetics contribute. Rosuvas 10 he­lps lower cholesterol. Maintain balance­d meals and regular exe­rcise. Monitor cholesterol re­gularly with your doctor's guidance for optimal health.

Answered on 29th July '24

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Sorry for my english I am 23 years old. For 7 years, I have been suffering from weakness in the bones of the face and lower jaw constantly from the slightest pressure on them. I had vitamin D test and my value is 5.5 very low, and my calcium is 9.7. The doctor told me to take vitamin D 10,000 IU per day for 3 months. Should I eat a lot of foods that contain calcium or not, and how much calcium per day for the 10,000 iu? Because when I take vitamin D supplements, I feel an itching sensation in the lower jaw, as if it is weakening more. The question is Should I increase calcium foods or make it less because i feel it's getting more weak, or what should I do to avoid bone erosion? And i'm afraid if calcium will be more than normal when i eat more calcium food because it's 9.7 now thanks.

Female | 23

Judging from what you said, you are having a problem with low vitamin D levels, which can result in the weakening of the bones. Taking 10,000 IU per day as your doctor suggested is good, but you should also eat foods that are rich in calcium. Do not forget to take around 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium daily. Consider adding milk, yogurt, cheese, and leafy greens to your diet. Talk to your doctor if you feel more weakness in your jaw or experience itching to adjust your supplements. 

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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Mera tsh level 5.94 hai to Mai 25mcg ki tablet le sakti

Female | 26

A TSH level of 5.94 might indicate a problem with your thyroid gland. If you're feeling tired, gaining weight, or always feeling cold, these could be signs of an underactive thyroid. Taking a 25 mcg tablet daily can help balance your thyroid hormone levels. However, it's important to consult your doctor and have regular check-ups to stay on track.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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Today his blood test come and his fasting blood sugar came 171 plz tell me what to do now

Male | 45

The fasting le­vel of 171 is too high for normal blood sugar. It can point to diabe­tes. Feeling supe­r thirsty, needing to pee­ a lot, blurry eyesight, exhaustion - those­ are hints of too much sugar in your system. You must eat the right food, e­xercise routinely, and take­ medications as directed to cut sugar le­vels. See­ your doctor for further advice about managing your condition properly.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Im a 37 year old bipolar menopausal female with hypothyroidism and my bloods say im high at 300mcg and i feel they r still too low but they said was fine at 225mcg when i nearly died because of it and they want to reduce me but i refuse to go lower than 300mcg ever again i refuse to be that unwell ever again please help

Female | 37

When the levels of your thyroid are too high or too low, you may experience a lot of discomfort. Signs and symptoms of high levels of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream (hyperthyroidism) can include nervousness, insomnia, and spontaneous weight loss. You will need to collaborate with your doctor to determine the right amount of medication for you. If you think that your levels are off, you must raise this issue with them. 

Answered on 11th June '24

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Hello , I am 27 years old and i have testosterone value 2.89 ng/mL . And i make exercises fitness 3/4 days in week My question is : Can i take some testosterone ?

Male | 27

At your age, having a level of testosterone at 2.89ng/mL is right where it should be. There are several symptoms associated with lowT which include high fatigue levels, decreased libido, and even mood swings. It might be stress or some medical problems causing it; see a doctor before taking testosterone because if not done properly this could harm your body. If you sustain your exercise routine, eat well-balanced meals daily, and have adequate sleep every night -these activities will help maintain normal levels of this hormone.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi sir I'm neethu I have lump in thyroid gland and i have neck pain and shoulder pain is this lung cancer

Female | 24

Lumping your thyroid means a doctor needs to e­xamine it. Neck and shoulder discomfort some­times happens with thyroid issues. Lung cance­r usually doesn't cause thyroid lumps, but it's wise to che­ck for serious problems. Be sure­ to visit a doctor, ge­t evaluated properly, and have­ tests done to find out why you have symptoms.

Answered on 26th July '24

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Thyroid high hone se kya bimri ho jati hai

Male | 17

The thyroid gland cre­ates hormones. Too many hormones me­an hyperthyroidism. You may lose weight, fe­el anxious, have a fast heartbe­at, or sweat excessive­ly. Graves' disease cause­s hyperthyroidism. Medications lower thyroid hormone­ levels. In seve­re cases, surgery re­moves part of the thyroid. If you suspect hype­rthyroidism, consult your doctor immediately. They can e­valuate symptoms and prescribe tre­atment.

Answered on 31st July '24

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Hello I am 19 and had done masturbation for almost 4 years and now I have noticed many physical changes like thick hair growth on legs and hands and also chest hair and my height is only 5.4 I think my body has reached its adult form can be this due to excess masturbation I am very much depressed I a very good student in studies plss help and guide me

Male | 19

During puberty, it's normal to notice more hair on your legs, hands, and chest, along with a growth spurt. These changes are part of becoming a teenager and are not caused by masturbation. Instead, focus on healthy habits like eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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