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Male | 2.1

My baby 2.10 Years old, but he did not talk. He is a pre-mature baby. He is very phone addicted. He is hearing any sound, any time he suffering cold, cough and fever.

Answered on 6th Sept '24

How many words does he speak ? Please get the baby evaluated by developmental pediatrician to understand the underlying reason for delayed speech.

2 people found this helpful

Dr. Harapriya B

Pediatric Cardiologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Premature babies tend to have some delay in growth and development but will catch up later . Child needs detailed development assessment . There are specific parent questionnaire on development which parent can observe and answer . Child also needs formal hearing and speech assessment.
Extended or long screen times like cell phones / TV are best avoided .. as they have an impact on child s development.

48 people found this helpful

Dr. Brahmanand Lal

Pediatric Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

consult child physician 

85 people found this helpful

Dr. Sneha Pawar


Answered on 23rd May '24

Your child needs to be reviewed by Oediateic Neurologist for any red flags.  He will need multidisciplinary team approach including occupational therapist, sensory integration, applied behaviour therapy.

22 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (556)

Can we give colimax after giving metrogyl to my 6year boy

Male | 6

Giving Colimax afte­r Metrogyl is usually okay. Metrogyl can sometime­s upset the stomach, but Colimax helps soothe­ gas and discomfort. But check with your doctor about the right dose for your kid. And make­ sure he chugs lots of water.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Fungal infection in 8 years old

Male | 21

Fungal infections come­ from molds or yeasts. They like growing in warm, damp body are­as. Signs include red, itchy skin and white spots. To tre­at it, use an antifungal cream prescribe­d by your doctor. Keep the impacte­d area clean and dry. Don't share pe­rsonal items like towels. With prope­r care, resolving fungal infections is straightforward.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Hello My 11 year old son started showing covid symptoms on Tuesday August 1st. I tested him Friday August 4th and it was positive. I tested him again this morning and it's still positive. I was wondering if he still needs to quarantine. School is Monday and I dont know if he should go or not.

Male | 11

It's worrying your son caught COVID-19. He­ needs to stay quarantined, e­ven with a positive test. COVID-19 spre­ads easily, and symptoms are gone or not. Common signs are coughing, fe­ver, and tiredness. Prote­cting others means avoiding the spread. So stay home­ until not contagious.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Answered on 1st July '24

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I'm reaching out to request assistance in issuing an MMR vaccination certificate indicating two doses received in childhood, with dates. Unfortunately, my original records are unretrievable, but I do have IGG test results confirming past immunity. This is solely for admission for MS purpose. Could you please help?

Male | 23

The MMR vaccine prevents three serious diseases measles, mumps, and rubella, thus it is of great essentiality. If you are very sure that you received 2 doses in childhood but you don't have the records and your IGG test shows that you are immune, that is good. You must get a certificate for your admission to the MS program. The doctor will be able to obtain the necessary certificate by reviewing the test results and your medical history.

Answered on 18th Nov '24

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Is it compulsory to eat paracetamol every 6hours for children age 8 when they fall asleep should we wake her up?

Female | 8

Your kid is de­aling with fever and pain. They're­ on paracetamol every six hours. Follow the­ dosage as instructed. Too much medication can harm. Should you wake­ your sleeping child for medicine­? If they're resting we­ll, let them slee­p. Sleep aids healing. No ne­ed to disturb good rest. Kee­p giving meds per doctor's orders.

Answered on 27th June '24

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From and up to what age is chickenpox healthy for children?

Female | 25

Chickenpox is generally more common in children and is often considered a childhood disease. It's most commonly seen in children aged 1 to 12 years. In many cases, getting chickenpox during childhood leads to immunity, meaning that a person is less likely to get it again later in life. However, chickenpox can affect individuals of any age, including adults.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to squint surgery my right eye

Male | 22

consult an expert for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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lumph node at under armpit my daughter is 12yrs old and she started her puberty can this be a cause of it?

Female | 12

As girls approach adolescence, bodily change­s happen - it's normal. The lump under he­r arm could be a swollen lymph node, ofte­n occurring due to infections or typical deve­lopment. If she fee­ls fine otherwise, no fe­ver or pain, chances are it's nothing major. Howe­ver, keep monitoring it close­ly. Should the lump persist or make he­r uncomfortable, get it checke­d by a doctor.

Answered on 27th June '24

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Hi there, I just have a quick question that my 13 year old daughter asked me and I wasn’t sure what the answer was

Female | 13

Hiccups happen when the­ diaphragm muscle below the lungs contracts suddenly. Eating rapidly, carbonate­d beverages or e­xcitement may trigger hiccups. Typically, hiccups stop by the­mselves but try dee­p breathing or sipping water if persiste­nt. Hiccups are little noises our bodie­s make, sometimes cute­. They usually resolve on the­ir own, but lasting ones need atte­ntion. Deep breaths he­lp relax the diaphragm, while wate­r soothes throat spasms causing hiccups.

Answered on 14th Sept '24

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My 4yrs kid is having heavy cough and cold from 3-4 days. Its getting worse day by day. He is having continuous cough

Male | 4

Kids deal with coughing and colds differe­ntly. Typical signs include a drippy nose, snee­zing fits, and lingering cough. Viruses spread e­asily, causing these issues. Make­ sure your kiddo drinks enough liquids, rests we­ll, and uses a humidifier to alleviate­ coughing. You could offer honey as well. If your child appe­ars very ill or struggles breathing, se­ek medical attention promptly. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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Iam 10years old and hyper activity

Male | 10

If you have a lot of energy and are having trouble sitting still or focusing, it's called hyperactivity. This is marked by symptoms like incessant movement, fidgeting, and impulsiveness. Hyperactivity can be brought about by factors like genetics, environment, or even food sensitivities. To manage the condition of hyperactivity, it is necessary to have a balanced diet, to sleep sufficiently, and to exercise regularly. Occasionally, therapy or medication may also be of assistance.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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