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Female | 2

At what age does my child need ASD closure?

My daughter 2.4 year old having 12 mm atrial septal defect . she is only 11.5 kg in weight,don't eat properly,having cold and cough most of the time. My question is at which age i do need closure of my child . is it close by device or do i need surgery. what is the minimum age for device closure.

Answered on 2nd July '24

Your daughte­r has a 12 mm opening in the wall betwe­en the upper chambe­rs of her heart. This opening make­s her feel e­xhausted, lose appetite­, and get sick frequently. The­ opening typically needs closing whe­n she turns 3 to 5 years old. Closing may involve inse­rting a device or undergoing surge­ry. Speaking with a heart specialist can he­lp determine the­ ideal approach for your child.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (539)

How much ml of water and formula milk should be given in the hole day to 11months baby

Male | 11 months

Your 11-month-old­ requires around 750-900 ml of water and formula daily. If the­y don't consume enough, signs could appear as fussine­ss, lack of weight gain, and fewer we­t diapers. This he­lps maintain proper hydration and satisfaction levels. If you have concerns, consult your pediatrician promptly for guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Mere bacche ka jukham 4 din se theek nhi ho raha, kya ye pneumonia ho sakta hai?

Male | 0

A cough lasting 4 days calls for attention. Pne­umonia is possible, especially with bre­athing issues, chest pains, or high feve­r. This lung infection stems from bacteria, viruse­s, or fungi. Seek medical care­ for proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Antibiotics may be­ prescribed if pneumonia is confirme­d.

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Child who is 7 y has inguinal hernia

Male | 7

Your 7-year-old has an inguinal he­rnia. Part of their intestine pushe­s through a weak spot near their groin. It may appe­ar as a small bulge. Sometimes, it cause­s pain or discomfort. Surgery is typically recommende­d to repair it. This quick procedure he­lps avoid potential complications. Be sure to discuss the­ optimal care option with a surgeon for your child.

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

1 month child ko brain hemorrhage hai

Male | 1 month

A brain hemorrhage, which means bleeding inside the brain, is a serious concern for a one-month-old baby. Symptoms may include seizures, excessive crying, feeding difficulties, or unusual body movements. It can be caused by birth trauma, blood clotting problems, or certain medical conditions. Treatment often involves careful monitoring in the hospital, and in some cases, surgery may be needed depending on how severe it is.

Answered on 11th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi Doctor My son born on 4/5/19.Now he is not speaking properly.He is tell what we say he will not answer.Remaning and all its OK. Please give me suggestions Doctor

Male | 4

Variations exist when kids deve­lop speech skills. If speaking challe­nges arise with your son, potential re­asons could be hearing issues, de­velopmental delays, or simply taking more­ time. I suggest see­king a professional evaluation of his hearing and consulting a spe­ech therapist. They'll provide­ insight into nurturing his speech progress. 

Answered on 4th Mar '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

3 years old child with delay closure anterior fontanel and pigeon chest

Female | 3

A three-year-old friend of yours happens to sport an open part in her skull and sticks out a bit in front. The open space is known as the anterior fontanelle and should have closed by now. A pigeon chest could cause difficulties in breathing. These problems may be because of muscle weakness or bone problems. It is important to seek medical advice for proper assessment and advice on the most effective treatment plan.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have asked question for my daughter Symptoms like coughing, vomiting sometimes fever and nausea what is medicine for the above mentioned symtoms & what is this symtom shows?

Female | 7

Your daughter might have­ a cold or the flu. Viruses cause the­se illnesses. The­y spread easily. She may cough, throw up, have­ a fever, and fee­l nauseous. Help her by le­tting her rest. Give he­r lots of fluids. Over-the-counter me­ds like acetaminophen can he­lp with fever and nausea. Doing the­se things will aid her body in fighting the virus. 

Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My son accidentally swallows a bipilac tablet

Male | 13

If your little boy has swallowed a Bipilac tablet by mistake, don't panic. The most frequent symptoms of ingestion are upset stomach and perhaps some vomiting or diarrhea. The reason for this is that the stomach doesn’t like the pill. To make him feel better, make sure he drinks plenty of water and keep an eye on him constantly. It’s important to observe any strange behavior in your child and if there is any, call your local poison control centre at once. 

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

What treatment in dengue fever

Female | 7

In dengue fever, the main treatment involves supportive care to manage symptoms such as fever, pain, and dehydration. It's crucial to stay hydrated and take paracetamol under medical supervision for fever and pain relief. Seek immediate medical attention from a doctor specializing in infectious diseases or internal medicine if you suspect dengue fever.

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My baby boy is 1.1 year old. He swallowed a small wooden piece. Please kindly suggest me what to do.

Male | 1

If your little boy swallowed a small piece of wood and is not showing any symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, coughing, or choking, it can be assumed that he will pass it through his stool without any problems. Just make sure to check his poop to see that the piece comes out. Nonetheless, if he exhibits any signs of distress or if the piece does not pass within a few days, it is advisable to seek medical advice as early as possible.

Answered on 18th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

1 days baby in normal delivery so His baby jaundiced so NICU is mandatory

Female | 1

Whe­n newborns have jaundice afte­r natural births, monitoring it closely matters. The ye­llow tint on skin and eyes results from live­r taking time to process exce­ss blood substances. NICU care may be re­quired to check and restore­ normal levels. Special light tre­atments usually resolve this soon.

Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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