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Female | 31

Is a Sperm Count of 36 Million Normal and What Does "Watering" Mean in the Results?

My husband result is showing 36 million is the sperm ok and below i saw watering in the result what does that mean

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

An sperm count of 36 million would be a good result, but to be sure a complete semen analysis of parameters including motility and morphology should be done. Watering in the semen analysis outcome may signify an increase in the volume of semen, which is normally not a reason to worry. If other questions or concerns occur, it is better to visit a urologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1172)

Male 27, I have an urgent feeling to pee with low fever , muscle weakness and dirrhea for two days now after having sex (with a condom) but there was also oral sex

Male | 27

Since your symptoms, it is possible that you have UTI or STI. For proper diagnosis and treatment of the situation, it is advisable to see a urologist or an STD specialist. Medical treatment must be sought immediately to prevent additional difficulties.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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After the sex my peins foreskin tight it's been 5day .now I can't penetrate my peins .what is problem

Male | 36

you might have a condition known as phimosis, where foreskin becomes too tight to retract. You need a urologist who can correctly evaluate and diagnose your problem. They may prescribe therapies like topical medicine or circumcision depending on the grades of phimosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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me arde la uretra y tengo molestias urinarias, no tengo infección porque no sale en el urocultivo, pero el ardor no se va . se desencadenó despues de un tratamiento con antibióticos para una bacteria estomacal

Femenino | 38

Es comprensible que estés preocupado por el ardor y las molestias al orinar. A veces, el uso de antibióticos puede alterar la flora bacteriana normal, lo que podría causar síntomas como los que mencionas. Es importante asegurarte de estar bien hidratado y considerar la posibilidad de tomar probióticos para ayudar a restaurar el equilibrio en tu sistema. Si los síntomas persisten o empeoran, te recomendaría consultar a un médico. Ellos podrán realizar un examen más exhaustivo y ofrecerte el tratamiento adecuado para aliviar tu malestar. Cuida de ti y busca ayuda profesional si lo necesitas.

Answered on 9th Mar '25

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I want to consult with urologist for my excessive precum and premature ejaculation

Male | 27

Take medicine saphamdha ,brahmivati and stress com 1-1 for reducing precum and premature ejaculation better to consult our experts on 9555990990

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Premature ejaculation ho jata hai

Male | 18

Consider consulting with a urologist or a sexual medicine specialist. They can evaluate your specific situation and discuss the factors contributing to the issue, and provide appropriate guidance and treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What chances to contract a std with condom on

Male | 38

Using condoms correctly and consistently greatly reduces the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases/ STDs. But still condoms might not offer absolute protection due to factors like skin-to-skin transmission and condom breakage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Redness in urine place but no pain no itching only redness and fell strange conditions what is this and urine some time again and again unmarried

Female | 22

This may be caused by blood in the urine. But better to be on the safe side and consult a urologist if it happens often. Causes can be a urinary tract infection or kidney stones. It is important to drink enough water and keep away from foods that can irritate your bladder.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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Hello, have a good time! I am 20 years old and sometimes when I walk, my left testicle feels heavy and I feel a little pain, and when I touch it, I find that its veins are swollen, and when I rest, it is calm. And for 10 years. I am facing this problem. Please give me information about this. thanks in advance

Male | 20

You may be suffering from a varicocele. It often occurs when the veins inside your scrotum become enlarged, so that your testicle feels heavy and sometimes causes pain. Resting can often relieve the discomfort. To manage varicocele, supportive underwear and avoiding standing for long periods can be helpful. Visiting a urologist is better to get the right advice.

Answered on 14th Oct '24

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