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Male | 14

My son is having rashes and ring Mark's on his hands and legs since one month we stay in HSR LAYOUT Bangalore please suggest what to do

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

The treatment depends on the diagnosis and the cause of rashes and ring marks. Rashes and ring marks can be caused by a variety of reasons such as eczema, allergy, fungal infections etc. I advise you to take your son to a doctor for knowing the exact cause and diagnosis of rashes and ring marks. Based on that, a proper treatment plan can be recommended. 

78 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2536)

Hello I consume ketanzole lotion by mistake 1 teaspoon what should I do

Male | 47

If this did happen, don’t panic too much, as it can occur. Ketoconazole contains an ingredient that can be harmful when ingested. Symptoms such as stomach ache, nausea, or vomiting are likely to occur. If you notice any of these signs, seek medical attention immediately. In the meantime, try not to get too worked up about it. Instead, drink plenty of water to help reduce the concentration of the drug in your system.

Answered on 15th July '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

can bad hair affect your thinking or even hair grease/oil?

Male | 31

Your thought process will not be directly affected by having bad hair, oily hair, or even grease on it. But it might divert your attention if you don’t feel okay because of such problems. Hair becomes greasy when not washed frequently or much oil is used. To solve this problem, ensure you wash with mild shampoo now and then and minimize the number of hair products applied. 

Answered on 30th May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

I have acne scars which topical creams are best to use

Male | 24

Topical creams having retinoids, glycolic acid, and vitamin C are quite helpful in fading away the appearance of the scars. Nevertheless, you need to confer with a dermatologist if you are going to opt for a skin cream and the specialist can guide you with a better treatment plan that is unique to your type of skin and the extent of your scars. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

Hey ! Im A Teenagers 14-15 Year old My 80-90% Hair Are White/ Grey Please Help Me Same Thing Happens To my dad at teen age please Help Me Anyone Making Fun of Me in class

Male | 14

It is okay to have white or grey hair when you are young. Genetics is one of the main reasons this might happen. Ridiculing someone because of their hair color is not okay. Optionally, there are hair dyes that can even transform a light hair color into a completely different one. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Goeiedag ik ben een man van 25 en ik maak me zorgen omdat ik het zelf nergens heb ik heb een huid probleem waar ik me ook voor schaam en ik weet niet wat het is. Ik heb een witte vlek op mijn eikel zitten en ik maak me zorgen omdat ik zelf brown skin ben. Dus mijn vraag is dat normaal want het is nu half bruin en wit

Mannelijk | 25

Goeiedag, het is begrijpelijk dat je je zorgen maakt over een verandering in je huid. Een witte vlek op de eikel kan verschillende oorzaken hebben, zoals een schimmelinfectie, vitiligo of andere huidcondities. Dit kan normaal zijn, maar het is belangrijk om het te laten onderzoeken door een professional. Een arts kan een juiste diagnose stellen en mogelijke behandelingen aanbevelen. Probeer je niet te veel druk te maken; veel mensen ervaren vergelijkbare problemen. Maak gerust een afspraak om het te laten controleren; goede zorg is cruciaal voor je gemoedsrust en gezondheid.

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

is it possible to remove tatto from eyebrow?

Female | 34

YES, it's possible to remove EYEBROW tattoos. LASER technology works well. SEEK an experienced professional. DON'T attempt at home. CONSIDER potential risks.. Numbed skin may be swollen or red.. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

How to cure dandruff permanently

Dandruff is a fungal infection and there is not permanent cure for dandruff.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swetha. P

Dr. Swetha. P

Glutathion is it good for men?

Male | 21

Because it helps to protect cells in the body, glutathione is good for men. It’s like a shield that fights off bad stuff which can harm your body. When glutathione is low, you may feel tired and weak. Eating fruits and vegetables can help increase glutathione levels inside your body.

Answered on 9th Feb '25

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

I am a female aged 22.l have rash in between my thighs this has been happening for the past 10 years.l thought it is caused by friction so l wore tights to prevent it and it worked, but now Nothing is working. I went to see a doctor and he gave me prednisone,folic acid and vitamin B tablets it worked for the time l was taking them but after they were finished the rash started again.Now l.dont know what to do..please help.The rash is not itchy nor swollen but it causes a discomfort.

Female | 22

This may be  fungal infection. Need to be examined by a Dermatologist. Avoid tight underwear. Wash underwear daily. Keep the area dry. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Khushbu Tantia

Dr. Khushbu Tantia

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