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Male | 16

Why is my bladder hanging and causing pain?

My urinary bladder is hanging and paining me during walking since last year. From last week, I am feeling urgue incontinence 10+ times per day.

1 Answer

Answered on 18th June '24

The bladder needs to be lifted on purpose for you to be able to do ametabolism-free spermiation. Often urges to pee even if there's no desire for that could be a warning that something is wrong. Weak pelvic muscles or a prolapsed bladder might be the case. Consultation with a urologist is the first step to getting an accurate diagnosis and individual treatment plan. Strengthening, changes in lifestyle, or treatment such as surgery can be the answer to the condition you experience. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1173)

Penis Eraction ki kami and shigrapatan problem

Male | 34

PENIS ERECTION AND PREMATURE ejaculation CAN HAVE various causes.. 

Physical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or prostate issues may affect erections.. 

Psychological factors like anxiety, stress, or depression can cause both problems.. 

Lifestyle choices like smoking, drug, and alcohol abuse also affect sexual performance.. 

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, TALKING TO A THERAPIST, or taking medication may help.. 

Consult a doctor if problems persist or cause distress.. 

Remember to communicate OPENLY with your partner and prioritize mutual satisfaction..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a patient of uti please describe my issue in detail

Male | 18

send your reports initially

Answered on 9th July '24

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Want to urology doctor ,my husband have a urethral stricture

Male | 28

Your husband has a urethral stricture­, which means the tube pe­e comes out of is too narrow. He might find it hard to pe­e properly, have a we­ak stream, or need to go fre­quently. Past infections, injuries, or ope­rations could cause it. To treat it, doctors may stretch or do surge­ry to widen his urethra, easing those­ symptoms. Getting this checked out is crucial.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Does masturbation causes following problem? Will I face it if I've been frequently masturbating since 13 and now I'm 23 year old? I read this in some article that said - "The prostate is a gland located exactly in the neck of the bladder, it secretes a whitish and viscous liquid that serves as a vehicle for sperm. This gland normally completes its development by the age of 21. When a young man masturbates before completing his development (21 years), the prostate atrophies, causing prostatitis after the age of 40, which is the enlargement of this gland that prevents him from urinating and he has to use the probe to do so. Later they have to operate and remove this gland." Should I worry? Please tell me.

Male | 23

Excessive masturbation do cause many harmful problem... but worrying about it wouldn't help... 

Masturbation is a natural phenomenon. All men do this but as a natural principle… excess of everything is always bad, so you must try to control it.
Don't do it more than once or twice in a month.
Don't worry you can do that... just do not watch porn… Try not to be remain alone, don't read or view sexual literature, books, whatsApp & porn videos etc.
Avoid oily, more spicy, Chilly and junk foods.
Do exercise daily for one hr or yoga mainly Pranayam… Meditation… vajroli Mudra... Ashwini mudra. Start reading religious books.
Please note that now a days the main drawback and side effect of the masturbation is once you are addicted to masturbation mostly and always by watching porn… where you get different type of stories... relations... girls… body... and styles... etc.
Once u got married u don't get all those things with wife so u don't get aroused and you don't get proper erection.
Now a day's mostly patients comes to us with the complaint that they are not able to get erection with wife in the bed but they are getting erection in the bathroom while masturbation.
This is creating a lot of problem in their married life so my advice is to control it. If u are not able to do so then you must consult your family doctor, many times it's not possible to control without the help of your doctor.
You can take Chandra kala ras 1 tablet morning and night after food
Yastimadhu chuma 3gms morning and night with water
Sidhamakara dwaja 1 tablet morning and night after food.
Do all the above suggested treatment for 3 months and see the results.
If you don" get satisfactory results then you can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.
My website

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Yes I'm having a hard time staying jard

Male | 40

If you have any problem getting erect, it may indicate erectile dysfunction. A urologist should first be consulted to find out the underlying cause and provide the best treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been suffering from Epididyimitis since 2022.I had taken some medication from some hospitals but all went in vain. I still feel pain in epididyimis. Would you support me.

Male | 21

Your Epididymis pain indicates inflammation. Epididymitis often brings scrotal pain, swelling, re­dness. Bacterial infections usually cause­ it. To end the pain, your doctor may prescribe­ targeted antibiotics for the bacte­ria. It's crucial to keep see­king medical help to find the right tre­atment approach.

Answered on 26th July '24

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The patient has recently stopped maturation from before more than 2 months. Since then he is having night fall frequently. His lifestyle is good, have good and healthy diet, exercises 3 to 4 days a week, lisents to smoothing music before sleep. Is there any way to stop this?

Male | 21

From time to time, men often have nocturnal emissions also known as ‘nightfall’. In case if it occurs regularly after cessation of the masturbation habit, then is probably because your body in its natural way releases ejaculation that was locked. It is not harmful, and it usually goes away on its own. Though, if it is really giving any major concern then talking to a urologist can offer individual advice and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My boyfriend uses meth I do not and he ejaculated inside of me today. I have a urine drug test tommorrow could this cause me to fail?

Female | 29

The possibility of your boyfriend's methamphe­tamine consumption leading to a failed urine­ drug test for you tomorrow is improbable. The like­lihood of drugs entering your system through his e­jaculation during intercourse is minuscule. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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