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Male | 18

Still experiencing testicular pain after surgery, why?

My name is umer 10 ago surgery of my testicular tortion surgery one testis remove after my surgery since pain in my testis but my pain is not gone i go to hotspital and doctor say nothing to worry and i go for doopler but he is clear anyone plz answer my question i am very depressed about future also

1 Answer

Answered on 29th Jan '25

Pain can sometimes persist due to nerve sensitivity or changes in the remaining testicle. Since your Doppler results were clear and a physician assessed your situation, it’s reassuring that no immediate issues are present. Nevertheless, continuous distress warrants a follow-up consultation to explore options like pain management or further evaluations. Always prioritize your health, and consult an urologist. Support from friends or a counselor can also aid your emotional well-being during this time.

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Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1149)

My husband is 37 years old. We got married in 2013 and have girl child in 2014 and now we are trying for second child. I met Gynecologist and she suggested some blood test to me and Semen analysis for my husband and my husband sperm count is 12 million/ml so she suggested my husband to consult Andrologist.

Male | 37

follow these herbal combination for complete cure :- vrihad poorna chandra ras 125 mg twice a day, veerya shodhan vati 2 tablet twice a day, kamdev avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with milk or juice or water, send his reports initially

Answered on 21st Oct '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis i have 5-6 small small nodules in scrotum what is trament of this what is cost

Male | 23

Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis is a benign condition characterized by the presence of small, painless nodules in the scrotum. Treatment is usually not required unless the nodules begin to irritate or cause symptoms. It is recommended that you visit a urologist for further evaluation and management.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Patient age -90,psa 149 to whom I can consult

Male | 90

For a 90-year-old with a PSA le­vel of 149, consulting a urologist is crucial. This blood test measure­s prostate-specific antigen (PSA). High le­vels may indicate prostate issue­s, including cancer. Difficulty urinating and blood in urine are common symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

मै 35 वर्षीय अविवाहित युवक हूं पानी पीने से एक-एक घंटा में पेशाब होना एवं रात में भी कम से कम 1-2 बार पेशाब करने के लिए उठना पड़ता है पेशाब लगने पर तीव्र आवश्यकता महसूस होती है। पथरी की आशंका पर पेशाब जांच व अल्ट्रासाउंड भी मैं कई बार करा चुका हूं लेकिन कुछ भी परेशानियां उसमें पकड़ नहीं आती हैं। मैं पिछले कई वर्षों से बीच-बीच में हस्तमैथुन नहाने के साबुन लगाकर किया करता हूं और मुझे ऐसा लगता है किसी कारण से लिंग के भीतर के नस या लिंग मुंड में अंदर किसी तरह की रुकावट अथवा इंफेक्शन के कारण ऐसा हो रहा है। कृपया इसका कारण और इलाज बताएं।

Male | 35

Answered on 28th June '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I'm 23 years female who keeps getting uti even after taking an injection or antibiotics now I'm suffering again from it for almost 2 days if I drink lot of water it stops if I don't it comes back pls assist

Female | 23

A UTI can bring along symptoms such as frequent urine, a burning sensation while peeing, and urine that is cloudy or has a strong smell. The bacteria invade the urinary tract, thus causing the infections. Drinking more water, on the other hand, can help to displace the bacteria. In addition to drinking enough water and urinating after sex, wiping from front to back can help keep UTIs at bay. In the case of recurring UTIs, the doctor may suggest additional tests or long-term antibiotics. 

Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

यूरिनरी ब्लाडर में पेशाब बनते ही तेज जलन। अंड कोष में कमर में और जांघो में दर्द। पेशाब बार बार जाने की इक्छा। फीवर आ रहा बार बार पेशाब में बुलबुले आ रहे

Male | 46

follow these herbal combination:- vrihad vangeshwar ras 1 tablet twice a day, gokshuradi avleh 3 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water, send your abdomen ultrasound report and urine rm report

Answered on 5th July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

Im taking NITROFURANTOIN MONO-MCR. Is it safe to consume cannabis and nicotine while on this medication?

Female | 26

When you consume Nitrofurantoin Mono-MCR, it is suggested that you don’t take cannabis and nicotine. If you get high on cannabis, you can epileptically feel dizzy or tired, while nicotine reduces the medication's ability to be effective. Both will also higher the chances of other adverse effects like nausea and headaches.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

When to worry about creatinine levels in urine

Creatinine level is usually seen in blood. Creatinine level in urine doesn’t have much significance. Generally if your blood creatinine levels are above 1.5 mg/dl then you should see a nephrologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

i have performed kidney stone endoscopy last week i had sex witj my partner yesterday . Is it ok to have sex with dj stent inside

Male | 32

After a kidne­y stone surgery with a DJ stent, it is fine­ to have sex. The ste­nt will not cause problems during sex. But, you should take­ it slow and pay attention to how your body feels. If you fe­el any pain or discomfort, stop and talk to your doctor. Remembe­r to drink lots of water and follow your doctor's advice. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I have white spots on the shaft of my penis

Male | 31

They include Fordyce spots, yeast infection and sexually transmitted infections. A dermatologist or urologist should be visited for proper diagnosis and treatment. Do not engage in self-diagnosis or try to medicate yourself. This can make the condition worse

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

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