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Female | 15

One side of my stomach is bigger than the other

Answered on 24th Mar '25

If you notice that one side of your stomach is bigger than the other its advisable to consult with a healthcare professional. They can evaluate your symptoms, conduct an examination, and perform any necessary tests to determine the underlying cause.

85 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

I have flu and a runny nose

Male | 16

If you have flu symptoms with a runny nose, you may need to consult with a general physician. They will be expert enough to instruct you on the best technics of care and medicines to aid in your condition improvement hopefully.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’ve got pin worms and i don’t want to tell any1 because I’m scared

Female | 14

PINWORMS are COMMON, and treatment is available. Over-the-counter medication is effective, and HYGIENE practices are essential... Wash hands thoroughly, change underwear daily, and avoid touching anus... Pinworms can cause ITCHING discomfort and trouble sleeping... It is important to inform your doctor if symptoms persist...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hard to swallow, headache, neck pain, congestion

Female | 17

Based on symptoms you have mentioned, there is a high possibility that you are suffering from either the common cold or flu, a viral infection. See a doctor for proper diagnosis and a good treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have small hole inside ear ( upper side)

Female | 18

It seems that you have a torn eardrum, which can be due to several reasons including an infection or trauma. It is recommended for you to consult an ENT specialist who can diagnose your condition as well prescribe needed medication. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have armpit lump like peas l notice it 3,4 days ago its not pain me, l feel it when l touch it lam so worried is it breast cancer , excuse me could you help me

Female | 33

According to the lymph node you state, your armpit lump may be a swollen lymph node. I recommend you see a family doctor or a specialist in internal medicine in the first place to acquire an accurate assessment and the necessary recommendations.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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my whole body swaling what is the reseon behind this and also my blood preasure verry low i am living in a village here no doctor available now

Female | 22

Swelling may be caused by many things such as heart or kidney problems. Dehydration or malnutrition could result in hypotension. Remember to drink lots of water and eat healthily. Get plenty of rest; avoid salty foods until you’re better. If these signs do not go away soon get medical attention immediately.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My CRP is 8.94 mg/L & ESR is 7 Anything concerning?

Male | 35

It is possible that you have inflammation based on your CRP and ESR levels. But it is necessary to conduct additional testing and analysis in order to establish the reason.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been having high fever for a few days and yesterday, I visited the doctor. From my blood test, he explained that I don't have a bacterial infection since my Neutrophils level is within the normal range. However, he did prescribe me the antibiotic amoxicillin and today I found out amoxicillin is used to treat bacterial infections. I have already had 4 out of the 21 doses prescribed. I am aware that I need to complete all doses for antibiotics. I want to get a second opinion on whether this antibiotic will really be beneficial for me as right now, I'm just experiencing a lot 9f nausea

Female | 28

You need to finish the whole course of antibiotics prescribed to you. Even if the levels of your Neutrophil are in normal averages, your doctor may have placed you on amoxicillin as a preventive measure. If you experience too much sickness or any other concern with your drug intake, it is better to see your doctor or infectious specialist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How we can decrease the diabetes

Female | 62

One of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of diabetes is to engage in a healthy lifestyle and have a balanced diet. Less processed items such as sugary beverages and more regular exercise can also mean a healthier lifestyle. In case you bear the risk factors, or if you already have diabetes symptoms you should consult a medical specialist for an appropriate medical assistance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to ask if its safe to take my medications together

Male | 25

It is crucial to note that various combinations of drugs can be harmful to your health. For instance, some may lead to adverse reactions when taken together. Common signs of taking medications that do not mix well include feeling lightheaded, experiencing stomach upsets, or suffering from severe side effects. Therefore, consult with pharmacists or health practitioners before using multiple drugs simultaneously because they will advise you accordingly thus preventing any mishap.

Answered on 27th May '24

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Regarding Dog Bite, Dog has bitten me before 8 to 10 years and I haven't took any vaccination. So now what should I do.

Male | 23

Dog bites are dangerous and you can catch infections or even rabies, although it happened many years ago. Pay attention to the following signs: redness, swelling, or warmth around the wound, headache, or fever. The extent of inflammation is still a consideration for you to take the vaccinations. No worries, the first stages of the therapy are the most effective. Consult a doctor for the perfect evaluation and tips.

Answered on 5th Dec '24

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Sir, I have many small and big warts on my eyes.

Male | 18

Based on the description, it would appear you do have filiform warts, which are fairly common growths caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). These warts can be excised and removed by a dermatologist or ophthalmologist. We would advise you to see a specialist for the correct diagnosis and plan in relation to your treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am lactating women and have taken febrex plus and dolo 650 tablet together.....plz suggest

Female | 29

Combining them might cause dizziness, nause­a, or headaches. Follow instructions carefully. Don't mix me­dicines without your doctor's approval. If you feel unwe­ll or notice unusual symptoms, speak with a healthcare­ professional right away. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil, what should I do?

Female | 16

The first thing to do is to clean the wound with soap and water. Put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding and cover it with a clean bandage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hlo mam Can i ask question on whtsappp

Female | 23

Symptoms can vary widely depending on the condition, from physical signs like pain or swelling to emotional issues like anxiety. Typical causes may include stress, infections, or underlying health issues. Solutions often involve lifestyle changes, over-the-counter remedies, or specific treatments, depending on the underlying cause. Please keep in mind that while I can provide general advice, it’s important to connect with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation tailored to your situation.

Answered on 15th Jan '25

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