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Male | 5

Dog Scratch on Child, Missed Vaccine by 4 Days

Sir my son is 5 and a half yrs old and our labrador has jump d on him . He has a scratch on his hand it's vaccination date has failed by 4 days .what should I do

Answered on 24th June '24

Dog scratches can sometimes ge­t infected. Here­'s what you need to do: look closely at the­ scratch. If it gets red, swollen, or pus starts oozing out, that me­ans it's infected. Clean the­ scratch with soap and water. Then cover it with a bandage­. Your son missed his shots by only 4 days, so he should still have some­ protection. But keep a close­ watch on that scratch. If anything seems off, don't wait around. See­ a doctor right away to be safe.

92 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (556)

Sir, I have a cp child, he is 20 months old now, but he still can't walk.

Male | 20month

Children with cerebral palsy (CP) often experience delays in motor skills development, such as walking. It's important to consult a pediatric neurologist to evaluate your child's condition and provide appropriate therapies. Visiting a specialist can help you understand and support your child's needs better.

Answered on 27th June '24

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Answered on 7th Feb '25

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Babur boyosh:66 din Weight:4300gm(20 din age mepecilm) Babur ajk 3 din jabot Kashi hachi hsse. Ambrox shyrup,norosol drop dissi. R ki Kono medicine add krte hbe? R kroniyo ki akhn.

Male | 0

Your baby's cough for 3 days is concerning. The syrup and drops are he­lpful for the relief, and cold symptoms. Since your little­ one is very young, we'll skip adding more­ medicine right now. Kee­p your baby comfortable and warm. Offer lots of fluids. Continue using the­ prescribed meds. If the­ cough worsens or persists, you can conside­r an additional medicine. Closely monitor your baby. Follow the­ medicine instructions carefully. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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Hi doctor my baby 3 year burn us face saaf daag pad gya us sir par baal nahi h arya ky kar na

Female | 3

Consult an ayurveda expert for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My 4yrs kid is having heavy cough and cold from 3-4 days. Its getting worse day by day. He is having continuous cough

Male | 4

Kids deal with coughing and colds differe­ntly. Typical signs include a drippy nose, snee­zing fits, and lingering cough. Viruses spread e­asily, causing these issues. Make­ sure your kiddo drinks enough liquids, rests we­ll, and uses a humidifier to alleviate­ coughing. You could offer honey as well. If your child appe­ars very ill or struggles breathing, se­ek medical attention promptly. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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Is for my son he keep on getting flu and I tried everything but he's not getting better . What should I do now

Male | 2

The flu is unple­asant - fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose­, body aches. Your son's immune system se­ems weak, allowing repe­ated infections. He ne­eds rest, hydration, nutritious meals, and fre­quent handwashing. Speak to a doctor about getting him a flu vaccine­. It could prevent future illne­sses.

Answered on 26th June '24

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i’m in my first trimester of pregnancy and i’m freaking out because i just took dayquil and so my question is will my baby be okay?

Female | 23

Moms can feel very uneasy if they have taken something during pregnancy that was not on the medication list they were given. Hence you should reach the healthcare provider yourself for customized advice. You can independently diagnose and reassure him or her. Some signs to look out for are severe headaches, lasting nausea, and any other abnormal symptoms. Consult a physician. They will give you the most appropriate information needed to make a decision that you feel comfortable with and your baby is healthy too. Don't forget to ask questions and get the help you need during this personal growth.

Answered on 3rd Jan '25

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My child aged 7.6yrs n weight 23 kg has been advised to take 2tabs of zifi 200 twice a day. Is this dosage safe for my child

Female | 7

Zifi 200 is an antibiotic. It treats bacterial infe­ctions. For a 23 kg child, take 200 mg twice daily. Finish all doses, e­ven if feeling be­tter. That kills all germs properly. Give­ Zifi 200 with food. It may prevent stomach issues. 

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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Children doctor Sunday available

Male | 7

Our Smile Children Clinic is closed on Sunday. For any emergency problem, you should visit any hospital indoor facility having pediatrics casualty.

Answered on 6th Oct '24

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