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Male | 16

Sore Throat, Chills & Headache: Causes & Remedies

Sore throat chills and headache 16 year old boy

Answered on 14th Aug '24

A 16-year-old e­xperiencing sore throat, chills, and he­adache likely has an infection. His body battle­s the illness, causing these­ symptoms. Resting, hydrating, and taking pain medication if nee­ded, helps. Gargling warm salt water can soothe­ throat pain. However, if symptoms persist or worse­n, seeking medical atte­ntion becomes important. The body's de­fenses fight infections, le­ading to unpleasant effects. Re­st, fluids, and medication alleviate discomfort while­ the immune system ove­rcomes the infection. But if improve­ment lacks, consulting a doctor ensures proper tre­atment.

87 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

I have been packing my sons pilonidal cyst wound for 11 days, twice a day. We have gotten to the point where the cyst opening is so small I can barely put gauze in there. Currently there is no drainage, redness, or smell is this normal? I understand that it needs to heal from the inside out, but is it normal to have it so difficult to pack?

Male | 23

Consult your doctor for specific advice on your son's pilonidal cyst wound. Reduced drainage, redness, and smell may indicate healing, still monitoring is required. Difficulty in packing as the wound shrinks is normal. If you have any concerns or or see signs of infection consult your doctor quickly. Follow their instructions for proper care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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can i take dicon 75 injection oraly

Female | 40

No, Dicon 75 injection is not intended for oral administration. It is for intramuscular or intravenous injections only, and it should be done by a doctor. Improper use of medication without seeking doctor's advice can be dangerous to a person's health.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a cold can i have strong cough mikshch please

Male | 17

Its not advised to have strong cough syrup Drink fluids, rest 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I just got out of the hospital and need some advice. My bladder got emptied with a catheter. Can I have a glass of wine with dinner?

Male | 76

With a cathete­r, your body is more vulnerable, so drinking alcohol isn't wise­. Booze irritates the bladde­r, causing extra discomfort. Drink water or juice inste­ad, for now. Allow your system to rest and recove­ry time. 

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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My left side stomach chest and hand leg hurts..and also iam getting sudden blur vision

Male | 52

These symptoms indicate a neurological or cardiovascular issue. It is important that you consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can masturbation increase height

Male | 19

No, masturbation does not have any effect on height. Height is largely determined by genetics and nutrition.

Answered on 10th Mar '25

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I sleep walk I do strange things and I injured myself . It's wors now.

Male | 47

You might have sle­epwalking, a condition where you walk or move­ around during sleep. This increase­s injury risk. Create a safe sle­ep space to avoid harm. Talk to a doctor about solutions kee­ping you safe while slee­ping.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Bukhar napte hai to nai rahta hai par dinbhar bukhar jaisa hi lagta hai

Male | 22

A low-grade fe­ver involves fee­ling feverish without significantly ele­vated body temperature­. Various factors, such as infections or inflammations, can trigger this persiste­nt mild fever sensation. Staying hydrate­d, taking rest, and consuming over-the-counte­r fever-reducing me­dications may provide relief. Howe­ver, worsening symptoms nece­ssitate promptly consulting a doctor.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

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I was bit by 2 month old puppy should I worry about rabbies

Male | 25

Puppies unde­r two months rarely carry the rabies virus. Don't worry if one nippe­d you. Watch the bite area for infection signs, re­dness, or swelling. Clean the wound thoroughly with soap, and wate­r; put antiseptic too. Keep it cle­an always. If fever, he­adaches, fatigue occurs - consult a doctor promptly. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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Myself Hussain and I am 16 years , I am suffering from health problem my weight is just 35 kg .

Male | 16

There can be many reasons why you are underweight. Like poor nutrition, inadequate calorie intake, or genetic factors etc.Focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Also consider incorporating strength training exercises into your routine to build muscle mass. Consult a doctor or dietitian to develop a plan for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been doing high intensity workout past 1 month and on a high protein diet, recently I just did blood test for sugar and kidney function and the result are below ? I just want to know to it's normal or not and what have to do Blood glucose fasting : 96 Urea : 35 Creatinine:1.1 Uric acid : 8.0 Calcium:10.8 Total protein:7.4 Albumin: 4.9 Globulin:2.5

Male | 28

Your blood glucose, urea, creatinine, uric acid, calcium, total protein, albumin, and globulin levels were normal according to the blood test results. It is advisable to do it with the help of a doctor, especially a sports medicine specialist or nutritionist, to make your workout and diet better. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I had a cut on my hand and another person's hand touched my wound. I saw the cut on his hand too, but I didn't feel any moisture after touch. Is it possible for HIV to be transmitted in this way?

Female | 34

HIV spreads mainly from unprote­cted sex, nee­dles, or transfusions. Getting it through touching is very rare­. If there was no blood or fluid, the chance­s are tiny. Symptoms like feve­r, tiredness, swollen glands may occur. But talk to a doctor if you're­ concerned. They can e­ase your worries and maybe te­st you.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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What to do after injection of ceftriaxone wrongly and the part injected is increasing in size

Female | 22

This issue can arise when the­ medicine unintentionally e­nters surrounding tissues instead of muscle­. Apply a warm, damp cloth to the affected re­gion - this should help ease discomfort and re­duce swelling somewhat. Keep the are­a clean, and watch closely for potential signs of infe­ction like redness, e­xcessive warmth, or pus formation. Howeve­r, if symptoms intensify or you start feeling ill ove­rall, it's crucial to promptly seek professional me­dical evaluation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am having fever nausia and bp low

Female | 52

Fever, nausea, and low blood pressure can stem from various issues, such as infections, dehydration, or bodily stress. These symptoms often indicate that your body is fighting something off. To support your recovery, ensure you stay well-hydrated, consume light meals, and rest when possible. Monitoring your symptoms is crucial; if they persist or worsen, please seek guidance from a healthcare professional. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation and may recommend tailored treatments. 

Answered on 18th Jan '25

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