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Female | 52

Fever and Frequent Urination: Medical Causes

Today Mummy has fever and is urinating every hour.

Answered on 23rd May '24


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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I am having a problem since yesterday.

Female | 37

Please share more details regarding your problem as only then it's possible for us to determine the right treatment for any issues that you are suffering with.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I am a 17-year-old male who was scratched by a cat. This cat is not a house pet, as it lives outside of the house and can wander around the village freely. I was lightly scratched on my hand with some blood. I previously took the anti-rabies vaccine nearly 2 years ago (4 shots) and I don't know whether or not I should take another one. This cat is also not vaccinated against anti-rabies.

Male | 17

Your anti-rabies vaccine­ is still recent. A scratch from a cat might lead to an infection, but rabies is uncommon. Be watchful for swelling, redne­ss, or discomfort near the scratch area. If those­ signs arise, visit your doctor promptly. No need for anothe­r vaccine now since yours is still valid. Clean the­ scratch thoroughly and monitor it.

Answered on 25th June '24

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Headache from last 3 days continously On both side

Female | 15

He­adaches occur due to many reasons - stre­ss, not drinking enough water, slee­plessness, eve­n eye strain. Rest is ke­y. Drink lots of water. Try relaxing by breathing de­eply. If it doesn't go away or gets worse­, see a doctor quickly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fever hai weakness bhi shortness breathings zefikay tablet khaye pr farak nhi pda bhukhar mein red urine bhi hai

Male | 36

ACNE on CHIN is COMMON! Hormonal changes, STRESS, GENETICS are reasons... Bacteria, oil, dead skin cells clog pores... Hormonal acne often on CHIN, JAWLINE, NECK... Avoid touching face, WASH regularly, avoid oil-based products... Visit DERMATOLOGIST if needed!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Bed wetting problem bachpan se hai

Female | 18

It is common for kids to wet the bed even if they are a bit older. This is due to the lack of communication between the brain and the bladder during sleep. Stress or deep sleep can be the causes. Bringing kids to the restroom regularly, not allowing drinks at night, and showering kids with praise for dry nights can be great solutions. If the problem persists, talking to a doctor is a better option for more advice.

Answered on 31st July '24

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I am suffering from allergic rhinitis and my allergy ige levels are high 322 and I was taking montekulast tablets but I want to leave the medicine can you tell me how I can get control on my allergy levels.

Male | 17

It is not recommended to stop any medicine before letting your doctor know. A combination of medication, and allergen avoidance with immunotherapy application can successfully control the existence of allergic rhinitis. You should discuss this with doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I keep falling asleep during the day

Female | 31

The problem of falling asleep many times during the day can be a symptom of several sleep disorders like sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or restless leg syndrome. It would be better to see a sleep specialist to get a medical evaluation and appropriate treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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my whole body swaling what is the reseon behind this and also my blood preasure verry low i am living in a village here no doctor available now

Female | 22

Swelling may be caused by many things such as heart or kidney problems. Dehydration or malnutrition could result in hypotension. Remember to drink lots of water and eat healthily. Get plenty of rest; avoid salty foods until you’re better. If these signs do not go away soon get medical attention immediately.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm dharmwati, mujhe autoimmune disease hai but last two week se mera mouth sukha rehta hai aur pani peene par bar bar kafi urine aata hai body mein jakdan aur pain rheta hai

Female | 61

Why Am I Experiencing Dry Mouth, Frequent Urination, Muscle tension and Pain with Autoimmune Disease?

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi. I am 28 years old male.. I have an issue which is giving me sleepless night. I had sexual intercourse with am old friend of mine (without using protection). 1 week after having sex with her, I start to feel sore throat, slight headache which later lead to swollen lymph nodes ( i have a slight Difficulty in breathing after having the lymph nodes) but no fever and rash. Went for test but i was HIV negative (the test was not up to 2 weeks after having all this symptoms). What can be the cause?

Male | 28

The symptoms you mentioned such as a sore throat, headache, and swollen glands can be signs of many things, not just HIV. It’s great that you took the test and even better that it came back negative. These signs are sometimes caused by an attack of virus or bacteria. It would be best if you went to see a doctor or other healthcare provider who will give you a proper diagnosis and prescribe medication for treatment. 

Answered on 30th Sept '24

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Lukeoplakia in my inner side mouth

Male | 23

I would suggest you to see an oral surgeon or ENT specialist for a right identification of the condition. Leukoplakia is a white or grayish patch that forms in the tongue, mouth and gums. It may be due to irritants such as tobacco or alcohol. A professional can suggest the best treatments, based on how serious it is.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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So back in January 13, while I was preparing for my best friend's birthday, the stray dog owned by one of our neighbors, came up to near me and almost licked me had I not looked behind my back and stopped the dog. But that's how I remember it, I am worried that I remembered it wrong, and the dog licked me. But before all that, I had taken 2 anti rabies booster shots back in January 9 and 12 respectively at an animal bite center since I already had the post exposure shots back in 2019. However, the nurse where I got the post exposure shots told me the shots expired already since it was only good for 5 years, and that I need to redo them. Which do I follow here?

Male | 21

Rabies is a se­rious virus illness transmitted by saliva from animals through bites or licks. It cause­s fever, headache­s, and abnormal behaviors. Since your nurse said rabie­s shots last only 5 years, you should get new shots for safe­ty. This protects against contracting rabies after e­xposure. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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I sleep walk I do strange things and I injured myself . It's wors now.

Male | 47

You might have sle­epwalking, a condition where you walk or move­ around during sleep. This increase­s injury risk. Create a safe sle­ep space to avoid harm. Talk to a doctor about solutions kee­ping you safe while slee­ping.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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When is doctor srinivas available today

Male | 70

I see that you would like to get an appointment with Dr. Srinivas. About the slots today, my suggestion will be contacting the clinic directly as they know the current schedule the best. Have you got any specific symptoms or concerns? If yes, please remember that you must see a healthcare professional immediately. The problems of health must be dealt with as early as possible. Besides that, remember one thing: the best tactics will be to health. 

Answered on 7th Dec '24

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My dad's blood test results came back and would like to have them checked

Male | 65

Whenever you have your blood work done, it is essential to get it reviewed by your doctor. I recommend a trip to the hematologist, who is an expert in all diseases related to blood. They are capable of conducting a thorough examination and protocol in case there is a need for any kind of treatment or lifestyle changes. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm having a premature white hairs

Male | 20

Experiencing premature white hair is common and can be influenced by genetics, stress, health, and age-related factors. Consult a doctor for proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 10 years old of age and I accidentally smoked a vape and I'm scared to vomit what do I do?

Female | 10

I am worried by the fact that you tried smoking a vape at such a young age. Nicotine in vapes often triggers nausea, vomiting and many other problems. If you are feeling any such issue talk your parents first, they will take you to doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

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