Female | 34
Why do I have blood discharge for a month?
Why having blood discharge almost one month now

General Physician
Answered on 24th Jan '25
This symptom may arise from various factors, such as hormonal changes, infections, or other underlying conditions. It's crucial to monitor any associated signs, like pain or unusual odor, as these can provide helpful insights. I strongly encourage you to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough examination. They can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options tailored to your needs. Remember, seeking advice is a positive step toward ensuring your well-being and addressing any potential issues effectively.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Hematology" (240)
I have 16 pea sized lymph nodes I am 57kg my height is 5ft 10 I’ve had them for almost 2 years and they haven’t got bigger or changed I’ve had blood tests previously and they all came back fine. I do have 2 under my jaw that’s a bit bigger than a pea though. Is it a concern? I have no symptoms except bad anxiety. I am highly afraid of cancers
Male | 17
Your lymph nodes not changing size or growing for two years is good. When it comes to cancer we tend to worry a lot due to anxiety. They might remain slightly enlarged sometimes. It’s usually benign but it would be prudent to get the larger ones checked by your doctor. Additionally, work on calming down your nerves because that can also be of help.
Answered on 13th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel
have flu head ache fever after 14 days of exposure .After 30 days from exposure in cbc low wbc low neutrophil high lymphocyte high eosinophil high rdw sv . After 42 days of exposure all become normal is sign of HIV?
Male | 29
It’s understandable to be concerned about your health after experiencing these symptoms and lab results. While headaches, fever, and changes in your blood cell counts can indicate various conditions, they are not specific to HIV. The immune system can fluctuate due to many factors, including infections and stress. It’s reassuring that your results normalized over time. However, I strongly recommend consulting a physician for personalized advice and further evaluation.
Answered on 16th Feb '25

Dr. Babita Goel
Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography of the whole abdomen showing moderate hypatomegaly with coarse attentuation, edematous GB mild dilated portal vein,splenomegaly,diverticulituis in sigmoid colon. Crystitis. My brother suresh kumar's report has been admitted in Maharaja Agrasain Hospital, Punjabi Bagh and the doctor has recommended us for a second opinion. Kindly advise / suggest next course of action if possible.
Male | 44
Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Pallab Haldar
Platelet count is 149, I know 150 is normal. Is 149 cause many problems with body?
Male | 18
The platelet count of 149 reveals that the patient is near the normal range, hence no need to panic most of the time. However, reduced platelet levels will make it hard for blood to clot and result in easy, unexplained bruising, nosebleeds, or bleeding gums. Conditions, as being subjected to particular medications, infections, or autoimmune diseases, can be the most presumed causes. To help increase platelet count, it is advisable to take a healthy diet with an abundance of fruits and vegetables as its main constituents. Contact your hematologist for additional information.
Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am 45 yrs I am asmathic patient recently having several attack I was hospitalized with the help of oxygen I recover but I undergo some blood test in which I found out that my blood platelets are high to 424 what should I do I need your medical guidance
Female | 45
In your situation, the fact that you have asthma and that recent attacks and being in the hospital may have caused this change is possible. High platelets can be associated with easy bruising, bleeding, and fatigue. So, ensure that your asthma is under control and that you see your doctor for further evaluation and advice on medication to lower your platelet count.
Answered on 9th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Last year in my CBC lymphocyte was 16%. Is 16% lymphocyte means Hiv infection? At what level of lymphocyte doctor advise to do hiv test? Everything was normal except Lymphocyte.
Male | 41
Lymphocytes are a supportive element of the immune system and hence they can respond differently depending on various circumstances, such as stress, infections, or other health problems. Symptoms of an HIV infection may include a feeling of being tired all the time, losing weight with no obvious cause, or getting the same type of infection more than once, but these may not be the only markers of the virus. The specific lymphocyte percentage wherein automatic testing becomes necessary is non-existent; the requirement for such will vary based on your health condition and risk factors.
Answered on 6th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel
I had a long time bleeding what could be the cause
Female | 21
Pills and other stuff can also cause lots of bleeding. Heavy periods, feeling sleepy, and head spinning around are signs that show there is something wrong. It is important to tell a doctor if bleeding happens for too long so they can help fix the problem and make you feel better.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
compression the small blood vessels in appendix can increase the RBC
Female | 20
Doing this can cause more red blood cells to form. You may get pain in your lower right belly, have a fever, and not want to eat. It can be due to something blocking it or an infection. A doctor may suggest taking it out with an operation called appendectomy.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I'm an 18 year old female who thinks she may have Raynaud's? These are my symptoms. ### Raynaud’s Phenomenon: - **Fingers and Hands**: - Frequent color changes in response to cold, stress, or pressure: fingers turning white/yellow, blue/purple, and red during rewarming. - Numbness, pain, and stiffness, especially in cold water or when exposed to cold air. - Fingernails occasionally turn blue, particularly when nervous. - Fingers often go white under light pressure, but color returns after. - Red, painful, and numb fingers, especially when handling cold objects or after cold exposure. - Hands sometimes go pale/white in cold water, with visible blue veins. When they warm up it can feel tingly and intense heat and sometimes burning and uncomfortableness. - Ridges and a light white color underneath fingernails. - A small cut on your hand is taking longer than usual to heal. But cuts in general too. - **Feet and Toes**: - Feet often turn purple or blue when sitting still for long periods, especially without socks. - Numbness and coldness in feet, particularly when standing still or exposed to cold. - Toes sometimes appear weirdly purple/light blue/gray after cold exposure. - Difficulty standing and walking due to numbness and pain in feet, particularly in cold environments. - **General Cold Sensitivity**: - Need to wear multiple layers and use hot water bottles/heat packs to stay warm, especially at night or when sitting still. - Lips sometimes turn blue or darken when cold, especially during Raynaud’s attacks. - Occasional episodes of feeling cold despite being in a warm environment. - **Pain and Discomfort**: - Discomfort in hands and feet during cold exposure, sometimes making it difficult to perform tasks or move. ### Recent Observations: - **Improvement**: - Hands have been warmer than usual recently, with fewer Raynaud’s attacks. - **Persistent Issues**: - A cut on your hand that is slow to heal, potentially due to reduced blood circulation. - Ongoing need to protect hands and feet from cold to prevent Raynaud’s attacks.
Female | 18
It appears like you have Raynaud's Phenomenon. The condition makes your fingers and toes to change color, cause the cold and numb feeling, particularly, when you are exposed to cold or stress. This is due to blood vessels in your extremities overreacting to these triggers, thus, decreasing blood flow. The best way to do this is to wear warm clothes, gloves, and socks, and also avoid the cold that triggers such episodes.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Low wbc and neutrophil High lymphocyte, eosinophil & rdw cv What is the probability of disese? Main probability disese?
Male | 29
Low white blood cell counts, particularly neutrophils, can indicate various underlying conditions, such as infections or bone marrow issues. Conversely, elevated lymphocytes and eosinophils may suggest a viral infection or allergic reaction. Common symptoms include fatigue, frequent infections, or unexplained rashes. It's crucial to discuss these results with a healthcare provider, as they can determine the exact cause and appropriate management. Consider a follow-up consultation where the physician can recommend tests or treatments tailored to your situation, ensuring you receive the best care possible.
Answered on 19th Feb '25

Dr. Babita Goel
My RbcCount-5. 8 10^12/l hai hgb cocentration-11. 6g/dl hai hct count-33. 5℅ hai mcv count-57. 9fl hai mch count-20. 0 pg rdw-sd count-34. 0 fl hai eosinophils count-6. 9℅ hai please tell me disease name
Male | 24
It is most probable that you have Iron Deficiency Anemia. This is where your blood could be short of healthy red blood cells. Being a little anemic, tiredness, paleness, and shortness of breath may appear. Ingesting foods that are packed with iron such as spinach, meat, and beans can be of great help to this client. Another piece of advice may deal with more iron supplements, they will. Follow the suggestions given by the medical doctor to recover completely.
Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I want to check my blood test report
Male | 21
Checking your blood test results is important for overall health. Common symptoms that may need attention include fatigue, unusual weight changes, or persistent pain. These can be linked to a range of causes, from nutritional deficiencies to underlying health conditions. To address any concerns, I recommend reviewing the results with a healthcare professional, who can interpret them accurately and suggest appropriate lifestyle changes or treatments.
Answered on 21st Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel
Is it possible that a person have Alpha thalassemia major and still not taking any blood transfusion in entire life and now 21 yo.....or the person have only minor one
Female | 21
Alpha thalassemia major can be present in a patient who does not require blood transfusions. This form of the disorder can result in severe anemia, although it affects people differently. Some individuals may not need a transfusion at all. Signs and symptoms of alpha thalassemia may include fatigue, weakness, or paleness of skin. Treatment may consist of symptom management such as taking supplements or drugs that stimulate the production of more red blood cells within the body. Please consult a doctor for individualized advice.
Answered on 25th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I have received my blood and urine reports today. Need to consult appropriate doctor
Male | 24
In case you are experiencing symptoms such as common urination, thirst, and fatigue, it could be the result of high blood glucose. It could be Diabetes. A healthy diet and regular exercise, as well as taking medications as directed by your doctor, are important in managing this condition. Consult a healthcare provider to ease your symptoms and get proper treatment.
Answered on 3rd Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Platelet count noly. 5000
Male | 9
A platelet count of 5000 is very low. Platelets are small UCS in your blood that support the process of transporting blood to your body. When your count is low you could experience symptoms such as easy bleeding, a lot of bruises, or have nosebleeds. Low platelets can be a side effect of several medicines, infections, or diseases. To tackle the problem, doctors may either prescribe medication or transfuse safe platelets.
Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Today I had done my cbc test and this is my result COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT (CBC) Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Test Name (Method , Specimen) Result Units Biological Reference Interval Haemoglobin (Photometric , EDTA) 14.7 g/dL 13 - 17 g/dl PCV (Calculated, EDTA) 43.1 % 42 - 52 % R.B.C Count (Electrical Impedence , EDTA] 4.70 M/cumm 4.50 - 6.50 M/cumm MCV (Derived from RBC, EDTA) 91.8 fL 82 - 98 fL MCH (Calculated, EDTA) 31.3 pg/cell 26 - 34 pg/cell MCHC (Calculated, EDTA) 34.0 g/dL 32 - 36 g/dL RDW (Derived from RBC, EDTA) 13.9 % 11.5 - 14.5 % TLC (Electrical Impedence , EDTA) 3,100 /cumm 4000 - 11000 /cumm Platelet Count (Electrical Impedence , EDTA] 0.97 lakh/cmm 1.40 - 4.00 lakh/cmm Mean Platelet Volume -MPV (Electrical Impedence, EDTA) 16.7 fL 7.4 - 11.4 fL Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA whole blood) Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA wh ole blood) Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA wh ole blood) Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA wh ole blood) Neutrophils 50 % 50 - 62 % Lymphocytes 40 % 25 - 40 % Monocytes 08 % 3 - 7 % Eosinophils 02 % 0 - 3 % Basophils 00 % 0 - 1 % Absolute Leucocytes Count ** Absolute Neutrophils Count . 1,550 /mm3 3000 - 7000 /mm3 Absolute Lymphocyte Count . 1,240 /mm3 1500 - 4000 /mm3 Absolute Monocytes Count 248 /mm3 100 - 500 /mm3 Absolute Eosinophils Count . 62 /mm3 0 - 700 /mm3 Absolute Basophils Count 00 /mm3 15 - 50 /mm3 N-RBC 00 /100Wbc's .. RESULT RECHECKED Kindly correlate with clinical find ings. RESULT RECHECKED Kindly correlate with clinical find ings. RESULT RECHECKED Kindly correlate with clinical find ings. End of Report Plz tell me my my levels high and low in this is this cancer and platelet size also increased
Male | 23
The results of your blood test are nearly within the normal limits. You have a low platelet count, which can be caused by different factors including infections or drugs. Equivalent mean platelet volume does not suggest cancer. It could perhaps be indicative of disorders like platelet destruction. If you do feel difficulties such as abnormal bleeding or bruises, do consult a hematologist.
Answered on 23rd Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Sir blood 8.7 tha report m maine dava bi li h but Mera fever nhi utar rha 1month se jyada ho gya
Female | 26
At 8.7, having a low blood level can cause you to become tired and weak. Your body might not have enough iron, which is necessary for feeling better. To increase your blood level take iron supplements and eat foods such as spinach and beans that are rich in iron. Also if your fever does not go away it would be good to see a healthcare provider who will help establish what is causing the fever so that you can receive appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I went to general check and blood test. I got CEA test level 8.16 I don't smoke or drink. Reason for it. Is it normal
Male | 55
CEA stands for Carcinoembryonic Antigen, a protein produced in the body, and the levels of it in the body may be high because of different causes such as inflammation or infection. Usual symptoms are unusual with a slight increase in CEA levels, but further tests and monitoring are also often necessary. It’s important to visit your healthcare provider to find out the exact reasons for your condition and the best ways to fight it.
Answered on 19th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I'm 30 years old , my hb level increases to 16.3 ,what should I do now to reduce that to normal, will it cause any serious issues, please suggest me
Female | 30
A hemoglobin level of 16.3 g/dL is slightly above the average range. While often not concerning, it’s essential to consider potential symptoms like fatigue or dizziness. High levels could arise from dehydration, smoking, or living at high altitudes. To normalize your hemoglobin, ensure adequate hydration, maintain a balanced diet, and avoid tobacco. Engaging in regular exercise can also help. However, it’s advisable to consult an endocrinologist for personalized guidance and evaluation, as they can determine underlying causes and recommend appropriate actions.
Answered on 20th Feb '25

Dr. Babita Goel
My daughter is a e-beta thelassemia patient what I can do now
Female | 0
E-beta thalassemia is a blood disorder affecting your daughter. This condition causes fatigue, paleness, and growth challenges. The problem? Her body struggles to produce healthy red blood cells. But there's good news! Seeing a hematologist can provide solutions. They may recommend blood transfusions or medications to improve her symptoms and overall health. Regular check-ups and following the doctor's orders diligently are crucial.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
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