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Male | 17

Могут ли красные шишки после полового акта указывать на отсутствие ЗППП?

Мне 19 лет, мужчина, и на протяжении последней недели после полового акта на моем теле появлялись красные шишки, и я знаю, что у моего партнера нет ЗППП или чего-либо, что могло бы передаться.

1 Answer

Answered on 9th Sept '24

У вас довольно распространенное заболевание, название которого — фолликулит. Вот что происходит, когда волосяные фолликулы инфицируются и на коже появляются красноватые шишки. Это может произойти после таких действий, как бритье, или при трении во время полового акта. Для этого соблюдайте чистоту, избегайте тесной одежды и используйте теплые компрессы. Если не станет лучше, см.дерматологдля дальнейших консультаций.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (2000)

I want to know the price of 1000 fut hair grafting transplant

Male | 25

Is there any particular reason that you are looking for FUT. since you need a very small number of grafts you can plan for FUE hair transplant as well. For the assessment kindly connect us on our given numbers. Our team will help you for the same. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nandini Dadu

Dr. Nandini Dadu

I have been suffering from ringworm (dādā) for a long time. I have used many medicines, high antibiotics, and creams, and it gets better but keeps recurring. The situation is now very bad. Please help me.

Male | 19

Ringworm are fungal infection causes itching burning sensation over skin for treatment consult me online

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

Can I take glutathione for skin whitening

Male | 15

Glutathione isn't FDA approved for skin lightening.. Limited research available.. Possible side effects.. Discuss with doctor.. it is IMPORTANT to note that the use of glutathione for skin lightening comes with SERIOUS risks.. While it is MARKETED as a "natural" alternative to traditional skin lightening treatments, there is NO conclusive evidence to support its effectiveness.. The FDA HAS NOT approved glutathione for skin lightening purposes, which means that its safety and effectiveness have NOT been thoroughly tested

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Skin problem Me Skin problem Me Skin problem Me Skin problem Me Skin problem Me Skin problem Me

Male | 15

In case of skin problems, the dermatologist will be the appropriate person to talk to. They are experts in handling many skin diseases and can recommend the right diagnosis and therapy to help you. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

I was bitten by a tick a week ago. I got it out s day later when i noticed it but couldn't get its head out. Its starting to itch and looks like a slight rash. Should i be worried or will it go away on it's own?

Female | 35

When ticks bite, it can cause itching, rash, and redness on the skin. If the tick’s head remains in your body, it may result in an infection. To alleviate this, wash the affected area with soap and water then apply an anti-itch cream. Watch out for any signs of infection like increased redness or pain; should you notice any seek medical attention immediately.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Hi sir my father is having atopic dermatitis, during night it was very vulgar, having pain, itching and swelling, and pus formation he is taking Amoxicillin,paracetamol cetrizine,malate and bethamethazone ointment Pls recommend any prevention strategy

Male | 50

APPLY moisturizer.... AVOID TRIGGERS.... USE mild soaps.... WET compresses.... COTTON clothes.... Remember to follow these steps!!

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I am 32 years old and a woman. I have blemishes on my face. I want to know for which treatment should I go and what will be the cost of that treatment?

Female | 32

Depending on the type of blemishes you have, the treatment could range from over-the-counter topical medications, to prescription medications, to laser or light treatments, to chemical peels, to microdermabrasion. The cost of the treatment will depend on the type of treatment and the number of sessions recommended.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Manas N

Dr. Manas N

How long does the process take for hair transplantation?

Hair Transplant takes anywhere between 5 to 8 hrs depending on severity or grade of baldness and no. of grafts transplanted.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sachin Rajpal

Dr. Sachin Rajpal

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