Female | 20
Беременна ли я после использования презерватива?
мне 20 лет и несколько дней назад я занималась сексом со своим парнем он использовал презерватив, вошел в него и снял тот же самый через 15-20 минут он использовал еще один. я беременна? или я просто задумался?

Answered on 27th May '24
Беспокоиться о таких вещах совершенно нормально, хотя вероятность забеременеть крайне мала. При правильном использовании презервативы эффективны в предотвращении беременности примерно на 98%. Имейте в виду, что сперма не может долго сохраняться на открытом воздухе, поэтому смена ее через некоторое время еще больше снижает риск.
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Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (539)
Is Vega 100 safe or not? I am using this tablet for first time
Male | 24
Vega 100 is a medication commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction. While many people use it safely, it's essential to consult a urologist or a qualified doctor before starting any new medication. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific health needs.
Answered on 12th June '24
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I am 19 years old I have completely ruined my life due to excess masturbation as no one told about its side effects now I am suffering
Male | 19
Masturbation is not a big deal but overdoing it may cause problems like tiredness, backache, and trouble with concentration. The solution is to reduce the frequency of masturbation. Taking part in different activities, such as exercise or hobbies, can also help distract your mind from it.
Answered on 13th Oct '24
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What is the chance of clearing hpv on own for under 25
Female | 22
HPV, or human papillomavirus, is widespread. It may have no visible signs. For under 25's, it sometimes disappears without treatment. Boost your immunity to defeat HPV. Eat nutritious food, get sufficient rest, and quit smoking.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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I had protected sex in May 15 when should I get tested for hiv/std/sti ?
Male | 29
It's usually recommended to have an HIV/STD/STI test about 1-2 weeks after having casual sex. Some usual symptoms that may afflict a person if they have this disease are notably the presence of a yellowish or whitish discharge, private areas itching, or mild or moderate pain. These infections can be caused by different species of bacteria, viruses, fungi, or other types of microorganisms. It is vital to get tested or visit a specialist as early as possible.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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How to increase sex time after some years regular masterbation 2 to 3 time in a day
Male | 23
It is advised to visit a urologist or a sexual health specialist for consultation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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i am 20 years old and a few days ago i had sex with my boyfriend he used a condom and came inside it and removed the same after 15-20 mins he used another one. am i pregnant? or am i just overthinking ?
Female | 20
It's completely normal to worry about things of this nature, though the likelihood of being pregnant is extremely low. When utilized appropriately, condoms are approximately 98% effective in preventing pregnancy. Keep in mind that sperm cannot survive for long in open air therefore changing it after a while decreases the risk even more.
Answered on 27th May '24
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I am 21 years, I want to know if I can take metronidazole 400mg tablets to prevent sexual infections
Male | 21
Metronidazole is a cure for infections, but it is not used to prevent sexual infections. Unprotected sex could be avoided by using birth control. Sexually transmitted infections can occur by germs that are transferred during sex without a condom. Proper use of protectors such as condoms and regular medical check-ups should be covered. You can also see a doctor who can give you the right medicine if you think you are infected.
Answered on 3rd July '24
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on July 4th, i didn’t had sex with my boyfriend but I gave him a blowjob, kissed him on lips with his precum on my lips. then he went down on me. Does the pre cum sperms get transferred from his mouth to my vagina? I’ve irregular periods and I don’t know my ovulation dates and period dates. My boyfriend touched his penis and may have gotten his fluids (very little- maybe just drops) on his hands before fingering me. Can a sperm go inside my vagina through fingering? there was a gap of approx 1-1.5 minutes between when my boyfriend touched himself and then fingered me. Does the sperm live that longer on the skin to be transferred to vagina? If I took unwanted 72 on July 6th (under 48 hours) and after 14-15 hours, I had bleeding enough to fill one pad a day (significantly more than spotting and less than my usual periods) ,after 60 hours , the bleeding got a bit more (still less than my actual periods) And after almost 72 hours, that bleeding got a more heavier than it was (still less than my usual periods). What does that mean for pregnancy? Am I safe? Is this bleeding withdrawal or my actual periods? Just tell me if I’m safe, please I’m too worried I’ve irregular periods and I don’t know my ovulation dates and period dates.
Female | 19
It’s unlikely that sperm from precum in his mouth would transfer to your vagina during oral sex. Sperm on his fingers after touching his penis may survive for a short time, but the chance of pregnancy from this is quite low. Taking Unwanted 72 within 48 hours was a good step, and the bleeding you're experiencing is likely withdrawal bleeding from the emergency contraceptive, not your actual period.
To be sure and for your peace of mind, please consult a gynecologist.
Answered on 18th July '24
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Sex timing kam ha bhot zayda
Male | 27
It’s okay that people are different when it comes to sex timing. Stress, tiredness, and health problems could cause you some troubles with timing your sex life. Eat well, exercise, and relax. Stop smoking and don’t drink too much alcohol. Otherwise, see a sexologist who will help you to solve this issue if it’s still there after you’ve done all those things.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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For a few years I have been noticing less semen after intercourse. There are days that semen is not coming. But there is excitement. Again, if I stop for a few days, enough semen is coming. Is it a disease? If so, what is the treatment? Please advise.
Male | 36
When there is a reduction of semen during sexual intercourse or none at all on some days, there can be many reasons such as aging, stress, or lifestyle habits. Time off can be a useful measure to restore semen to a healthy level. If you have any worries, talking to a sexologist is good. They can provide tips on changing certain habits or do more tests if necessary.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
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I have pain in penis and it seems that there is internal swelling and itching in my penis . I also feel heatness in this. I have also less interest in sex and pre mature iruption. Please suggest medicine.
Male | 45
Answered on 9th July '24
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What's the causes of clear discharge during sexual
Female | 20
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hai i have intmitaion time my penies not geting hard please give suggestion how to get hardness my penies
Male | 32
It seems you're having trouble getting an erection. This is a common problem, also known as erectile dysfunction (ED). Stress, anxiety or even conditions such as diabetes may lead to it. Relaxing more, eating better and doing regular exercise can help make your penis harder. If this doesn’t work though, then please see a sexologist who will be able to provide further advice on what steps you should take next.
Answered on 30th May '24
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I'm addicted to masturbation what should I do to overcome it
Male | 19
Masturbating frequently happens. Sometimes, it becomes a tricky habit. When feeling addicted, distract yourself with activities. Sports, hobbies, and friends help. Open up to someone. It's fine to get help if struggling.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I masterbate every night my sperm comes out little bit sometimes comes out alots is it normal
Male | 42
Sperm details are normal to diverge. Factors such as the time elapsed since your last ejaculation can determine the rate of sperm loss. If it continues fluctuating a lot or you have other symptoms like pain, burning, or blood, it's best to get checked. Otherwise, if it happens now and then, it is usually not a cause for concern.
Answered on 26th Aug '24
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Can you masterbate with triple antibiotic
Male | 26
No, it is not recommended to masturbate with triple antibiotic cream. This cream is meant to treat minor cuts and infections on the skin.
Answered on 16th Oct '24
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I am 18 years old. I am a male. I am doing masturbation daily. Let me know if there is any side effects or harmful by doing masturbation Daily. Please also tell me for my future effect by doing this type of activity.
Male | 18
For someone young like yourself can be common to masturbate. It is safe to do so each day and it will not hurt you. However, excessive masturbation may lead to soreness or irritation. If you experience these symptoms, take a break for your body to heal itself.
Answered on 6th June '24
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I have premature ejaculation problem I am not married and never had involved in any sexual activity, I am facing Premature ejaculation when I used to do masturbation , now I have stopped it and start doing pelvic floor exercises and gentlely massaging my penis, when I used to do massage I feel aroused in my frenulum area, i ahd become very sensitive and whenever I just rubb it i got ejaculation. It's been and month that I am doing this by seen no results, I think that my frenulum is tight but it is not giving me any pain. Plzz help me to cure
Male | 18
Many people have many worries and it is completely normal to be worried about a health issue. Premature ejaculation can have a variety of causes such as anxiety, stress, or very high stimulation. Constriction of the frenulum is also involved in this. It is a good thing to be doing pelvic floor exercises. You could keep going with it and you might want to consider seeking a sexologist for more guidance.
Answered on 10th Oct '24
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Sex problem. When I intimate with my partner my sperm out first. I am not able to happy my partner.
Male | 19
Premature ejaculation is treatable. Relaxation techniques help. Improve by practicing the "squeeze technique." It is also possible to try topical anesthetics. Consult a doctor for further advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 21 years old and I would like to know why do I always feel tired, weak and sick after having sex but it only happens when I ejaculate inside of my girlfriend but when I pull out everything is normal
Male | 21
You may have something called post-orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS). Post ejaculation it can lead to tiredness, weakness, and feeling unwell. The cause is suspected to be an allergic reaction to the person's semen. One approach is to use condoms during sex to prevent this kind of reaction. It is crucial to have a sexologist who is qualified for a proper diagnosis and management plan.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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