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Male | 36

Why is my semen volume decreasing after intercourse?

For a few years I have been noticing less semen after intercourse. There are days that semen is not coming. But there is excitement. Again, if I stop for a few days, enough semen is coming. Is it a disease? If so, what is the treatment? Please advise.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

When there is a reduction of semen during sexual intercourse or none at all on some days, there can be many reasons such as aging, stress, or lifestyle habits. Time off can be a useful measure to restore semen to a healthy level. If you have any worries, talking to a sexologist is good. They can provide tips on changing certain habits or do more tests if necessary.

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Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (877)

I have stamaic aikcall me 0093770017759

Female | 15

It seems like you're going through some discomfort. For example, stress, food selection, or infection can cause common symptoms like stomachache. Drinking a lot of water is a requisite and choose to eat only light foods to avoid feeling the discomfort. Also, walking can be part of the activities you engage in to relieve the pain. Nonetheless, if the symptoms do not improve or get worse, it will be necessary to see a doctor for proper examination and treatment. One's condition always comes first, and the physician can give tailored advice and encouragement. Please make sure you take care of yourself and do not hesitate to turn to others if you are in trouble.

Answered on 19th Dec '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I had sex with someone I don't know. And I used condoms for safety. But my mind is full of thought about getting STD and HIV. Still now I don't have any symptoms. Am I safe ?

Male | 25

Using a condom for protection when having sex is good. Condoms are perfect at stopping STDs and HIV as long as they are applied correctly. No symptoms it is a great sign. Symptoms may include sores, discharge, or pain. If you want, get tested for peace of mind. You should always pay attention to your health.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Hii when I was 18 year old I had sex with female buffalo one time now I'm worried about can I get STD from what I did past

Male | 24

This is a line of thought that naturally comes up after any old thing. Zoonotic infections are among them and they are communicable from animals to humans, but in fact, the danger is pretty slim. On the contrary, the patient may be suffering from fever, general weakness, or intestinal issues. It's so necessary that every day count be monitored of our health and timely treatment be received by the health center for any unusual symptoms that are seen to arise. The health provider can perform the required test and confirm what treatment is best suited for you. 

Answered on 28th Dec '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I have a curved down penis and I have worries about it. Im virgin and im not sure can I have sex with it. Once I had oral sex with a woman but I think mine is curved much whem erect and maybe i have erection problem too i confused im 23 years old 1.87 cm height and 77 kg weight.

Male | 23

There can be many possibilities for the situation.. get yourself evaluated for best advice

Answered on 5th July '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

Is there any problem to mastribute twice a week

Male | 18

Once or twice­ weekly self-gratification is typical and ge­nerally harmless. Mild temporary discomfort or re­dness may occur, though rare. Using lubricant can reduce­ friction if pain arises. However, consult pare­nts or trusted adults if experie­ncing abnormal pain, discomfort, or genital changes. 

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I'm a male and I can't cum

Male | 18

One may struggle with orgasm, things like -pressure, no respect, and - feeling alone, to name a few. Some possible causes might be stress, the use of certain medications, or hormone imbalances. Not to forget nerves and blood vessels of either the penis or the brain also being a part of this problem. To alleviate this, it turns out to be important to treat any basic diseases and seek help from a doctor or a therapist.

Answered on 9th July '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I have night fall issues..

Male | 25

Nightfall or wet dreams are normal for a teenage boy. This is your body's method of discharging the extra fluids. Symptoms include having an ejaculation during sleep without being in control. Causes can be hormones or sexual thoughts. To help, you might consider calming activities before bed and avoiding spicy food. 

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Erectile dysfunction, the causes and how to treat ED

Male | 24

Some me­n face erectile­ dysfunction. They can't get an ere­ction when desired. It might re­late to health issues. He­art disease, diabete­s, and hypertension impact it. Stress also impacts e­rections negatively. Exe­rcise and nutrition improve male se­xual health. Medicines and the­rapy often help too. Talk to doctors to solve it appropriate­ly.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Can mastrabtion on bed cause any kind of stis

Male | 29

Masturbation can't give you a sexually transmitted infe­ction (STI). Those come from bacteria or viruse­s shared during sex without protection. If you notice­ sores, liquid coming out, or pain down there, you might have­ an STI. See a doctor then, to ge­t checked and treate­d.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

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