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Female | 43

Следует ли мне делать инъекцию анти-VEGF при хориоидальной неоваскуляризации левого глаза?

Пациент: г-жа Кавита Дилип Дубаль. Дата: 10 августа 2024 г. Возраст: 42 Жалобы: Снижение зрения левого глаза в течение 15 дней. Выводы: Правый глаз: Видение: 6/12P Диагноз: Близорукость, дегенерация желтого пятна, мозаичное глазное дно. Лечение: Глазные капли для постоянного применения. Левый глаз: Видение: CF1Mtr. Диагноз: Дегенеративная близорукость с хориоидальной неоваскуляризацией. Рекомендуется: инъекция анти-VEGF. Вопрос: Стоит ли продолжать инъекцию или изучить другие варианты? а какое состояние правого глаза??

1 Answer
Dr Sumeet Agrawal

Офтальмолог/Глазной хирург

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

В вашем левом глазу дегенеративная близорукость с хориоидальной неоваскуляризацией, из-за которой ваше зрение ухудшилось. В этом состоянии новые кровеносные сосуды растут не в том месте. Лучшим вариантом лечения на данный момент является инъекция анти-VEGF, которая может предотвратить дальнейшее повреждение этих сосудов. Между тем, у вашего правого глаза близорукость, дегенерация желтого пятна и мозаичное глазное дно. Хотя ваше зрение не ясное, регулярное использование глазных капель может помочь в некоторой степени контролировать ситуацию.

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Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)

My dad is 75+ and have catract want free operation

Male | 76

Welcome to sanjivani eye hospital , you have visited sanjivani, any query related cataract surgery, Topical phaco surgery No anaesthesia No injection No stitches 5 minutes surgery time 3 rd all activities Ozil technology phaco machine Cashless facility Cghs All corporate TIE UP Still any query call me

Answered on 8th Sept '24

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I have got retinal gas treatment before 7 weeks, now is that possible to use air transport as of tomorrow?

Male | 50

You might notice changes in air pressure while flying after such a procedure. This could be uncomfortable or slow down the healing process. So, it’s better to postpone your trip until your eyes fully recover from surgery. 

Answered on 28th May '24

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I am a 17 years old female who has had a lazy left eye for the past year and 9 months which I believe is called strambius

Female | 17

You might have a lazy left eye, which is also called strabismus. This is caused by the fact that the eye muscles do not function as they should. Sometimes, they can also lead to symptoms such as double vision or your eyes not looking in the same direction. Don't worry, there are treatments available, like special glasses, eye exercises, or even surgery, to help improve your condition.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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My name Is Rikah I'm from Papua New Guinea age 25. I have been experiencing intense and severe both my two eyes for 1 year. I have been put on trail for TB medicine and it work, is it I'm a positive to Tuberculosis.

Male | 25

Yes, eye pain can be a sign of TB infection if your eyes are infected with it. TB can infect the eyes which in turn can lead to various health problems. Typical symptoms are the presence of eye pain, redness, and blurry vision. The medication for TB treatment should be followed strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Also, it is recommended to have regular check-ups to track your progress. 

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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Eye Related issue , I want to ask about my eye shape

Male | 20

It is best to approach an ophthalmologist if you have any doubts about your eye shape. They can give you a proper diagnosis and advice based on your unique medical history.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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I am from pakistan there is blood in my left eye

Male | 38

If there is blood in your left eye, then it is a symptom of a severe eye condition. I highly recommend you to see an ophthalmologist who can make a correct diagnosis and treatment without delay. Do not postpone seeking for medical help or risk losing your vision.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My left eye is swollen, just the skin. What type of medicine do I use

Male | 37


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hii Last week one drop of cleaning acid went into my eye when i was using it , i immediately flushed it with water and i was fine the eye had redness and spasms rarely now I'm starting to get eye irritation

Male | 20

In that case please get it checked thoroughly by a good physician to see if there are still any concerns due to acid.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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