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Best Skin Lightening Treatment doctors in Indiranagar

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Last Updated: 3rd October 2024


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Dr. Akshitha Shetty Skin Lightening Treatment
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Dr. Priyanka K Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Priyanka K



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Dr. Prof. Leelavathy Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Parthasarathi Dutta Roy Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Madan J Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Swetha Gowda Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Sapna R Skin Lightening Treatment

Next available - Monday

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Dr. Sneha Sood Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Gnana Kireeti Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Ramanjanayalu Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Kisalay Saurav Skin Lightening Treatment

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Dr. Krishna Kumar Skin Lightening Treatment

Next available - Thursday

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Top 10 Skin Lightening Treatment doctors Near Indiranagar

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Akshitha Shetty


16₹ 700
Dr. Priyanka K


9 ₹ 600
Dr. Prof. Leelavathy


25₹ 600
Dr. Parthasarathi Dutta Roy


23₹ 600
Dr. Madan J


14₹ 500
Dr. Swetha Gowda


14₹ 700
Dr. Sapna R


13₹ 500
Dr. Sneha Sood


10₹ 500
Dr. Gnana Kireeti


9 ₹ 500
Dr. Ramanjanayalu


19₹ 600

Every time you leave the house, you expose yourself to the sun, pollution, viruses, and a number of other potentially harmful elements. As a result, your skin will become dull, rough, dry, and dark. It's possible that you'll start to look older than you are, which may be damaging to one's self-esteem. Skin lightening treatments, luckily, provide a solution to this problem and may help you reclaim your youthful glow. We've put together a list of the best Skin Lightening Treatment doctors in Indiranagar & nearby areas in Bangalore, that can help you seem younger, brighter, and more energised!

Frequently Asked Questions


1)What is the average consultation fees of a Skin Lightening Treatment doctors in Indiranagar & nearby areas in Bangalore?

The cost of a consultation with a Skin Lightening Treatment doctor generally ranges from Rs.500 to Rs.1000 ($7 to $14). Furthermore, it is subject to change depending on the location.


2)Precautions to take after the Skin lightening treatment?

Following skin lightening procedures, we usually recommend that you begin washing your face with chemical-free products. To soothe your skin throughout the healing process, use petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel to the afflicted regions. Because your skin will be more sensitive following the treatment, begin wearing a good sunscreen and refrain from touching or aggressively cleaning your face for a few days. If there is any swelling or pain, our dermatologist might suggest using ointments and painkillers.   


3)Is the skin lightening permanent?

After a continuous regimen of up to 10 sessions, the therapeutic effects are long-lasting, however you may require maintenance treatments at longer intervals after that.


4)How much does skin lightning treatment cost?

Treatments for skin whitening can be done in a variety of ways. As a consequence, the cost of skin lightening depends on the type of treatment, the technology utilised, and the number of sessions required.


5)How long before I can see the skin lightening treatment results?

You may anticipate to see results in 2-4 weeks after your first session with the I.V Glutathione skin lightening therapy.

Questions & Answers on "Skin Lightening Treatment" (2601)

Hi doctor my is a diabetic patient she has developed a would in her leg we treated with some tablets but still it's not healed properly please suggest

Female | 59

This could come as a result of high blood sugar, poor blood circulation, or infection. Redness, warmth, swelling, and pus are the signs of infection. In some cases, scars must be treated with special dressings or antibiotics. Help her to control her blood sugar levels and make sure she gets her wound care from her doctor.

Answered on 6th Nov '24

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