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Female | 25

పెదవుల వాపు జ్వరం మరియు వాపుతో సంబంధం కలిగి ఉంటుందా?

నా సోదరి మూడు రోజుల క్రితం అధిక శరీర ఉష్ణోగ్రత మరియు కుడి భుజంలో నొప్పిని అనుభవించిన తర్వాత ఆమె పై పెదవిలో గణనీయమైన వాపుతో బాధపడుతోంది. ఆమె ఒక CRP పరీక్ష చేయించుకుంది, మరియు ఫలితం 39. ఇన్ఫ్లమేషన్ ఉనికి కారణంగా డాక్టర్ ఆమెకు యాంటీబయాటిక్స్ సూచించాడు. అయితే, మంట లేదా జ్వరం కారణంగా పెదవి ఉబ్బడం సాధారణమా? ఆమె తరచుగా దంత సమస్యలు మరియు తరచుగా పంటి నొప్పిని కలిగి ఉండటం గమనించదగ్గ విషయం.

dr raunak shah


Answered on 10th Sept '24

మంచి విషయమేమిటంటే, మీ సోదరి CRP పరీక్ష చేసింది, అది వాపును సూచించింది. ఇది ఎగువ పెదవి యొక్క వాపును వివరించవచ్చు. వాపు మరియు భుజం నొప్పులు సంక్రమణ లేదా దంత సమస్యను సూచిస్తాయి. పంటి నొప్పి కొన్నిసార్లు పొరుగు ప్రాంతాలలో వాపుకు కారణం కావచ్చు. వాపు విషయంలో యాంటీబయాటిక్స్ ప్రయోజనకరంగా ఉంటాయి. ఆమెను సందర్శించమని చెప్పండి aదంతవైద్యుడుసరైన చికిత్స కోసం.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dental Treatement" (264)

I have been suffering from Periodontal Disease and I have completed my Laser Surgery Treatment recently. But due to Periodontal Disease, my teeth got unaligned and front two teeth got unaligned badly. Therefore, I want to replace these two teeth. Is it possible?

ideally you should wait for the gums to heal completely & after that realignment is possible

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Should I get braces treatment from a prosthodontist?can anyone suggest me the best place for fixing braces in Kolkata?

Male | 27

orthodontist are trained to render braces treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How many times can we put a abutment screw in the implant body

Abutment screw can be placed in implant body as per requirement and can be removed if needed any number of times but without damaging threadings of implant body.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Which government hospital is best for braces and cheap rate

Male | 19

It will be better if you visit a Dental Clinic near by for convenient, cheap and effective Braces treatments. Dental hospitals may require too much of appointment waiting time. It is better to call Dental clinics for taking an idea of treatments cost. Match your cost survey with Experience and expertise at Clinic and make a visit. ?

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How much would it be to fix my three front teeth

Female | 41

you should seek help from the dentist to ensure accurate measurements of your dental expense for three front teeth fixing. Professional advice is crucial before making any decisions related to dental care. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Does Primus Super Speciality hospital have a dental department and what are the timings

Female | 42

not sure

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is dental implantology?

Female | 25

Dental implantology involves placing artificial teeth into the jawbone to replace lost teeth. A dental implant acts as a new root, supporting a replacement tooth that functions like a natural one. Common signs that you might need a dental implant include pain while chewing or speaking, gaps between teeth, or jawbone shrinkage. These implants can restore your smile and improve your ability to eat and talk comfortably.

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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I'm 20 yr old and I had rct by Dr Arjun Singh Sodha and a cap was fixed on my affected tooth. I'm a neet aspirant engrossed in my busy schedule and I'm experience ing sharp pain under the cap. What to do

Female | 20

See a dentist as soon as possible. Take pain relief medication as prescribed to manage the pain. Do not delay seeking dental care, as untreated dental issues can lead to more serious problems.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My chewing teeth is paining since last night.

Male | 42

We need to know which teeth and the location of the teeth for examining and the previous history. Your query is too short to answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How long after a root canal can you eat solid food?

Male | 45

After Capping

for more information contact Burute Dental Pune 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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 Hii Doctor,  My teeth are constantly yellow. My gums occasionally bleed when I brush more than once a day, despite the fact that I've switched toothpastes.

Male | 34

you require to visit a local dentist & get a deep subgingival scaling done. if the issue of bleeding gums is not resolved with it then further procedure needs to be carried out.
for yellow teeth , teeth whitening can be performed.

avoid soda or carbonated drinks, 
avoid coffee tea
quit smoking 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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A hard rock like round movable thing under my lower jaw in lower region of the molar teeth. Over 3 month .but not cause any problems.

Male | 22

There is a chance that the solid, round, and movable object under your lower jaw in the lower part of molar teeth may be due to salivary gland stone or lymph node. But it need physical examination to determine the actual cause.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 38 years old . I had two dental implants 4-5 years back . I think there is a little bump in the enamel portion of crown. I think it is got damaged. Is it possible to change the crown portion of dental implants and if yes what would be the cost of crown replacement. Thank you

Female | 38

firstly you need an xray of that perticular teeth .. then reason of bump can be explained and yes if conventional implant is done , then we can remove abutment and teeth and replace it.. the costing depends upon the compny of implant u hv choosen 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mam hi my name is aparna suddenly I find my lips getting dry and some water type salty forming y is tht ????

Female | 23

this condition is called xerostomia, which means less production of saliva.
Clincal examination is needed to check the salivary glands functioning.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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