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Male | 32

చలాజియాకు ఏ ప్రభావవంతమైన ఔషధం చికిత్స చేస్తుంది?

దయచేసి మీరు చాలేజియా కోసం ఆచరణీయమైన మందులను సిఫార్సు చేయగలరు. నేను చాలా కృతజ్ఞతతో ఉంటాను

డాక్టర్ సుమీత్ అగర్వాల్

నేత్ర వైద్యుడు/ కంటి శస్త్రవైద్యుడు

Answered on 12th Sept '24

కనురెప్పలోని తైల గ్రంధి మూసుకుపోయి చలాజియాన్‌కు దారితీస్తుంది. ఒక చిన్న బంప్ కనిపించవచ్చు మరియు అప్పుడు ఎడెమా లేదా సున్నితత్వం సంభవించవచ్చు. సాధారణంగా, వెచ్చని సంపీడనాలు దానిని నయం చేయడంలో ప్రభావవంతంగా ఉంటాయి. కాకపోతే, ఒకకంటి వైద్యుడుయాంటీబయాటిక్ కంటి చుక్కలు లేదా లేపనాన్ని సిఫారసు చేయవచ్చు. 

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)

I 28 years old. I have under gone Lasik eye surgery in Narayana Netralaya in 2019. But one of the eye didn't improve any eye sight...I went to them but they said the Par has removed and the number of both the eyes is zero.. but one eye I can't read and get blurred vision... Is there any way or is it necessary to undergo another surgery....please help me out in this issue

Male | 28

This is alarming because even in one of your eyes you still face an issue with clarity of vision after Lasik surgery. It is recommended that one consult an eye consultant doctor who conducts a full eye inspection. They take note of unique factors that cause blurred vision; these may be refractive errors or an underlying condition. This depends on what is found in the latter part of these surgical procedures so it may entail additional surgery if the findings are unfavorable, but proper professional assessment by an eye specialist would be better.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I take ashwagandha daily, can I donate my blood? And I had a Lasik eye surgery 3 years ago.

Male | 21

Yes, you can give blood if you take­ ashwagandha every day and had Lasik surgery 3 ye­ars ago. The ashwagandha herb is safe and will not impact your blood donation. The­ Lasik eye operation you had some­ time ago also does not stop you from giving blood. Just make sure­ you feel good on the day you plan to donate­ blood. 

Answered on 27th Sept '24

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