Male | 23
F3 వద్ద ఫైబ్రోసిస్ను F0 లివర్గా మార్చవచ్చా?
సర్ F3 వద్ద ఫైబ్రోసిస్ ఎప్పటికీ F0 లివర్గా మారదు

సర్జికల్ గ్యాస్ట్రోఎంటరాలజీ
Answered on 19th Sept '24
ఫైబ్రోసిస్ దశ F3 మీ కాలేయంలో కొన్ని తీవ్రమైన మచ్చలను సూచిస్తుంది, ఇది మంచిది కాదు. అదే విషయం హెపటైటిస్ లేదా అతిగా తాగడం వంటి అనారోగ్యాల నుండి రావచ్చు. శుభవార్త సరైన చికిత్సతో ఫైబ్రోసిస్ మెరుగుపడుతుంది మరియు F0 వంటి ఆరోగ్యకరమైన దశకు కూడా తిరిగి వస్తుంది. ఆరోగ్యకరమైన ఆహారం తీసుకోవడం, మద్యపానానికి దూరంగా ఉండటం మరియు సూచించిన మందులు తీసుకోవడం వంటివి ఈ ప్రక్రియలో సహాయపడతాయి.
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Questions & Answers on "Hepatologyy" (123)
After drinking seven Penadol at once, what should you do before something happens?
Female | 16
I don't advocate that a person must take seven Panadol tablets all at once. It is an excessive amount and it can even be dangerous. If your body has absorbed that amount, it is necessary to immediately see a hepatologist, they will analyze you for side effects in case there are any and recommend the right treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sar main ek kidney transplant patient hun mere liver mein ggt bada hua hai और लिवर फैटी भी है फर्स्ट स्टेज
Male | 38
You have a transplanted kidney, and your liver has higher GGT. This is an enzyme that indicates liver issues. Additionally, you have early-stage fatty liver, where excess fat accumulates in liver cells. Fatigue, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice are possible symptoms. Maintaining a nutritious diet and regular exercise can be beneficial. However, consulting your healthcare team is crucial
Answered on 23rd May '24
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She suffering fever from last 6 months and liver assessment
Female | 67
Answered on 10th July '24
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I am 73 years male I am suffering from Parkinson's disease since last 9 years and treatment is going on. Today's USG shows Fatty changes of liver. Portal vein & CBD are mildly prominent. Now I want your suggestion in this regard.
Male | 73
You have been through the Parkinson's disease process wherein a certain organization inside your body controls such functions as movement and balance. The ultrasound results indicate that you have experienced a harmless fatty liver change which happens due to various reasons like being overweight or having diabetes. Healthy lifestyle choices such as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help reduce this.
Answered on 2nd Aug '24
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I'm taking liver syrup from home. I'm black jaundice
Male | 34
Black jaundice, also known as hepatitis E, can make your skin and eyes turn yellow. It can lead to weariness, fever, and haul of the belly. This is due to the liver getting sick from a particular virus. To get better, sleep a lot, drink only clean water, and consume proper foods. Don't use alcohol and don't eat fatty foods. Your body will be able to destroy the virus in a few weeks.
Answered on 10th Oct '24
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Doctor I'm sufferings from HBV with respect again sir I need cure how much Thank you
Male | 23
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a virus that can make you feel extremely ill. You might experience extreme fatigue, yellow discoloration of the eyes, and stomach pain. HBV is transmitted via blood and other body fluids. A hepatologist should be consulted for information. Medicines can assist in the treatment of HBV, and the good management of your health can lead to the improvement of your health.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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Kya 50% liver kharab hone ke bad liver theek ho sakta hai
Male | 35
The liver can partially recover even if it's 50% damaged, depending on the cause and overall health. Reversible conditions like viral infections or certain medication-related damage may allow for better recovery.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Respected Doctor Sir, Myself a 63 years old Non-alcoholic, retired man from a Pharmaceutical MNC Abbott, got diagnosed with Chronic Liver problem I e. Liver Cirrosis about three years back. Since, I am in Delhi, arranged best possible treatments from Max Hospital, ILBS & Apollo hospital. But all doctors clearly told me.... only option left is Liver Transplantation. I tried best for healthy & maching Liver but couldn't succeeded so far. Apart from Allopathic, I approached Professor & Head of the department Homeo- pathy and very renowned Ayurvedic doctor. All the doctors tried their best for recovery & I noticed the remarkable change in Fibroscan reports. ( Attaching both reports). But some problems remained as it is like.... Whole body itching, Loss of Stamina/vigour. My Whole body PLATELETS not improving. My Protine difficencies & Albumin lebel not satisfactory. For avoiding loss of Albumin, doctor recommends use of Hunan Albumin Interavenus Injections after intervalbof 15 days. Heavy weaknesses & Constipation. I spent my all retirement funds for treatments on Continuous doctor's consultations, repeated tests, Fibroscans, Ultrasounds, Costly Medicines, Admissions etc & having lot of financial crises. Even though life was going ok with some little problems. Suddenly on 27th December -23, when I was being injected Albumin, suddenly Some drops of Blood noticed on my tongue and I stopped using Albumin & informed Apollo Hospital Doctor, He suggested, I should get an emergency admission in nearby Hospital. So I got admitted in Max hospital, where my new problems were started during treatments. As per Max Doctors, my heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Pancreas were not functioning normal & I started feeling Memory loss. The doctors were telling that no chances of survival now & advised family to allow to put me on ventilator but my son hesitated & in same condition, he got me Apollo Hospital in mid night. I think Max hospital only seen their monotary benefits & recovered around 14.00 lacs for treatment through Insurance co. Then slowly slowly, I got recovery & after a weak, I got recovery . Sir, I am having no pain in and around Abdomen area, no swelling anywhere. For checking Ascites, doctors asked me to take half tablets of Lessilactone. Only feeling heavy Weekness, loss of stamina. I approached one of my doctor relative & he said as per MELD SCORE of 16, no immediate Transplant is advisable. Please see my attached reports & put your comments, whether, I may survive 5-6 years with this problem without Transplantation. I shall take video consultation with you but before that, I informed my few details to you for your better assessments & reply. WITH MY FOLDED HAND, I HUMBLY REQUEST YOURGOODSELF TO PLEASE SEE MY DETAILS THROUGHLY AND GIVE YOUR BEST POSSIBLE ADVISES. Best regards, Chaitanya Prakash Delhi Mobile. 9891740622
Male | 63
Liver cirrhosis can bring itching, low energy, fewer platelets, and protein troubles. Those issues happen when damaged livers can't do their jobs right across your body. It's key to treat those symptoms closely and regularly check your condition. A good lifestyle, proper diet, and listening to your hepatologist can boost your overall wellness.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
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My total bilirubin is 2.9 mgs/Dil, Direct bilirubin is 1.4 mgs/dil
Male | 31
When blood total bilirubin levels are high, the chances are that the liver or gallbladder is not functioning properly. However, direct bilirubin may tell that it is a liver problem in processing bile. This may arise from infections, liver diseases, or blockages in the bile ducts. It is vital to consult with a hepatologist about these results to find the most agreeable treatment for you.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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Hi what does it mean if you have lost immunity to hip b ?
Female | 33
If you have lost immunity to hepatitis B, it means that your body is no longer protected against the hepatitis B virus. Immunity to HBV is typically acquired through vaccination or prior infection.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir, there was pus in my liver, then I got the treatment done in LIBS hospital and they removed the pus through operation, then I got cured but there is pain in my right shoulder blade and on the opposite chest side too, I went through the operation. When I asked the doctor after two months, he said that it might be due to gas, but I still have pain in the shoulder blade.
Male | 29
The pus was successfully removed from your liver. However, you still have pain in your right shoulder blade and chest. Sometimes, gas can get trapped in the body after surgery, causing discomfort. However ongoing pain in these areas could also be a sign of muscle strain or inflammation. It’s important to inform your doctor so they can investigate further and find ways to relieve the pain.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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Gross Description: Specimen received in formalin with proper lab no. consists of one tan brown linear piece of tissue. It measures 1.2x0.2cm. Submitted as such. Microscopic Examination: Sections show linear core of liver tissue. The liver tissue shows mild distortion of the lobular architecture. NAS score: Steatosis: 2 (about 52% of hepatocytes) Lobular inflammation: 1 (2 foci/200x) Hepatocytes ballooning: 2 (Many hepatocytes) Total NAS score: 5/8 Fibrosis: Ic (Periportal) Diagnosis: NAS score: 5/8 Fibrosis: le Is that report is Normal. Pls explain?
Male | 28
Your liver has some issues according to the report. It's inflamed and swollen with fat deposits. Obesity, cholesterol problems, or alcohol could cause these changes. To improve liver health, focus on eating right, exercising regularly, and giving up alcohol. Taking care of your liver is crucial for overall well-being.
Answered on 23rd July '24
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I am suffering from chronic liver disease from may 2017. I was fine but now my serum bilirubin in 3.8 and early 10 days 5.01 without any symptom
Male | 55
• Cirrhosis is a late stage of liver scarring (fibrosis) induced by a variety of liver disorders and conditions, including hepatitis and persistent drinking. When your liver is damaged, whether through illness, excessive alcohol intake, or another cause, it attempts to restore itself. Scar tissue arises as a result of the procedure.
• It causes scar tissue to grow, making it harder for the liver to function (decompensated cirrhosis) and is considered to be potentially fatal by nature. The liver damage is often irreversible. However, if detected early and the underlying cause is addressed, additional damage can be reduced and, in rare cases, reversed.
• It often has no signs or symptoms until liver damage is extensive.
• On damage the following signs/symptoms can be seen - Fatigue , easy bleeding/bruising , Loss of appetite, Nausea, pedal/ankle odema, Weight loss, Itchy skin, Yellow coloured eyes and skin, ascites(fluid accumulation in abdomen), spiderlike blood vessels, redness of palms, absence/loss of periods (not related to menopause), libido and gynecomastia(breast growth in males)/testicular atrophy, Confusion, sleepiness, and slurred speech (hepatic encephalopathy)
• Usually, the total bilirubin test shows 1.2 mg/dL for adults and 1 mg/dL for children under the age of 18. The normal value for direct bilirubin is 0.3 mg/dL.
• Normal findings may differ somewhat between men and women, and results may be influenced by particular diets, drugs, or severe activity. Bilirubin levels that are lower than normal are typically not a cause for worry. Elevated levels might be a sign of liver injury or illness.
• Higher-than-normal amounts of direct bilirubin in your blood may suggest that your liver isn't adequately removing bilirubin. Elevated indirect bilirubin levels may signal other issues.
• Gilbert's syndrome, a lack in an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of bilirubin, is a frequent and innocuous cause of high bilirubin. Further tests may be ordered by your doctor to explore your situation. Bilirubin test results can also be used to track the evolution of specific illnesses like jaundice.
• Further laboratory investigations such as AST(aspartate aminotransferase), ALT(alanine transaminase), ALP(alkaline phosphatase) and GGT(gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase); Total Albumin, Lactic Dehydrogenase, Alpha protein, 5’nucleotide, mitochondrial antibody and PTT levels need to be determined and procedures such as CT scan, MRI (for liver tissue damage) and biopsy (in case of chance of any cancerous growth) need to be performed.
You can also visit hepatologist for detailed treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I'm 30 years Male & suffer from Liver disease (Fatty Liver G-1) I have lose my wait 6 kg from 66( height 5'.5") How can i recover from this disease?
Male | 30
• Fatty liver disease is a condition caused by fat buildup in the liver (i.e., when fat percentage exceeds 5 - 10% of your liver's weight), which can be caused by alcohol intake and/or a high fat diet. Individuals who are obese/overweight, have poor glycemic control/insulin resistance, have metabolic syndrome, and are taking specific drugs such as amiodarone, diltiazem, tamoxifen, or steroids are at risk of developing fatty liver.
• In some situations, it is thought to be symptomless, but in others, it can cause substantial liver damage. The good news is that it is frequently avoidable or reversible with lifestyle modifications.
• It progresses through 3 stages which include Steatohepatitis (swelling and damage of liver tissue), Fibrosis (scar tissue formation where your liver is damaged) and Cirrhosis (extensive scar tissue replacement with healthy tissue). Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure or cancer.
• Laboratory investigations consists of Liver functions tests such as AST, ALT, ALP and GGT; Total Albumin and Bilirubin, CBC, Test for viral infection, Fasting Blood Glucose, HbA1c and Lipid profile.
• Imaging procedures such as Ultrasound, CT /MRI, Elastography (for measuring stiffness of liver) and Magnetic resonance elastography and Biopsy (for ruling out any cancerous growth and for signs or any inflammation and scarring).
• If a patient has a fatty liver, he or she should be checked for the entire metabolic syndrome, which includes diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, and thyroid issues.
• The best way to treat fatty liver is with making some lifestyle changes which can significantly improve your health which includes – Avoiding alcohol and High fat diet, Losing weight, taking medications for controlling glucose and fat(Triglyceride and Cholesterol) levels and Vitamin E with Thiazolidinediones in specific instances.
• Currently, no drug treatment is approved for management of fatty liver disease.
In order to prevent further progression of disease one can:
Maintain a healthy weight by consuming food less/minimal in in its fat percentage.
Follow a Mediterranean diet which is high in vegetables, fruits and good fats.
Exercise regularly for 45 minutes where in you can include combination of cycling with walking, cardio, CrossFit and yoga with meditation.
Restrict alcohol consumption
Consult a hepatologist near you for further evaluation and treatment and your dietician for advice on fat loss.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mother is suffering from liver cirrhosis. Key symptoms are - drop in HB every 10 days, GI bleeding through varices, ammonia increase in body from time to time which has been treated with duphalac enema. APC has been done twice. But bleeding and HB drop has continued.
Female | 73
Managing the variceal bleeding and elevated ammonia levels may involve procedures like APC, band ligation, or TIPS, and medications like lactulose. Regular monitoring of liver cirrhosis function and supportive care, including nutrition, are also crucial. Consult your doctor or a hepatologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am having a high bilirubin 1.62, and this is the 2nd time. Last year at this same time I had it. And due to this I can't eat properly, and I feel vomiting as soon as I take a sip of water after eating. It's already been 15 days. It's making my appetite low, I feel low. I eat very less now, and in that too It's feel like my stomach is tight and blown up. Pls help me?
Male | 19.5
Based on the complaints and elevated bilirubin levels you seem to be suffering from a type of liver disorder, a condition wherein excess accumulation of bilirubin (a brown yellow coloured compound formed in breaking down of red blood cells) occurs. With loss of appetite, vomiting, stomach tightness and bloating; fever, extreme fatigue and abdominal pain can also be seen in liver diseases.
• There are multiple causes for development of liver dysfunction such as infection, autoimmune liver diseases like cholangitis, Wilson’s disease, cancer, alcoholic liver (due to alcohol abuse) and non-alcoholic (due to excessive consumption of fats) and drug induced.
• When using a medicine that is known to have the potential to cause liver damage, your doctor may recommend you to have blood tests done on a routine basis after starting the medication so that any signs of liver damage may be recognised before symptoms develop.
• Common medications that can cause damage to the liver include Paracetamol, Statins – drugs for lowering cholesterol levels and certain herbs.
• Other liver function parameters such as AST(aspartate aminotransferase), ALT(alanine transaminase), ALP(alkaline phosphatase) and GGT(gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase) bilirubin are required to be evaluated and additional to this for determining the exact cause of dysfunction especially to confirm presence of jaundice; urinalysis, CT (for distinguishing between biliary obstruction and liver disease including cancer) and liver biopsy (for ruling out concern about possible liver cancer) needs to performed.
• The treatment is based on the underlying cause and damage levels and can range from dietary changes, medications such as antibiotics, sedatives, etc to liver transplants.
• Consult hepatologist near you for further assessment and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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When you have liver cirrhosis does your belly get hard and tight and uncomfortable can't eat everything taste nasty got a bad knee that looks a bad infection like someone ate his knee off bad...
Male | 56
In advanced stages of liver cirrhosis, the abdomen can become distended and feel firm or tight due to fluid accumulation (ascites). This can cause discomfort and difficulty eating. Whereas changes in taste perception and a knee infection are not directly related to liver cirrhosis and would require separate evaluation
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have symptom of jaundice for last 7 years
Male | 22
Having jaundice for 7 years is not usual. Jaundice is when your eyes and skin turn yellow. This occurs when your liver does not work well. Infections, liver problems, or blocked bile ducts can cause it. Tests will be required to know what is causing it. After knowing the cause, treatment will be given to make your liver work better and reduce jaundice.
Answered on 27th May '24
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I am 26 year old and Mera abhi accident hua h. And blood test m hepatitis b+ve surface antigen - CLIA ki value 4230 ae h. To ye+ ve h kya or kita risk h
Male | 26
A positive hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) on a blood test shows that you are currently infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The CLIA value in the test is 4230 which is considered a high level of HBsAg, that indicates a higher risk of transmission to others. Consult a hepatologist and with proper precautions to prevent transmission, its possible to manage hepatitis B.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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How much is laparoscopic liver resection recovery time?
Male | 47
It could be 2-4 weeks.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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- Sir can fibrosis at F3 can never reversed to F0 Liver