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Male | 55

I am suffering from chronic liver disease from may 2017. I was fine but now my serum bilirubin in 3.8 and early 10 days 5.01 without any symptom

2 Answers

Answered on 2nd July '24

follow these herbal combinations for complete cure :- sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day , pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day after breakfast and dinner with water. send your reports

2 people found this helpful

Dr. Sayalee Karve

Clinical Pharmacologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

• Cirrhosis is a late stage of liver scarring (fibrosis) induced by a variety of liver disorders and conditions, including hepatitis and persistent drinking. When your liver is damaged, whether through illness, excessive alcohol intake, or another cause, it attempts to restore itself. Scar tissue arises as a result of the procedure.

• It causes scar tissue to grow, making it harder for the liver to function (decompensated cirrhosis) and is considered to be potentially fatal by nature. The liver damage is often irreversible. However, if detected early and the underlying cause is addressed, additional damage can be reduced and, in rare cases, reversed.

• It often has no signs or symptoms until liver damage is extensive.

• On damage the following signs/symptoms can be seen  - Fatigue , easy bleeding/bruising , Loss of appetite, Nausea, pedal/ankle odema, Weight loss, Itchy skin, Yellow coloured eyes and skin, ascites(fluid accumulation in abdomen), spiderlike blood vessels, redness of palms, absence/loss of periods (not related to menopause), libido and gynecomastia(breast growth in males)/testicular atrophy, Confusion, sleepiness, and slurred speech (hepatic encephalopathy)

• Usually, the total bilirubin test shows 1.2 mg/dL for adults and 1 mg/dL for children under the age of 18. The normal value for direct bilirubin is 0.3 mg/dL.

• Normal findings may differ somewhat between men and women, and results may be influenced by particular diets, drugs, or severe activity. Bilirubin levels that are lower than normal are typically not a cause for worry. Elevated levels might be a sign of liver injury or illness.

• Higher-than-normal amounts of direct bilirubin in your blood may suggest that your liver isn't adequately removing bilirubin. Elevated indirect bilirubin levels may signal other issues.

• Gilbert's syndrome, a lack in an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of bilirubin, is a frequent and innocuous cause of high bilirubin. Further tests may be ordered by your doctor to explore your situation. Bilirubin test results can also be used to track the evolution of specific illnesses like jaundice.

• Further laboratory investigations such as AST(aspartate aminotransferase), ALT(alanine transaminase), ALP(alkaline phosphatase) and GGT(gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase); Total Albumin, Lactic Dehydrogenase, Alpha protein, 5’nucleotide, mitochondrial antibody and PTT levels need to be determined and procedures such as CT scan, MRI (for liver tissue damage) and biopsy (in case of chance of any cancerous growth) need to be performed.

You can also visit hepatologist for detailed treatment.

27 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Hepatology" (150)

I just received results for HBsAg results and I was told its reactive at 13.67 MIU/ML. I did not understand the meaning whether positive or negative. 3 months ago I conducted a test in a different country- i.e. HBeAg and it was negative. I am a bit confused by the 2 results

Male | 47

Your HBsAg result of 13.67 MIU/ML indicates a positive result, meaning the hepatitis B virus is present in your blood. The negative HBeAg suggests a low level of viral activity, which is a positive aspect. Symptoms may include fatigue, jaundice, or abdominal pain, but some individuals may not experience any signs at all. It’s crucial to consult a hepatologist who can provide guidance tailored to your situation, recommend follow-up tests, and discuss treatment options if necessary. 

Answered on 7th Mar '25

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Want your number sir one patient of alcoholic liver. Cirrhosis is there

Male | 47

If someone you know is dealing with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, it's vital to consult a hepatologist or liver specialist for proper evaluation and treatment. The treatment may involve dietary adjustments, medication, and monitoring for complications.. also its impt to quit alcohol if you do consume.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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i am 86 year old, i have liver disease which is casing my leg and stomach to swollen and itching of the body, please which drugs should i buy

Male | 86

You are exhibiting the symptoms of liver disease. Swollen legs and stomach, along with body itching, are the symptoms of people with the said condition. The entire process of removing toxins from the body and the liver's poor functioning that leads to the development of these symptoms must be considered. At the pharmacy, you can purchase medications for your liver that can help you reduce the swelling caused by your liver, for instance, diuretics and antihistamines. But I insist you seek medical help before getting any treatment.

Answered on 14th June '24

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How much is laparoscopic liver resection recovery time?

Male | 47

It could be 2-4 weeks.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hai i am male 49 years, from few months my platelets count reduced up to 27000. Gastro dr. do sonography and endoscopy, and find compensated cirrhosis of liver. i want to Know what is the long term effect and what kind of diet should i take. Thanks

Male | 48

If your doctor has suggested that you are suffering from compensated cirrhosis, this means the patient is in the early stage of cirrhosis. such patients need to be evaluated thoroughly for the cause of cirrhosis. Also these patients need to be under regular follow up with liver specialists to diagnose and treat complications when and where these complications arise. Also these patients need to be under strict liver-related diet control. Diet is generally modified and custom made for each and every patient. Hope this clears your doubt and reach out if you do have unresolved queries!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is a liver cirrhosis patient,get hallucinationate for dytor 5 medicine,,,,

Male | 56

Liver cirrhosis patients can get hallucinations from DYTOR 5 medicine. Dytor 5 contains TORASEMIDE which can cause confusion and hallucinations.. It's important to inform your doctor about any side effects experienced. YOur doctor may adjust the medication or prescribe an alternative.. It's always advised to be cautious while taking any medication and follow the instructions carefully..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Anti - HBs -Ag (antibody to Au antigen ) Results positive . That means what

Male | 26

You are diagnosed with antibodies that are against the hepatitis B surface antigen which means you are being protected from hepatitis B. It means your body has successfully fought off hepatitis B infection or you have been vaccinated against it. You may not have any symptoms, but it's important to keep your health by eating healthily, exercising, and avoiding alcohol to keep your liver in good shape. Ensure to get regular check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your health.

Answered on 19th July '24

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Sir there is too much urine in jaundice or fatty liver

Male | 18

If your body is getting rid of the excess substances, jaundice or liver disease is likely the reason for the excess urine. Symptoms can be characterized by yellow-colored skin, pain in the stomach, and fatigue. The causes may be infections or dangerous lifestyles like smoking and drinking. To aid the body, hydrate yourself with water and eat a balanced diet. 

Answered on 25th Oct '24

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I'm taking liver syrup from home. I'm black jaundice

Male | 34

Black jaundice, also known as hepatitis E, can make your skin and eyes turn yellow. It can lead to weariness, fever, and haul of the belly. This is due to the liver getting sick from a particular virus. To get better, sleep a lot, drink only clean water, and consume proper foods. Don't use alcohol and don't eat fatty foods. Your body will be able to destroy the virus in a few weeks.

Answered on 10th Oct '24

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Hepatitaise b reoprt postive or not I am sandeep saxena from Mathura

Female | 32

You must know what possible symptoms to look for ‘fatigue, jaundice, and abdominal discomfort’ in order not to be misled by wrong conclusions. This is a disease primarily caused by a virus that affects the liver which is usually through contact with bodily fluids that are infected. One of the ways to handle this includes frequently checking your body function along with well-balanced food and using the right medicines for a long time. It is my strong belief that you should start off discussing your case with a healthcare provider for a thorough examination as well as a personalized prescription. 

Answered on 27th Dec '24

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