Female | 38
నా తలనొప్పులు పించ్డ్ నరాలకి సంబంధించినవేనా?
నేను పడుకున్నప్పుడు నా తల వెనుక భాగంలో ఒత్తిడి మరియు తలనొప్పి వస్తుంది. నాకు నరాల సమస్యలు ఉన్నాయి. ఈ తలనొప్పులు పించ్డ్ నరాలకి సంబంధించినదా?

Answered on 19th Sept '24
మీ తల వెనుక భాగంలో తలనొప్పి మరియు ఉద్రేకపూరిత భావన ఒక పించ్డ్ నరాల వల్ల కావచ్చు. ఒక నరం పించ్ చేయబడినప్పుడు, అది మీ తల వంటి ఇతర ప్రాంతాలకు ప్రసరించే నొప్పిని కలిగిస్తుంది, ఇది తలనొప్పికి దారితీస్తుంది. తలనొప్పిపై దృష్టి పెట్టడం కంటే నొప్పి నుండి ఉపశమనం పొందడానికి పించ్డ్ నరాల చికిత్స చేయడం ముఖ్యం. లైట్ స్ట్రెచింగ్, మంచి భంగిమ మరియు కొన్నిసార్లు ఫిజికల్ థెరపీ సహాయపడుతుంది. తలనొప్పులు కొనసాగితే లేదా తీవ్రరూపం దాల్చినట్లయితే, సంప్రదించడం మంచిదిన్యూరాలజిస్ట్.
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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (709)
Why I am feeling suddenly dizziness
Female | 24
Dizziness can make you feel like things are spinning or you're off balance. It can happen if you stand up too quickly, are dehydrated, or get up after lying down. Sometimes, it's due to low blood sugar. Other reasons could be problems in the inner ear or even stress. To help, sit or lie down, drink water, and eat if your blood sugar is low. If it persists, talk to a healthcare provider so they can figure out the cause.
Answered on 28th May '24
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Hi sir/madam, I'm Suffering from right eye swelling,redness from past 25 days... recently I have visited a hospital and got my cerebral Angiogram test done...it was found that there is Dural arterveinous fistulae along bilateral cavernous sinuses nd clivus draining into bilateral petrosal sinuses and right superior opthalmic vein...which is causing swelling of eye,redness,watery eyes...They have suggested an exercise near neck(compression) for this problem. my question is does this problem go away with this exercise? How common is this problem?Any medical emergency required?What is the cost for stereographic radiation therapy? Thank you.
Male | 52
The answer to your question depends on the cause of the dural arteriovenous fistulae. If it is caused by a congenital abnormality, exercise may help reduce the symptoms, but it is unlikely to completely resolve the condition. If the cause is a tumor or an aneurysm, then exercise may help reduce the symptoms, but a more comprehensive treatment plan may be required. The cost of stereotactic radiation therapy varies depending on the institution providing the therapy. It is best to seek advice from a specialist to determine the best course of treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am feeling dizziness suddenly
Female | 24
There could be several reasons behind this. Perhaps you’re not taking in enough fluids or stood up too quickly. It may even be an issue with one of your ears such as an infection. The best thing to do is sit down, relax, and have a drink of water. If it keeps happening, talk to a doctor.
Answered on 30th May '24
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Tingling sensation over body like blood hardly moves, all over body since 2months. Neurobian.. Neurokind forte.. Neurokind d3, tablets taken half cured not completely cured got 1 new, blue patch in leg??
Female | 28
It's essential to consult a neurologist, as these symptoms may be related to underlying neurological or circulatory issues. Additionally, the appearance of a new blue patch on your leg should be evaluated urgently. Further tests and examinations are needed to determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am gad passant.l am taking three medicine these are duzela 60 hs maxgaline 75 bd and sensiril 25 mg but these medicine can not relief to me ple suggest to me.
Male | 54
You are still dealing with that condition even after taking the prescribed medications. It is good to know the reason for your non-improvement. Your symptoms might be brought on by several causes such as a wrong dosage, an existing illness, or potential side effects of the medication. See your physician to reconsider your treatment strategy.
Answered on 1st Oct '24
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Sar. Agar kise pashant ke sabhi repot normal hi seraf altra mri me beren me sujan ho to kay us ke bhi karen se kantenu jatke aa sakte hi
Male | 47
Even if their routine blood and urine tests are normal and there happens to be just a swelling seen only in an MRI, definitely they should go for a neurologist. This calls for obtaining a diagnosis and treatment from a specialist to deter any complications that may arise.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am diagnosed with distal muscular dystrophy with hand tremors . This problem was started about 3 years ago . what should i do
Male | 19
We have good results in muscular dystrophy. You need to consult a stem cell therapist for the proper treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Why my headache is not going away? It’s a throbbing headache in the temple of my head.
Female | 25
The throbbing headache you've got is likely tension-related. Stress, fatigue, poor posture, or skipping meals can trigger these kinds of headaches. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Try relaxing with deep breaths or meditation too. If the headache won't quit, take a break. Rest in a calm, dark room for a bit.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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I have a severe headache that worsens with movement. It’s felt through out my head however there are pressure points where it’s felt more intensely which are at the back of the skull and near to my temples. I have a low grade fever. Blood in mucus when I blow my nose. When I swallow my throat hurts and it strikes up my head. I am taking Augmentin Zyrtec and ibruprofen and symptoms are relieved until a couple hours before my next dose at the same severity. My skin is tender to touch and everything feels cold. Pain felt in my back and joints.
Female | 21
It sounds like you could be dealing with a sinus infection or a viral illness. The headache, pressure points, fever, sore throat, and body aches indicate an infection. Since you're already on medication but still experiencing severe symptoms, it's best to visit an ENT specialist. They can properly examine your symptoms and adjust treatment if needed.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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What to do if you have problem remembering
Female | 66
If you have difficulty recalling, please see a neurologist. Memory loss may be triggered by a variety of underlying diseases. Neurologists can evaluate your symptoms as well as tailor appropriate treatment and guidance for you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Why I feel suddenly dizziness
Female | 24
It’s normal to feel lightheaded every once in a while and it’s totally natural to panic. There are a bunch of different reasons why this might happen. Maybe you haven’t eaten much today or haven’t had anything to drink in a few hours. Perhaps you’re working out too hard and getting dehydrated, or you stood up really fast and got dizzy from the blood rush. Some people even feel faint when they’re anxious.
Answered on 11th June '24
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I am mayank rawat I am 21 year old I have a primary mitrocondial diseases doctor prescribed me to take vernance, coq 500 mg, riboflavin but I am taking it from so long but it's not working I thing I have access relative oxygen species producing in the body what's the treatment I am going through taugh time I have redness in hands and feet I experience tingling effect on hand and feet I also experience pain in whole body after these things happens I also have Neurogical problem
Male | 21
The red skin, tingling, pain, and nerve issues could be from too many bad molecules in your body. These bad molecules can hurt cells. To help stop the bad molecules, eat more fruits and veggies. Also, talk to your doctor about helper pills that may stop these issues from the bad molecules.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I feel very strong pressure in my head and behind my eyes whenever I lie down or sit, but it eases when I stand, and sometimes I hear a slight crackling sound or the sound of small bubbles from inside my head. I went to a neurologist and the results of the MRI determined that I had spondylosis in the cervical vertebrae and stenosis in the cervical spinal canal, and he prescribed these medications to me. baclofen 10mg twice a day antox, santanerva, celebrex 200mg once a day antodine three times a day I started treatment three weeks ago, but the symptoms are the same and there is no improvement. The doctor told me that the headache and pressure should decrease, but once the effect of the baclofen wears off, the pain and pressure return as they were. I take the medications regularly. Every time I ask the doctor, he doesn't answer me anymore, and I don't know whether to take the treatment or stop, and I know that I can't stop baclofen suddenly because it's dangerous. What should I do?? Are there medications that are better than these medications or more effective in relieving pain at least, and is there anything additional in the x-ray that the doctor did not say about? normal weight, chronic diseases: gerd
Female | 21
The pressure in your head and crackling sound may indicate a nerve issue in the neck. While the medication you're taking can help, if you're not feeling better, it's important to explore other treatment options. Don't worry about changes in your baclofen dose, but consult your neurologist before making any adjustments. You may also want to ask about other medications that could be more suitable for your condition. As for the X-ray, the doctor likely focused on the areas related to your main symptoms, which is why nothing else was mentioned.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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Hi! is epilepsy is cureable in the age of 20-25years old
Male | 22
Epilepsy causes seizures. They can be strong shakes or short blank spells. The reason could be genes or brain injuries. Epilepsy isn't cured, but medicine often helps. A neurologist helps find the right treatment. Seizures happen differently for each person. So working closely with a doctor is important.
Answered on 23rd July '24
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Why Am I Experiencing Frequent Headaches, Weakness, Dizziness, and Ice Cravings? Frequent headache and weeknes and dizziness and ice craving
Female | 16
If you’re experiencing frequent headaches, weakness, dizziness, and cravings for ice, possible causes could include dehydration from not drinking enough water or anemia from iron deficiency. To improve your symptoms, try drinking more water and eating iron-rich foods like spinach and red meat. If symptoms persist, consider seeking medical attention from a neurologist.
Answered on 18th Oct '24
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My baby 16 months old have febrile seizure one month before with 4 episode. Seizure last for 2 minutes and started levipil 0. 5ml. Now he have seizure without fever but cough present and after 10 hours later developed fever. 3 times eeg done normal. 2times mri done normal He have history of hie 2
Male | 1
A visit to the doctor will shed more light on the case of your baby. Consulting a pediatric neurologist for further evaluation and advice if seizure-related problems arise is highly recommended.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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GM.. I am suffering from pain in hips,Thigh and whole RT leg. A.Type II modic changes at L5-S1 level B.L4 -5 disk reveals defuse posterior bulge,indenting anterior thecal sac. C.L5 -S1 is reduced in height, reveals focal posterior annular tear and shoes diffuse posterior bulge with medium size broad based poterocenral and right paracentral protrusion with medium sized overlaying right paracentral disk extrusion (8x6 mm) with superior migration for 4.4 mm and interior migration for 6 mm compression interior thecal sac , right budding nerve root and encroaching neural foramina . Moderate central canal stenosis is noted at this level . Residual canal diameter is 6 mm.
Male | 52
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Been having bad anxiety and panic attacks
Female | 20
Seek help from a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychologist, who specialize in treating anxiety and panic attacks. They can provide you with the necessary support, guidance, and treatment options to manage your symptoms effectively. There are resources available to help youso get good treatment at the earliest.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello. I am a male about to marry a 23 y/o female who at the age of 19 was diagnosed with Focal Epilepsy Affecting Frontal Lobe. I am trying to see whether it is a good idea to marry and start a family with this girl. The problem is her head and eyes move to the right when she has an episode which is usually triggered by eye contact and nervousness. So her neurologist perscribed Lacosamide twice a day which she says has prevented her from having an episode in over a year, but I want to check with you if this is true/common? Also will her illness get worse later down the line especially when we start having kids? Will it spread to other parts of the brain and what will happen if that occurs? She says the side effects of the medicine is she gets drowsy and sleepy sometimes, how often does that last? Thank you.
Female | 23
While Lacosamide can effectively prevent epilepsy episodes, its side effects like drowsiness are common. It's advisable to consult with a neurologist regarding the long-term effects of epilepsy and its potential impact on family planning. Specialists like neurologists can provide personalized guidance based on individual health conditions.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My younger sun suffering from cerebral palsy. Everything getting delayed, muscle tone, no eye contact. What is the chances if he can at-lest seat and have eye contact.
Male | 2
The development and prognosis for a child with cerebral palsy vary based on its severity and individual differences. Early interventions such as therapies can help improve muscle tone, mobility, and communication skills. While challenges may exist, many children with cerebral palsy make progress with support.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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