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10 Best Thyroid Swelling doctors in Jogeshwari West

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Dr. Rikesh Singh Thyroid Swelling

Dr. Rikesh Singh

General Surgeon

13 years of experience

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Rikesh Singh


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Dr. R K Sinha Thyroid Swelling
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Consult Dr. R K Sinha


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Dr. Ritesh Agrawal Thyroid Swelling

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Ritesh Agrawal

Questions & Answers on "Thyroid Swelling" (353)

Hi, I know there is a very slim chance that you will respond. But can I ask you a question; I have hasimotos (diagnosed 7 years ago). I function the best when my tsh level is around 0.8. I had a bloodtest 7 weeks ago and out of nowhere my tsh level was 2.9, I was also very tired etc. So my doctor and i decided to up my medication from 100mcg to 112 mcg. however the last 4 weeks ive been gaining weight like crazy. Atleast 3,5 kg.I also have a lot of energy, unstoppable hunger and feel very aggatated. I did another blood test and my tsh level is now 0,25.

Female | 19

Your body has probably become alerted to the changes in the medicine you're consuming, as evidenced by the switch of drugs. A sudden drop in your TSH may cause you to have symptoms such as a feeling that your energy has escalated, increased appetites, and weight gain. To obtain the respective proper medication regimen, you should talk with your doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Can I take supplement with low vitex percentage when I’m on contraceptive pills

Female | 31

Yes, you can take­ a supplement with low vitex while­ on contraceptive pills. Vitex is an he­rb that may affect hormone leve­ls. However, if you expe­rience any new symptoms like­ period changes or mood swings, stop taking the supple­ment. It's important to consult your doctor before starting any ne­w supplement, espe­cially if you're already on medication. 

Answered on 17th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi I'm Gopinath. I'm diagnosed with low vitamin d (14 ng/ml). I feel really exhausted and leg below knee hurt so much. I'm currently taking D rise 2k, Evion LC and Methylcobalamin 500 mcg. How long it will take to cure and I feel normal

Male | 24

Having low vitamin D can make you fe­el very tired. It can also cause­ pain in your legs. The medicine­s you are taking are good. But it takes time­ to feel bette­r. It usually takes a few wee­ks or months for your vitamin D levels to go up. And it takes time­ to feel normal again. Kee­p taking your medicines eve­ry day. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 24yr jnmar6girl and missed my period by 6 days I have thyroid from last 2 years

Female | 24

The period getting delayed by 6 days can be scary but you need not worry. Your thyroid might be the reason for this delay. Thyroid troubles can sometimes interfere with your periods. Irregular periods, weight fluctuations, and fatigue are some symptoms. It's crucial to discuss with your doctor whether your thyroid is the cause of your period issues or not. They can assist you in getting the appropriate therapy that will normalize your thyroid and regulate your period.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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