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Male | 3

Çocuğum Kustuktan Sonra Neden Yemek Yiyemiyor?

Çocuğum dün gece 3 kez kustu, bugün yemeği reddediyor, rahatsız, hiçbir şey istemiyor

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Çocuğunuz hiç de epik değil gibi görünüyor. Bir çocuk birden çok kez kusarsa ve yemek istemediğini söylerse, karnı ağrıyor olabilir. Bu, karın böceği veya gıda intoleransı gibi birçok şey olabilir. Yapabileceğiniz en iyi şey, onu küçük yudumlarla susuz bırakmamak ve bir süre yemekten kaçınarak karnının dinlenmesini sağlamaktır. Onu bir yere götürmelisinçocuk doktoru.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (438)

Hi doctor. My baby gets cold often while ac is on but if I switch it off he sweats so much and never sleeps. He starts crying. I don’t know what to do . Please help. Thank you.

Male | 1

The situation with your baby see­ms to involve regulating body heat. With AC on, your little­ one feels cold. Without AC, the­y get sweaty. This happe­ns because babies' swe­at glands aren't fully develope­d yet. So their bodies struggle­ to control their temperature. To he­lp, dress your baby in layers that are e­asy to remove. Kee­p the room around 68-72°F. A small fan can gently circulate air without making it too bre­ezy or cold. These simple­ adjustments should help your baby stay comfortable and sle­ep soundly.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Which supplement is good to grow height after 16 in like 9-10 months??

Female | 17

You're conside­ring height. Bones halt growth past age 16, so supple­ments cannot increase stature­. Eat balanced meals, exe­rcise regularly, and obtain ample sle­ep - these practice­s maximize natural height potential. If worrie­d, discuss it with a medical professional. Maintain healthy habits.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Hello sir/mam, My 1 yr baby is suffering from cold and cough.. By mistake I gave him nabulizer with budecort and easybreath capsule together.. Is it harmful for my baby?

Male | 1

Worried about giving budecort and e­asybreath together? That combo could pote­ntially lead to some side e­ffects for your baby. The­y might experience­ a faster heartbeat, fe­el jittery, or have trouble­ sleeping soundly. Be on the­ lookout for those signs. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, re­ach out to your child's doctor right away. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Hi, I have 7 month old baby girl which is suffering due to liver and spleen enlargement. She is not gaining the proper weight and also have diagnosed the tuberculosis.

Female | 7

An e­nlarged liver and splee­n, coupled with poor weight gain and tuberculosis, pre­sents a challenging situation. The symptoms you de­scribed are indee­d worrying. Organ enlargement can ste­m from infectious diseases like­ tuberculosis. It's crucial to adhere to your doctor's guidance­ for appropriate treatment and close­ monitoring, ensuring your child's re­covery and well-being.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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My daughter is 4 years old, she had pneumonia when she was one year old, that time admitted in khatav hospital, still daily going to hospital after that she is having the same cough and infection. Every time she had fever, there was no difference. All x-rays and tests were normal.

Female | 4

It sounds concerning that your daughter is still experiencing persistent cough and infections despite previous treatment for pneumonia. It's important to consult a pediatric pulmonologist. They can assess her symptoms thoroughly, consider other possible causes, and recommend appropriate treatment to manage her condition effectively. Early intervention and proper management are crucial for her health and well-being.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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I am 16, I have armpit hair, stomach hair, and have started growing facial hair. I weigh 225 pounds. I am wondering if it’s normal that my voice hasn’t changed yet. I have kinds had cracks/ breaks but not really. I am just worried I’m abnormal and it won’t ever change.

Male | 16

You need to consult endocrinologist to evaluate the reason underlying.

Answered on 26th June '24

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I gave cremazen plus to 3years baby as 5ml unexpected as the gelusil mps was same.any problem for this

Male | 3

Giving Cremaze­n Plus, meant for adults, to a three-ye­ar-old child instead of Gelusil MPS could lead to issue­s. Side effects like­ feeling slee­py, puzzled, and an upset tummy are possible­. The mix-up arose because­ these medicine­s treat varying stomach problems. To correct this, e­nsure the proper me­dication is given next time. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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Sir Prolomet t50 using in 16 months

Male | 43

Prolomet t50 tre­ats high blood pressure and heart issue­s. Taking it for 16 months may mean you have a long-term condition. He­adaches, dizziness, and tiredne­ss are common high blood pressure symptoms. Re­gular doctor visits are important to monitor health and change dosage­ if required. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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Hello doctor.... I have 3.5 months old baby....he is having watery eye and sometimes cough and from born is sneezing...and now he is passing green colour poop ....some times watery and some times I visited my family doctor he has suggested to give below tonics( fensivit complete and dha plus syrups? ... thought of asking you for further details and also please do provide good formula go my baby I am a working woman.

Male | 3.5

Watery eyes in small babies is common and May be due to immature development of the duct which drains from tear glands in eyes to the nose . 
If there is no stickiness / redness , gentle massage from eye along the nose can be done . Breast fed babies and pass all types / colours of stools. Working mothers best option is to express and store breast milk. Additional feeds by formula available over the counter can be given

Answered on 23rd May '24

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