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Female | 19

لماذا أغمي علي في الطقس الحار؟

مرحبًا، أنا فتاة أبلغ من العمر 19 عامًا. لقد ولدت في لندن، المملكة المتحدة. أنا حاليا في إجازة في المملكة العربية السعودية. درجة الحرارة حاليا حوالي 40 درجة. كنت أسير وأنا أحمل حقائبي وفجأة أصبحت غير قادر على الرؤية لثانية واحدة وشعرت بالغثيان والدوار. شعرت أن قلبي ينبض بسرعة كبيرة ولم أستطع التنفس بشكل صحيح. جلست وحاولت أن أبرد وشربت الماء البارد. بعد الراحة، نهضت محاولًا مواصلة المشي، لكنني شعرت بالإغماء الشديد وكان قلبي ينبض بشكل أسرع مرة أخرى. شعرت بعيناي تتدحرجان، ولم أشعر بالإغماء أو فقدان الوعي تمامًا، لكنني شعرت كما لو كنت سأفعل ذلك. جلست ورافقتني عربة جولف. ومع ذلك، فأنا غير متأكد مما إذا كنت بخير أو ما الذي يجب علي فعله. أريد أن أعرف ماذا حدث. ما زلت أشعر بالدوار والمرض. لكنني لم أعد أتعرق أو أحمر بعد الآن.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

ربما تكون قد مررت بالإرهاق الحراري. يحدث هذا عندما يصبح مقياس الحرارة الداخلي لجسمك ساخنًا جدًا ويفشل في العمل بشكل صحيح. تشمل الأعراض الناتجة عن هذا المرض، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، الإغماء والدوار وسرعة ضربات القلب بالإضافة إلى الشعور بالغثيان. الحل هو الانتقال إلى منطقة باردة وشرب الماء والراحة. تجنب أشعة الشمس الحارقة وحافظ على برودة جسمك قدر الإمكان.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (708)

Aaj morning se sir me pain ho raha hai Vaisograin tablet bhi Li par koi releif nahi hua

Female | 24

Headaches can arise in many ways, for example, stress, lack of sleep, or even looking at screens for too long can cause them. It's better to lie in a peaceful place, drink a lot of plain water, and abstain from excessive screen time. If the pain persists, you need to go to a doctor and get a thorough checkup done.

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My neck shaking with out my control i think it's Parkinson what to do

Male | 40

Consider talking to a neurologist one on one about all the symtoms you experience. They may prescribe tests to determine the cause. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am 28 years old male. I am having severe throbbing headache on the sides of the head as well as on the eyes. I also have swelling on my eyelids. i have extreme headache when i bend down or sneeze/cough. I also have nausea and vomited x3-4 times today

Male | 28

It may sound like you have a condition known as sinusitis. Sinuses get inflamed when spaces around the nose are filled with too much mucus due to colds, flu, allergies, or other conditions. This can lead to pain in your head especially when you lean forward or cough/sneeze; it also causes swelling in the eyes, nausea, and vomiting. To feel better try using warm packs on your face and take pain relievers that can be bought over the counter. Keep yourself well hydrated and rest enough too. In case these signs don't go away, you should see a doctor who will check them out further and treat them accordingly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Hello my name is nagendra and iam male and 34 years old and from past few years iam facing forgetfulness and short time memory. Whoever said something important i totally forget that in a minute and this one affecting my entire life. Now it has increased a lot, what should i do now?.

Male | 34

I suggest that you see neurologist who will diagnose your symptoms and prescribe suitable treatment. Various causes of memory loss and forgetfulness include stress, anxiety, depression as well as neurological complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am having hormonal migraines due to my period starting soon. My go-to remedies are not having any effect lately. I have already taken Excedrin but with no improvement. I want to take naproxen-sumatriptan. Can I take this after taking Excedrin? How long should I wait?

Female | 29

If Excedrin hasn't provided relief for your hormonal migraines, it's best not to take naproxen sumatriptan without consulting a doctor. Combining medications without guidance can be harmful. Seek advice from a healthcare provider or pharmacist for a safe alternative or proper timing to take naproxen-sumatriptan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Here is my story, Doctor. So, two years ago, I suddenly felt immense pain in my foot and got bedridden for almost three months. And then I rushed to a physician because at the time there was no neurologist in my city. The physician tested my vitamins and gave me some vitamins. It eventually got better and I was able to walk. I was overweight at that time and my physician told me that it's all because of weight. And then I lost almost 20 kilograms, but there was still feeling of socks. I don't feel any pain or anything, but I just feel like I'm wearing socks. Then after almost two years, I visited a neurologist with this and she tested my vitamins. She prescribed me vitamin D supplements since my vitamin D is at 12, but for one month. Nothing happened with this one month treatment. Then she did my NCV. She said my NCV reports are normal and has prescribed me some vitamins again. What do you think, how much time it would take to get completely cured?

Female | 21

Based on what you have told me, the peripheral disorder mentioned by the speaker is on track with peripheral nerve disease. In most cases, the feeling of socks on your feet could be easily attributed to peripheral neuropathy. You are lucky that your neurologist has done so many tests and that your vitamins and nerves are under control. Please continue to take the vitamins as per the doctor's prescription and remain patient. You will need some time to see improvements in your nerves. Also, keeping a check on your weight and living a healthy life will speed up your recovery while doing well.

Answered on 14th June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I'm 17 years old. I'm having sleep problems.i can't sleep properly in night, it's almost took me 2 hours to sleep even after closing my eyes. And in day time , my eyes started to burning

Female | 17

Seems like you might have insomnia, that is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. If you can’t fall asleep at night this can cause tired eyes that burn all day long. Stress, caffeine and use of screens before bedtime are some common reasons why teenagers suffer from this condition. Establishing a night time routine, avoiding caffeine and switching off the screens before going to bed may help improve your sleeping patterns.

Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

What causes suddenly dizziness and visions blur

Male | 19

This might happen because your blood pressure suddenly falls, you are dehydrated, or your blood sugar has dropped. Apart from this, this may also come from inner ear problems or a change in the prescription of your eyes. Continuously, ensure to drink plenty of water, have meals regularly, and if it continues, see a physician. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I feel liquid in head when i move my head and i feel muscle streaching inside of my head when i move my head

Male | 37

When there is liquid talking in your ear or you hear that whooshing sound when you move your head it might be due to the fluid in your inner ear. the canals of your inner ear might have shifted. This occurs because the balance mechanism in your ear has been tampered. A feeling like stretching could be due to the tension that has grown inside the neck muscles. Try using gentle neck exercises as well as relaxation exercises and when these sensations linger, seek medical assistance. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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