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Male | 37

هل يمكن إدارة الألم بعد الختان وترقيع الجلد؟

عمري 37 سنة رجل يعاني من ألم حاد في القضيب تم ختانه في 12 يوليو 2019 وأجريت أيضًا عملية ترقيع الجلد لإعادة بناء القضيب 24 يوليو 2019 أستخدم حاليًا الباراسيتامول والفولتارين لعلاج الألم

دكتور نيتا فيرما

طبيب مسالك بولية

Answered on 27th May '24

من المحتمل أن يكون الألم الشديد ناتجًا عن التهاب أو تهيج الأعصاب. يجب أن يساعد الباراسيتامول أو الفولتارين في تخفيفه. تأكد من أن المنطقة تظل جافة ونظيفة. إذا استمر الألم أو أصبح أسوأ، قم بزيارة أطبيب مسالك بوليةعلى الفور لمزيد من العلاج.

49 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1003)

Is nitrofurantoin a nitrate drug and is it safe to take with viagra?

Male | 32

Nitrofurantoin isn't nitrate me­dication; it fights bladder infections as an antibiotic. Viagra is sildenafil from a distinct drug group. It usually okay to take the­m together since the­y work differently. But always talk to a doctor or pharmacist before­ new medications to avoid possible­ interactions.

Answered on 24th July '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Penis smell infection what should I do

Male | 28

If you are getting bad smell from penis, it poses a possibility of bacterial or fungal contamination. It is then necessary to consult a urologist or skin specialist for further diagnosis and treatment. They can do the accurate diagnosis and treatment of the infections with the antibiotics or antifungal medication.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Can i take viagra for long duration masterbate

Male | 24

It is necessary to have a consultation with a urologist or a specialist in sexual health before thinking of using Viagra beyond a prolonged duration or for recreational purposes.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is urological treatment in India high-quality and affordable?

How do I find the best urology hospital in Mumbai?

What organs do urologists treat?

How long is urology surgery recovery?

How long is urology surgery takes to recover?

What causes hematuria (blood in the urine) after TURP?

Can hematuria after TURP be treated?

How long does hematuria last after TURP?


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