Female | 75
هل يمكنني الحصول على علاج مستهدف لسرطان البنكرياس؟
عمري 75 عامًا واكتشفت مؤخرًا أنني مصاب بسرطان البنكرياس. نظرًا لعمري، أرغب في الحصول على علاج أسهل مثل العلاج الموجه للسرطان والذي لا يشمل الإبر والجراحة والعلاج الكيميائي

طبيب الأورام
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
سرطان البنكرياس مرض فظيع. قد يعطيك أعراض مثل آلام في المعدة، وفقدان الوزن، واليرقان. السرطان هو حالة تحدث عندما تنمو خلايا الجسم أكثر من اللازم. بالنسبة للعلاج، قد يكون العلاج الموجه خيارًا. يمكنه محاربة السرطان بدون إبر أو جراحة. يجب عليك التحدث إلىطبيب الأوراملمزيد من التفاصيل.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (354)
Hi doctor I'm poojashree...one of my friend has a stomach cancer...in the 2nd stage...it's curable...what we have to do for it...
Male | 23
The second stage of stomach cancer is very much treatable. Common signs can be constant stomach pain, not intended weight loss, and indigestion. Among the triggers are smoking, eating processed foods, and family history. Options for therapy can consist of both a surgical procedure, chemotherapy, and, indeed, radiation. Fully implement the oncologist's advice, to increase the possibility of the final recovery.
Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Donald Babu
Hi, my brother is suffering from stage II prostate cancer. Kindly suggest me line of treatment and the best Oncologists in Mumbai for the same
Stage II cancer means cancer has not yet spread outside of prostrate but is large. Treatment depends on age of patient, his general condition mainly. Radical prostatectomy is done and if during surgery it is found that cancer has spread or if few months after surgery PSA has increased, then external beam radiation is considered. Either solely external beam radiation, or brachytherapy, or both are considered depending on patient's condition and cancer stage. If patient has serious health issues then radiation therapy with brachytherapy is planned. Regular follow up with clinician is very important. Please consult an oncologist - Oncologists in Mumbai. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Hello im 22 years old girl....I have one side nipple (tit) dryness problem .... why it's so?
Female | 22
Difficult to answer this question without examination and history, though broadly speaking sinister cause like cancer is rare in such young age, benign skin problems are more common. However it'll be advisable to visit a surgeon for evaluation..
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Tushar Pawar
Hello, I want to know about Proton therapy. Is it better and safer than other types of radiotherapy? Are there any side-effects of this therapy?
Proton therapy is more or less similar to radiation therapy, but its approach is more targeted. It delivers proton beams at cancer cells with better precision. Therefore the risk of damaging tissues around the tumor is lower than with standard radiation.
The treatment is suitable for cancers that involve tumors near sensitive parts of the body. But still consult Cancer Treatment doctors in Mumbai, or any other city, as it is finally treating clinician's decision to decide the best treatment for patient. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
my mother is 71 years old diagnosed with uterus cancer. her surgery has been done and now we want to take guidelines what next we need to do
Female | 71
This type of cancer often leads to irregular bleeding and discomfort in the pelvic region. Following surgery, chemotherapy or radiation may eliminate lingering cancer cells. Regular medical examinations are crucial to track her condition. Please visit an oncologist for a personalized treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
Hello, my aunt was diagnosed with a brain tumor after a bad fall on December 31st. We were advised that surgery would be impossible due to her age and other considerations and she would be unable to undergo chemo, therefore she will be treated solely with steroids. We are not sure about this hence would like to go for a second opinion. She has diabetes also. We are from Kolkata.
Please consult medical oncologist so that he can prescribe you proper line of treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mukesh Carpenter
How much is charge for treatment of breast cancer
Female | 23
Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Shubham Jain
Hello doctor, just 2 weeks ago, my father was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. I want to know if Immunotherapy can treat his Pancreatic Cancer or not? I had read somewhere that immunotherapy is capable of treating anyone without much pain and side effects.
There are immunotherapy drug which have been approved by FDA for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. But sometimes immunotherapy may cause side effects like Fever, Headache, Nausea, Fatigue, Muscle and joint aches, Redness, itching or sores where the needle was inserted and others. Consult Cancer Treatment doctors in Mumbai, or any other city of your choice, they will evaluate the patient and advise the best suitable treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
What are the types of cancer that are treated effectively using Bone marrow transplant?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved CAR T-cell therapy to treat two types of blood cancers: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. If you could be more specific about the disease, then we will be in better position to solve your queries.
Consult oncologists, who on evaluating the patient will guide you through the treatment and answer all your queries. Hope our answer helps you.
you can also check our blog 60 days after a bone marrow transplant for post-surgery information.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Hi, I want to know about Palliative Chemotherapy. Recently, my aunt was suggested this treatment by her Oncologist when she was diagnosed with 3rd stage Pancreatic Cancer. I wanted to know if this is a specific stage-based treatment or is it given for all kinds of cancer?
Palliative chemotherapy is a treatment that is designed for terminal cancer patients to prolong their survival and ease symptoms of cancer, but does not cure disease. It can be administered in a variety of ways with the most common being:
- Orally: Pills taken by mouth.
- Intravenously (IV): Infused through a vein.
- Topically: Applied to the skin.
Consult Cancer Treatment doctors in Mumbai, or any city nearer to you. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am 45 year old woman.my hysterectomy occurs 1july 2024. Endometriod adenocarceno figa 1 found in my reports . Please suggest me how I deal with this situation.
Female | 45
A cancer disease that can attack the cells of the uterus is endometrioid adenocarcinoma. Typical symptoms include odd bleeding, which happens, don't remember any episodes of having this kind of bleeding pain in the area specified and changes in your period. The main factor responsible for the disease is unknown, but hormonal changes may be one of the causes for it. The treatment includes surgical, chemical, and radiation as the possible resolution. It's important to follow the advice of a oncologist.
Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
Hello doctor, my mother age 59. And she suffers with Bilateral tubo-ovarian high-grade serous adenocarcinoma. Is it possible to cure her conditions completely
Female | 59
Hello depending upon the stage and with appropriate treatment by oncologist, the disease can be cured and controlled . But with cancer chances of recurrence are there
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sandeep Nayak
My father is diagnosed with brain tumor recently. What is the best and affordable way to treat him.
Male | 70
ThErE ArE NoT chEAP WAys.. SURGERY, RADIATION, ANd CHEmO ArE OptIONs..consulT with your doctor as sson as poOssible to get the bEST treatment plant for your father and they can help you with the brain tumour treatment cost accordingly
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
I'm asking on behalf of my sister. She is 61 years old. She had breast cancer treatment in 2012, a mastectomy. 2018 she as diagnosed with still disease. She has other pre existing conditions, high blood Pressure, diabetes, thybroids and lupus. She has now been diagnosed with bone cancer. The hospital doctor says they can't treat the cancer because if her other conditions. She wants to fight this. Is there a realistic chance her cancer can be treated to extend her life. I've heard the proton beam is very successful.
Female | 61
Sir please get in touch with our experienced team of Oncologists for a consult as they have to determine whether it is same disease or new and what is best treatment strategy from a holistic point of view.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Akash Umesh Tiwari
My 58 year old mother has been experiencing abdominal pain and bloating for a few months now. Given our family history of ovarian cancer, we are quite worried. Could you please explain how Ovarian Cancer Detection is typically conducted for someone her age and what steps we should take next?
Female | 58
Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Shubham Jain
Does Colon cancer affect a person's digestive system? How bad does it get as colon cancer progresses?
Colon cancer is cancer that affects the part of digestive system. So definitely effects a persons digestive system. Some of the colon cancer symptoms are Blood (usually dark red or black) in the stool, Constipation and diarrhea, Long, thin, pencil-like stools, Fatigue and weakness, Abdominal pain or bloating, Unexplained weight loss. These symptoms worsens as the colon cancer progresses.
Consult an oncologist, who on examining the patient will answer all your queries. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My nephew has a form of cancer in the form of a lump above the rib cage, which has now affected his lung. Is there a cure for this type of cancer? The doctors said that he needs marrow so what you think please answer me quickly.
Male | 12
Without knowing more about the type and stage of cancer he has, it's difficult to say much about his particular case. Bone marrow transplantation is done to treat some types of cancer, particularly those that affect the blood and bone marrow, like leukemia and lymphoma. So if the doctors have said so, you must follow. If yoou're cncerned you may take a second opinion from oncologists in India.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
After experiencing a Prostate removal operation on 10th July I was offered Radiotherapy to eradicate the malignancy. Could you tell me the most typical adverse effects of this therapy? My doctor is not explaining things clearly.
Please consult radiation oncologist it will kill cancer cells locally.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mukesh Carpenter
Hi, Can you tell me what are the side effects of Radiation therapy as my sister-in-law has been admitted for it?
Side effects of radiation therapy depends upon the type of cancer, its location, the radiation therapy dose, and the patient's general health. Some of the common side effects of radiation therapy are: Skin problems. The patient may have dryness, itching, blistering, or peeling. Fatigue, which is described as feeling tired or exhausted almost all the time, and others. Consult Cancer Treatment doctors in Mumbai, or any other city of convenience, and they will guide through the side effects during treatment. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Hi, My aunt is very recently diagnosed with skin cancer. I do have her medical report with me. Will it be feasible for you to have a look at the reports we got from doctor and suggest/advice me on next step. Suggest about what stage the cancer is, what should be the treatment and which hospital I can admit her? Thanks Sachin
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Dr Deepa Bandgar
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