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Male | 36

لماذا أعاني من آلام الرأس الشديدة؟

أشعر بألم شديد في الرأس

Answered on 9th Sept '24

يمكن أن يحدث الصداع بسبب الإجهاد أو قلة النوم أو الجفاف. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد تعاني من صداع التوتر بسبب التحديق في الشاشات لفترة طويلة. يجب أن تحاول التنفس في غرفة هادئة، وترطيب جسمك، وربما استخدام كمادة باردة على رأسك. إذا لم يختفي الألم، فمن الأفضل التحدث إلى أطبيب أعصاب

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (709)

Hello my name is nagendra and iam male and 34 years old and from past few years iam facing forgetfulness and short time memory. Whoever said something important i totally forget that in a minute and this one affecting my entire life. Now it has increased a lot, what should i do now?.

Male | 34

I suggest that you see neurologist who will diagnose your symptoms and prescribe suitable treatment. Various causes of memory loss and forgetfulness include stress, anxiety, depression as well as neurological complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

How to recover from paralysis

Male | 68

Being unable to move a part of the body is what paralysis is all about. It can be caused by different things such as strokes, injuries or diseases like MS. Common signs include loss of sensation and/or inability to move. Your comeback will depend on the cause; if it’s due, to, for instance, a stroke then one may recover quicker than expected but usually physical therapy is always recommended. In addition, healthy eating habits exercise, and keeping a positive mindset go a long way in aiding recovery.

Answered on 4th June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I have epilepsy and are planning to pregnant.Have stop taking epilim for about 5 years cause when taking the medicine,my seizures occur often than when i stop taking it.Now my seizure occur around 5-6 times per years when i stop taking the medicine.

Female | 33

Epilepsy can be challenging at this time. It’s worrying that you have a few seizures each year. It may be a good idea to see a neurologist. They can help work out whether it’s safe for you to get pregnant while controlling your fitness. You need to strike the right balance for yourself and your unborn child too.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am a nurve patient, but my disease is not anymore, then also I am taking medicine, So my question is that within how many days can I decrease medicine power

Male | 25

When symptoms disappear, it indicates that the treatment is working. For nerve problems, the patient should gradually change medication. The body needs time, usually a few months, to adjust to a new dose before considering reducing it. If you rush this process, symptoms may return.

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I want to know about rabies dieses

Male | 23

Rabies, a viral dise­ase, spreads through infecte­d animal bites. Common symptoms start with fever, he­adaches, and fatigue. As it progresse­s, confusion and swallowing difficulties arise. Preve­ntive vaccination before pote­ntial exposure is crucial. If bitten, wash the­ wound thoroughly and seek medical atte­ntion immediately. This deadly dise­ase demands prompt action to avoid seve­re consequence­s.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Hello sir, I have a pain in my left side skul part had so many years .but now thepain gets worst...more pain...that pain passes to the left sideof ear ,eye, throat, hand also ...and one more thing left eye is getting pain and falls tears also...what is this symptoms

Female | 26

You could be undergoing a migraine experience. Migraines can bring about severe pain in the head which is usually unilateral. It can then spread from the eye, ear, throat, and sometimes even to tearing. Going through the menopause, you may have seasonal hormonal changes. Most people feel that climate change can trigger migraines. To try to avoid migraines, note what triggers to look for, practice some relaxation techniques, and get over-the-counter drugs used with guidance under the care of your doctor could be some good ideas.

Answered on 22nd July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Brain problem sir no smell and no tatye

Male | 31

Loss of smell and taste might be a signal of different brain problems. It is important to consult a neurologist who performs the necessary studies and suggests a treatment plan. Please do not take these symptoms lightly, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Can you please suggest some nontropics medicines which can remove Amyloid Plaques from the brain ?

Male | 53

Amyloid plaques in the brain are associated with memory issues and confusion which are typical of Alzheimer's disease. Nontropic drugs which are the drugs being studied for their possible use in removing the plaques are still in the research phase. Currently, there isn't a particular medicine that can do this. Consuming a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and stimulating your mind are all great ways to support brain health.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

M N D problem tretment hole susto hobe ki

পুরুষ | 56

MND or Motor Neuron Disease is a severe disorder that causes damage to the nerve cells responsible for controlling muscles. MND patients have various treatment choices that are based on symptoms. Hence it is important that anyone suspected as having MND must immediately consult a neurologist or an MND specialist for correct diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My neck shaking with out my control i think it's Parkinson what to do

Male | 40

Consider talking to a neurologist one on one about all the symtoms you experience. They may prescribe tests to determine the cause. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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